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All Activity by kindablondie2    RSS

Get more of them out there and put them to use!! Gotta start somewhere. Where are the 5000 vessels Barry said were out there cleaning up this mess? Still waiting on that report.

I hope this is true and I lose that beer bet!!

Johnnie, Johnnie, Johnnie, Steve has not been convicted yet. He still has to go to trial. He's only been accused!

I agree also Speak, He's out and frankly I'm not afraid of Nodine and I'm right down the road. I'm more afraid of the repeat offenders that are out there right now and keep being released. Nodine will get his day in court and then it'll be said and done. I will say this, Steve should consider himself lucky though! And Proud, no use arguing with the clowns posting on here. I understand he's your friend, but it's a waste of time when it comes to ignorance.

Again I agree 9days. As long as they're putting out money, I think the griping needs to stop just a little bit. I know this is their mess but they've acknowledged it and are paying claims (slowly) but at least they're PAYING. Better than not paying at all! What's done is done, now we have to move forward. What I'm worried about is the government being in charge of the pay outs! I hope they do their part also! JMO

I don't think they're out of control at all tanker! I think they're doing what needs to be done and not waiting on anyone to take charge. Clearly there's nobody IN charge. They're taking charge themselves and I say go for it! They're protecting what's theirs and more power to them!

I don't think they're out of control at all tanker! I think they're doing what needs to be done and not waiting on anyone to take charge. Clearly there's nobody IN charge. They're taking charge themselves and I say go for it! They're protecting what's theirs and more power to them!

I agree bubbawrap. Barry said the other day when he was here that there were 5000 vessels out there cleaning up the oil. I haven't seen anything in the media on this. I want to see reports on this and more on the skimmers and what being done in the gulf to get the oil out of the water! I want to know where those 5000 vessels are and what they're doing!

I wouldn't go that far pleased. Have you seen all the criminals out there with records that are out there still committing crimes? However if he was me or you, we'd still be in there.

Posted on Federal judge orders release of Stephen Nodine on June 16, 2010, 11:02AM

BP will disappear and emerge as another name!!

You dang skippy he is 9days, otherwise he would have accepted help from at least 9 countries to clean this up!! He will not accept help from anyone! Where are the 5000 vessels that he said were out there yesterday cleaning this up. Do we see anything about this in the media? I haven't! He is going to bring this country to it's knees with this train wreck!

I believe you're correct 9days, he's using this catastrophe to bring this country to it's knees for his personal socialistic agenda!

Nice of you to join the party Sammy! I wonder, would you have come out of your cave if Barry didn't make a visit? Hmmmm, I guess you should have thought of that oil long before now, I mean you only had over 50 days to come up with a plan! Sheesh. I guess depression is setting in because now we have an emergency that will be taking from your pocket!

I want to believe the same gulfcoastsj, but actions speak louder than words so we'll just have to wait and see. I know thousands of folks need help immediately so I hope Barry follows through on this one.

If they just report a couple crimes that occur in a 24 hour period, maybe they'll think WE THINK crime is down. Wonder if Lagniappe has done a report on the crime statistics in Mobile lately.

I haven't said he was guilty, I just said he has it better than most ACCUSED MURDERERS! I hope you're right for the sake of your friend.

Remember Renewable, Barry said our seafood is safe!!

Posted on Obama walk in sand is prelude to primetime speech on June 15, 2010, 1:14PM

Proud, if this would have been you or me, we would not have been given a chance like this and you know it! Maybe not you but certainly me!

NO, not a 4 year old!

Nodine made the bed he's in right now. He has no one to blame but himself.

Smacking females around is a crime. He's guilty of that also!

I'm so sick of these oil articles. This thing will not be stopped until after Christmas, in the meantime oil will be spewing and slapping up on the beaches and into the estuaries. The beaches will need constant cleaning and the estuaries will be forever gone. How many more times are we going to read about it. ?

Coast Guard video: Fire vortex erupts inside controlled burn

Here's a good example for why the local firefighters need to be in the loop with BP. Can anyone imagine what would happen if a fire broke out in a marina or similar place? BP shouldn't be ignoring the firefighters! Our firefighters are vital to this colossal oil spill!

I do and I don't even have kids!!

I'm in no way on BP's side but the Media is killing the Gulf too!

I'm with you jarhaid. I'm glad she going to be ok and I like that she's so ambitious. I bet she won't let this stop her, I bet she does it again.

John Cena IS DA MAN!! Best story over all here!

Now if they'll do something about the snack machines! Are they going to put in juice bars next? Sheesh what happened to getting out side and playing softball?