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Spencer must go! She's proven herself to be a tax and spend politically correct democrat that has gotten our Nation 12 trillion in debt, our state 10 billion in debt and our city 3 billion in debt.

A ray of hope for this once great nation.

Buaffalo, as well as the rest of western New York, is still waiting for all the jobs Hillary "Kankles" Clinton promised back when she was Senator and Yankees fan.

Perhaps the greedy, over paid, union bosses set up a slush fund for this judge? They already own the politicians, why not the judges?

Posted on Judge orders temporary halt to N.Y. furloughs on May 12, 2010, 7:30PM

So, basically no one is in control of NYS affairs? It doesn't matter who we vote for because they are all feckless when it comes to getting anything done except for spending more taxpayer dollars.

Remember in November!

Posted on Judge orders temporary halt to N.Y. furloughs on May 12, 2010, 5:21PM

NYS government is pathetic.

If I were starting a business today, I definately wouldn't start it in NYS.

Posted on Sick pay bill heads back to the drawing board on May 12, 2010, 1:27PM

NYS government is pathetic.

Let's see, we live in a state that is 10 billion in debt and a city that is 3 billion in debt and the authority resaponsible for building our bridges has to go begging for the money to do it?

What's wrong with this picture?

Remember in November!

You have to hand it to these people.

Nothing stops them from getting more money.

This is the second story on this subject today?

Stirring the pot much, Advance?

No Conservative I know would vote for Vito in November.

This is the funniest comment on this blog today. :)

Vito will not be elected to this seat because there isn't a Conservative on SI that will vote for him.

Stirring the pot again, Advance?

The municiple unions of today are big business with leadership salaries ranging in the $300,000 - $500,000 range and they have priced themselves out of what tax payers can pay civil service workers.

Posted on Public worker unions fight N.Y. furloughs on May 11, 2010, 11:45AM

The municiple unions of today are not the unions of which you speak. The municiple unions of today are big business with salaries ranging in the $300,000 - $500,000 range and they have priced themselves out of what tax payers can pay.

How about some of the greedy union officials give back some of their salary towards members who are furloughed? How many union members know what the salaries of leadership are? Do they know that many union leaders make more than the Governor?

Municiple unions are big business and taxpayers can't afford them any longer.

My, my, my, I actually agree with something here. Shining the light of day on every agency/service/pet ptoject is exactly what needs to be done and should have already been done.

Will it be done? I doubt it.

I hope the republicans will fight this nomination tooth and nail.

(Didn't the progressives screech for eight years about Bush's "cronyism"?

Oops! I forgot! Cronyism is only wrong if their political opponents are assumed to be engaging in it!)

The more I find out about Kagan the more convinced I am that the republicans need to do everything they can to thwart this nomination.

Posted on Source: Obama chooses Kagan for Supreme Court on May 10, 2010, 7:11PM

Every POTUS is elected with a majority, sarge.

What's your point?

Posted on Source: Obama chooses Kagan for Supreme Court on May 10, 2010, 7:00PM

Clearly, the nomination of Kagan to the SCOTUS can leave no doubt that Obama just isn't up to the job of POTUS.

Posted on Source: Obama chooses Kagan for Supreme Court on May 10, 2010, 4:11PM

Kagan will be an LGBT activist on the court and that's one reason Obama is picking her and why the name calling progressives that post here are thrilled.

Posted on Source: Obama chooses Kagan for Supreme Court on May 10, 2010, 12:05PM

Like Obama, she sees the constitution as a "living breathing document". So instead of applying the constitution to the law she will be making progressive law. The SCOTUS will remain a progressive think tank for all intents and purposes.

Posted on Source: Obama chooses Kagan for Supreme Court on May 10, 2010, 10:13AM

Nice to see NcMahon come to accept what conservatives have known to be the case. However, I'm synical enough to think this story has more to do with the November election than newly found conviction and so far as I can tell the rest of McMahon's party plans to lose the battle against islamic extremeism.

"Casterlton Corners"???

Cutting and pasting AP stories is the only requirement for being on staff at the Advance.

Corruption needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law every time it's found no matter which party.

Remember in November!

Thanks to our elected officials and greedy union officials, the cost of NYC and NYS government has become unsustainable. It's their fault not the workers or the taxpayers fault.

Remember in November!

How's that stimulus working for you, weedpeople?

Posted on Black Thursday: Ax to fall on 12,000 city jobs on May 06, 2010, 9:23AM