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Miranda Lawson

From Mass Effect Wiki

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"I'm an excellent judge of character. I think you'll find my assessments to be right on the money."
Miranda Lawson
Miranda on the cover of Mass Effect Galaxy
Species: Human
Rank/Title: Informant
Location: Citadel Space
Miranda Lawson is a possible new, human, female squad member in Mass Effect 2

It is speculated she may be a Sentinel class as a result of her powers consisting of biotic powers (crush) and tech powers. (heavy overload)

Miranda wears what appears to be a Cerberus logo and it is speculated that she may be a Cerberus agent. However, in Mass Effect Galaxy she appears to have ties to Alliance Military, or at least Jacob's former captain Derek Izunami, working as an informant. When asked how she knows Major Izunami, she claims to be a "friend of a friend". She could be trying to stop the batarians to meet Cerberus' purposes. She guides you throughout the game as a hologram, leading you to sources she has on the impending batarian attack. Over the course of the game she shows a deep respect for Jacob Taylor, the main protagonist.

Miranda has an British accent. This may denote that she or her ancestors were from the United Kingdom, or more specifically Britain. Also she has a very British last name (Lawson)

Miranda is very well traveled and knows a lot of contact such as Ish and whatever people gave her the information relating to the building up of Batarian forces on Bekke and the kidnapped scientists on Ahn'Kedar.

Shown at the E3 2009 demo with Jacob Taylor

Miranda is voiced by Yvonne Strahovski

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