Crashed firewall

August 23, 2009 · Posted in Blog · Comment 

Last week I was away from home/office the whole week giving for the first time my Erlang course in Linköping (200 km south of Stockholm). A day after my departure, my firewall crashed due to some hardware failure. It has been very frustrating ‘watching’ from a distant position no access to either this blog, my company web and the mail. Finally, after a lot of work during Saturday I got a replacement maching up and running again. Sorry for being offline for such a long time.

Generating prime numbers with Erlang and Java

August 6, 2009 · Posted in Erlang · 2 Comments 

During my work with the course-ware of a new Erlang course, I experimented with one of the programming assignments to compare the threading performance of Erlang versus Java. The assignment is one of the classical programs from teaching concurrent programming: How to generate prime numbers using a pipeline of sieve threads. The algorithm is based on the Sieve of Eratosthenes, but modified to use threads instead.

The primes in [2..N]

An initial version sends the numbers [3..N] to the first sieve thread representing the prime number 2. Each seive thread receives a number and checks if it’s divisable with the prime number of the sieve. If not, the number is forward to the next sieve. If there is no next seive, it is created using the current number as its prime number. That means, we have a pipeline of sieve threads that grows with each prime number found. The initial version of the solution finds all prime numbers in the given interval [2..N]. When the generator has sent all numbers, it sends a ‘done’ marker, which is forwarded throughout the pipe and each sieve terminates.

Here are the relevant portions of the code (the full source code can be found at the end of this blog post)

generator(N, interval, Stats) ->
  Next = sieve_create(1, 0, 2, stats_create(Stats)),
  iterate(3, N, send_and_forget(Next));

send_and_forget(Next) ->
     (done)   -> Next ! {done, []}, done;
     (Number) -> Next ! Number

iterate(N, N, Send) ->
iterate(Number, MaxNumber, Send) when Number < MaxNumber ->
  case Send(Number) of
    done   -> iterate(MaxNumber , MaxNumber, Send);
    Number -> iterate(Number + 1, MaxNumber, Send)

sieve_create(Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, Stats) ->
  spawn(?MODULE, sieve_init, [Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, stats_create(Stats)]).

sieve_init(Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, Stats) ->
  StatsNew = stats_print(Ordinal, Prime, Stats),
  sieve_loop(Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, none, StatsNew).

sieve_loop(Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, none, Stats) ->
    {done, PrimeNumbers}  ->
      generator ! {done, [Prime | PrimeNumbers]};
    Number when (Number rem Prime) == 0 ->
      sieve_loop(Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, none, Stats);
    Number when (Number rem Prime) /= 0 ->
      Next = sieve_create(Ordinal+1, MaxOrdinal, Number, Stats),
      sieve_loop(Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, Next, Stats)
sieve_loop(Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, Next, Stats) ->
    {done, PrimeNumbers} ->
      Next ! {done, [Prime | PrimeNumbers]};
    Number when (Number rem Prime) == 0 ->
      sieve_loop(Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, Next, Stats);
    Number when (Number rem Prime) /= 0  ->
      Next ! Number,
      sieve_loop(Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, Next, Stats)

The drawback of this solution from a concurrency point of view is that it does not create particular many concurrent threads. At the time the generator sends the done marker, the pipeline is still under construction. Here is snippet showing it in action

$ erl -noshell -pa target/beam -run prime exe 10000 interval stats
1) 2 [processes 1/1, messages 18/18]
2) 3 [processes 2/2, messages 31/31]
3) 5 [processes 3/3, messages 29/31]
4) 7 [processes 4/4, messages 31/31]
5) 11 [processes 5/5, messages 31/31]
. . .
38) 163 [processes 38/38, messages 23/31]
. . .
72) 359 [processes 72/72, messages 31/31]
73) 367 [processes 58/72, messages 31/31]
. . .
728) 5507 [processes 31/72, messages 31/120]
. .
1226) 9941 [processes 1/72, messages 4/349]
1227) 9949 [processes 1/72, messages 3/349]
1228) 9967 [processes 1/72, messages 2/349]
1229) 9973 [processes 1/72, messages 1/349]
Prime Numbers [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,...,9941,9949,9967,9973]

In this case, I’m computing the prime numbers in the interval [2..10000]. Each line shows the ordinal number, the prime number and some stats. The stats shows the actual and maximum number of threads created and the length of the input queue of each sieve. At most 72 concurrent threads are running at the same time and most of the time essentially fewer threads.

The first N primes

More interesting is generating the N first prime numbers, because it will create N threads as well. That means I can study the threading and messaging performance. Here are the missing portions of the program

run(N, Mode, Stats) ->
  register(generator, self()),
  generator(N, Mode, Stats),
  Result = receive
    {done, PrimeNumbers} -> lists:reverse(PrimeNumbers)

generator(N, count, Stats) ->
    Next = sieve_create(1, N, 2, stats_create(Stats)),
    iterate(3, infinity, send_and_receive(Next)).

send_and_receive(Next) ->
       (done)   -> done;
       (Number) ->
                done    -> Next ! {done, []}, done
                after 0 -> Next ! Number

sieve_loop(MaxOrdinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, none, Stats) ->
        {done, PrimeNumbers} ->
            generator ! {done, [Prime | PrimeNumbers]};
        _Number ->
            sieve_loop(MaxOrdinal, MaxOrdinal, Prime, none, Stats)

However, I decided to re-write the program to avoid the list reverse in run/3, but also to make the stats more accurate. I show you the relevant portions of the new version below. The complete source can be found at the end of this post.

generator_loop(Number, Next) ->
        done ->
            Next ! {done, self()},
                {result, Primes, StatsLst} -> {Primes, StatsLst}
        after 0 ->
            Next ! Number,
            generator_loop(Number + 1, Next)

sieve_create(Prime, Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Verbose) ->
    print_progress(Prime, Ordinal, Verbose),
    check_if_last(Ordinal, MaxOrdinal),
    spawn(?MODULE, sieve_loop, [Prime, Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, none, Verbose, stats_create()]).

check_if_last(N, N) -> generator ! done;
check_if_last(N, M) when N < M -> ok.

sieve_loop(Prime, Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Next, Verbose, Stats) when Ordinal < MaxOrdinal ->
        Number when (Number rem Prime) == 0 ->
            sieve_loop(Prime, Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, Next, Verbose, stats_update(Stats));

        Number when (Number rem Prime) /= 0 ->
            NextNew = case Next of
                none -> sieve_create(Number, Ordinal+1, MaxOrdinal, Verbose);
                Pid  -> Pid ! Number, Pid
            sieve_loop(Prime, Ordinal, MaxOrdinal, NextNew, Verbose, stats_update(Stats));

        {done, Prev} ->
            Next ! {done, self()},
                {result, Primes, StatsLst} ->
                    Prev ! {result, [Prime | Primes], [stats_id(Stats, Ordinal, Prime) | StatsLst]}
sieve_loop(Prime, MaxOrdinal, MaxOrdinal, _Next, _Verbose, Stats) ->
        Number when is_integer(Number) ->
            sieve_loop(Prime, MaxOrdinal, MaxOrdinal, none, none, stats_update(Stats));

        {done, Prev} ->
            Prev ! {result, [Prime], [stats_id(Stats, MaxOrdinal, Prime)]}

When the last sieve is created (Ordinal == MaxOrdinal) it sends the done marker to the generator. The generator the sends its own PID to its next seive and each sieve forwards the done marker together with its PID. When the done marker hits the last seive, it creates the last item of the resulting prime number list and sends it to its predecessor. Each sieve prepends its own prime and finally the complete list of prime numbers arrives to the generator. Finally, we are done with the preludium of this blog post. Let’s study its execution.

Running the Erlang version

Here is a first run with the dedicated ‘N first primes’ version.

jens@spooky:~/workspace/Prime$ /usr/lib/erlang/bin/erl -pa target/beams/
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.5 [source] [64-bit] [smp:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.6.5  (abort with ^G)
1> prime:run(10).
1) 2
2) 3
3) 5
4) 7
5) 11
6) 13
7) 17
8 ) 19
9) 23
10) 29
Elapsed time 0.002 secs
2> prime:run(1000).
1) 2
2) 3
3) 5
. . .
999) 7907
1000) 7919
Elapsed time 5.886 secs

Spawning 1000 threads in Erlang is a no-brainer and we can see it performs pretty good. The program also collects some statistics of each sieve input queue and writes it out to a CSV file. Here comes the interesting part

Thread Min Average Max Count
1-2 0 37 147 86410
2-3 0 11 36 43204
3-5 0 8 33 28802
4-7 0 6 35 23041
5-11 0 5 40 19749
6-13 0 5 40 17953
7-17 0 5 41 16572
8-19 0 4 42 15597
9-23 0 4 42 14776
10-29 0 4 52 14137
11-31 0 4 52 13655
. . .
993-7867 0 13 65 7410
994-7873 0 12 42 7409
995-7877 0 12 51 7408
996-7879 0 12 52 7407
997-7883 0 12 52 7406
998-7901 0 11 42 7405
999-7907 0 11 67 7404
1000-7919 0 10 28 7403

We can see that at most 147 messages was in the message queue of sieve(1,2), but in average the queue length is way more moderate, fluctuating around 10. Let’s do another round, this time with 10.000 threads, before starting the discussion.

$ erl -pa target/beams/
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.5 [source] [64-bit] [smp:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.6.5  (abort with ^G)
1> prime:run(10000, no).
Elapsed time 272.172 secs
Here are the message queue stats:

Thread Min Average Max Count
1-2 0 42 803 483183
2-3 0 12 30 241591
3-5 0 8 33 161060
4-7 0 7 28 128847
5-11 0 6 28 110440
6-13 0 5 28 100400
7-17 0 5 28 92677
8-19 0 5 28 87225
. . .
9994-104693 0 3 20 30258
9995-104701 0 3 20 30257
9996-104707 0 3 20 30256
9997-104711 0 3 20 30255
9998-104717 0 3 20 30254
9999-104723 0 3 20 30253
10000-104729 0 3 20 30252

Even this time we can see that the message queue length is very moderate. In both cases the first sieve receives the major hit of messages and after that for the rest of the pipeline, the queue length is around 10 or less.

If you knew the concurrency model of Erlang, but not its implementation, this is suspicious. Erlang messages are sent by asynchronous message passing, which means that a thread loops and sends an unbounded number of messages until the thread is put on hold for a while (i.e., it runs out of reduction ticks).

What we should have seen; is a large amount of messages in the beginning of the pipeline. However, that doesn’t happen because the Erlang runtime system takes care of the fine-tuning of its thread scheduling. A thread is allowed to perform a certain number of reductions (e.g. function calls and pattern matching) before it is put on hold and inserted last in the ready-queue. This queue contains all threads that do not wait for some condition, like a receive statement. So instead of running for a certain amount of time it runs for a certain number of operations. The consequence is paramount; a thread cannot send too many messages before the recipient has a chance to ‘receive’ them. In addition, the Erlang runtime system tries to level the send rate so the recipient’s message queue doesn’t get flooded. To fully understand this and fully appreciate it, let’s study the same program in Java.

The Java version

I will just show you fragments of the Java code. You can find all sources at the end of this post.

Class Sieve

public class Sieve extends Thread {
    public static int               maxOrdinal = 0;
    private int                     ordinal, prime;
    private Sieve                   next;
    private LinkedList<Integer>     numbersInput = new LinkedList<Integer>();
    private volatile boolean        running = true;

    public Sieve(int ordinal, int prime) {
        this.ordinal  = ordinal;    = prime;

    public void run() {
        if (ordinal == maxOrdinal) {Generator.done();}

        int n;
        while ((n = getNumber()) > 0) {
            if (ordinal == maxOrdinal) continue;
            if (n % prime != 0) {
                if (next == null) {
                    next = new Sieve(ordinal+1, n);
                } else {
        if (next != null) next.putNumber(0);

    public synchronized void putNumber(int n) {
        if (n > 0) {
        } else {
            running = false;

    private int getNumber() {
        int n;
        synchronized (this) {
            while (running && numbersInput.isEmpty()) {
                try{ wait(); }catch (InterruptedException e) {}
            n = running ? numbersInput.removeFirst() : 0;
        return n;

Inside the run() method we recognizes the sieve algorithm. Java do have support for message passing, so we have to implement it. I’m using a linked-list and synchronized methods. The public putNumber() method is called by the predecessor and inserts a message last in the queue/list. The private getNumber() is used by the sieve loop to fetch the next number. If the input queue is empty, it waits until notify() is called in putNumber(). The last sieve calls the done() method of the generator, which sends ‘0′ to all sieves.

Class Generator

public class Generator extends Thread {
    private static volatile boolean     running = true;
    private Sieve                       next = new Sieve(1, 2);

    public void run() {
        for (int n = 3; running; ++n) {
    public static void done() {running = false;}
    //. . .

I have remove some code from the generator, but the important part is retained. In the run() method, the generator thread sends an unbounded sequence of numbers to its successor. When the last seive calls done() it breaks the loop and sends ‘0′. You might wonder why done() is not synchronized. That is because it’s exactly one thread that will call done() and it’s harmless to assign ‘running’ a new value.

Running the Java version

Let’s start with an easy one; the 100 first prime numbers.

$ java -cp target/classes/ Prime -y 0 -b 0 -n 100
1) 2
2) 3
3) 5
4) 7
. . .
75) 379
76) 383
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-16" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
	at java.lang.Integer.valueOf(
	at Sieve.putNumber(

Whoa!!! It crashed after just 76 threads! Can this be true? What is happening? I managed to run it to completion, when starting a second time.

$ java -cp target/classes/ Prime -y 0 -b 0 -n 100
1) 2
2) 3
. . .
99) 523
100) 541
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541]
Elapsed time: 35.872 secs

Hmmm, the Erlang version running up to 1000 sieves took 5 secs and the Java version running a just up to 100 threads took 35 secs. Let’s see what is going on in the Java program and the true side of asynchronous message passing - as it had been seen in Erlang if not its runtime system had been so helpful.

Thread Min Average Max Count
1-2 5326 2463146 5983878 2584638
2-3 0 19077 128598 1292319
3-5 0 9645 55008 851453
4-7 0 8728 41121 681161
5-11 0 7216 38952 583852
6-13 0 7294 41757 530775
7-17 0 6292 30771 489945
. . .
95-499 0 26395 59904 133446
96-503 0 23891 51488 113883
97-509 0 6376 32185 81409
98-521 0 14685 38199 81215
99-523 0 20810 57653 81029
100-541 0 25095 58695 78282

Five million (5,983,878) messages in the first sieve and in average 50,000 messages in each sieve’s message queue! We can clearly see why it’s so important that the Erlang runtime system manages and levels how many messages are permitted to be sent, to prevent it ending up in the situation our Java version is in.

Java is using native threads, which on my Ubuntu Linux machine means POSIX Threads (NPTL). The threads are scheduled using interrupt-driven preemptive scheduling, which means at a regular frequency a clock interrupt switches the currently executing thread. This can happen as a ‘bolt from the blue’.

To compare with cooperative scheduling, let’s introduce a helper class that invokes yield() and call it inside each loop of the generator and the sieve.

public class ThreadSwitcher {
  private long  count  = 0;
  private int    factor = 1;
  public ThreadSwitcher(int factor) {this.factor = factor;}
  public void yield() {
    if ((factor > 0) && (++count % factor) == 0) {

If I run it with factor=10, it completes in 18 secs.

$ java -cp target/classes/ Prime -y 10 -b 0 -n 100
1) 2
2) 3
. . .
99) 523
100) 541
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, ..., 523, 541]
Elapsed time: 18.495 secs

If I decrease the factor=1, meaning a switch after each round, we get even better figures.

$ java -cp target/classes/ Prime -y 1 -b 0 -n 100
1) 2
2) 3
. . .
98) 521
99) 523
100) 541
[2, 3, 5, 7, ...,521, 523, 541]
Elapsed time: 7.467 secs

Now, look at the messages stats below. Much better numbers, although not as good as Erlang.

Thread Min Average Max Count
1-2 821 299267 448928 347981
2-3 0 7028 28651 173982
3-5 0 2650 9117 115988
4-7 0 706 5871 92790
5-11 0 223 5229 78868
6-13 0 220 4942 71698
7-17 0 210 4919 66181
8-19 0 200 4747 62289
9-23 0 195 4680 59010
. . .
95-499 0 4319 6752 28060
96-503 0 44 604 28034
97-509 0 7412 20373 28007
98-521 11657 19766 27877 16222
99-523 0 15582 16218 26
100-541 0 0 0 25

Is there anything else we can do? Yes, we can change the message sending semantics into a blocked (synchronous) implementation. I took the liberty to realize synchronous message passing in the Java program. You can find the sources at the end of this blog post. Now, running it without yield, but with a max length of each message queue of 100 gives this output.

jens@spooky:~/workspace/PrimeJava$ java -cp target/classes/ Prime -y 0 -b 100 -n 100
1) 2
2) 3
3) 5
. . .
98) 521
99) 523
100) 541
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ..., 523, 541]
Elapsed time: 0.455 secs

Yiiiha, Java rocks!. Looking at the message stats below shows something of a déjà-vu. Where have I seen numbers like this before? Hmm, let’s see. Aha, now I remember; when running the Erlang version.

Thread Min Average Max Count
1-2 0 89 100 15244
2-3 0 87 100 7523
3-5 0 89 100 4917
4-7 0 92 100 3835
5-11 0 94 99 3188
6-13 36 99 100 2800
7-17 0 99 100 2485
8-19 0 2 99 2339
9-23 0 2 95 2216
. . .
96-503 0 99 100 414
97-509 0 99 100 314
98-521 0 99 100 214
99-523 0 99 100 114
100-541 0 0 0 113

OK, time to get serious again. I became curious about how the performance varies with the settings of the yield-factor (y) and the bound-buffer factor (b). Here is a table showing the elapsed time of 1000 sieve threads, as a function of some values of y and b.

y b Seconds
0 1000 43.007
0 500 28.778
0 100 13.315
0 50 9.167
0 10 8.941
0 5 8.614
0 1 6.028
1 100 93.844
1 10 14.071
1 1 4.779
10 100 50.055
10 10 8.056
10 1 8.351
100 100 51.479
100 10 8.655
100 1 8.439

It’s quite stunning to see that the elapsed time ranges from 93 seconds down to 4, just by changing how often the thread switches and capping the message queue length. In this case, we can see that the buffer-length contributes most and we can draw the conclusion that synchronous sending with buffer length 1 performes best. This is often namned rendezvous.

After running the series above using the Java version, I switched back to the Erlang version for comparison. Here are two runs with 1000 and 10,000 threads. Additional comments are superfluous.

$ erl -pa target/beams/ -noshell -run prime exe 1000 no
Elapsed time 2.213 secs
$ erl -pa target/beams/ -noshell -run prime exe 10000 no
Elapsed time 211.147 secs

The Java version still has a long way to go, when it comes to the number of threads. Above 1000 threads it starts to struggle. Running with 5000 threads takes 350 seconds and with 7500 threads it takes 852 seconds.

Some other day I will re-implement the program in C++ using pthreads and compare with both the Java and Erlang versions. Perhaps that will happen when I am teaching realtime systems programming in C++ on Linux in September for Ericsson in Gothenburg. You bet, I will be using the prime number pipeline as an exercise there too.

Source Code

Final words

This Erlang version is part of the exercises for a course in Erlang Basics I have been developing during the last couple of weeks. My Erlang course is marketed by Informator in Sweden and for a start intended for Ericsson. If you are interested in attending the course, please don’t hesitate to contact Informator.

The critical section problem in Erlang

July 31, 2009 · Posted in Erlang · 2 Comments 

The programming language Erlang is based on micro-threads and asynchronous message passing. There is a (naive) belief that critical section problems cannot arise in languages based solely on message passing. The justification for this stand-point is the absence of mutex synchronization primitives, which is absolutely essential in shared-data based concurrent languages. As we will shortly see, it’s more about the design of the data operations than what means of thread synchronization is used. But first…

A Little Bit of Theory

Critical Section

A critical section referrers to the code section executed to operate on shared data. Shared data is some state that can be accesses by several threads concurrently. The conditions required for a critical section problem to occur are

  1. A non-atomic mutating operation. That means an operation consisting of the primitives READ/MODIFY/WRITE and they are not executed as one single indivisable operation.
  2. Concurrent threads performing the operation.
  3. Interruption of the threads somewhere within the operation. That means, one thread currently performing the operation is suspended and another starts and completes the operation, before the first thread are allowed to proceed.

Mutex Synchronization

In order to solve the problem (above) one has to violate at least of the conditions. The standard way of doing that is the realization of so called mutual exclusive access to the code section. This is normally solved using some form of lock. Java has a keyword synchronized, which behind the scenes uses POSIX mutex_lock()/unlock() on POSIX compliant systems such as Linux.

The Demo Problem

Consider a back account with multiple updaters performing depositions and withdrawals (yes, this is a classical ;-)

We start the system with 1 account of balance 0, U updaters which all performs 2N updates. First they deposit 100 (choose your currency here) N times and then withdraws 100 N times. The resulting balance should of-course be 0.

Erlang Implementation


Let’s start with the Erlang implementation of the account. The account is represented as a thread (process in Erlang’s parlance).The create function starts a new thread which executes the account body function. The body waits for any of a set of messages. A message is sent using rendezvous (blocking/synchronous) realized using the functions send/2, recv/0 and reply/2.

account_create() ->
    {account, spawn(?MODULE, account_body, [0])}.

account_body(Balance) ->
    case recv() of
        {From, done} ->
            reply(Balance, From),
        {From, get} ->
            reply(Balance, From),
        {From, {set, Value}} ->
            BalanceNew = Value,
            reply(BalanceNew, From),
        _ ->

account_get(Account)           -> send(get, Account).
account_set(Account, Value)    -> send({set,Value}, Account).
account_destroy(Account)       -> send(done, Account).


An updater performs all of its operations and then terminates, notifying the bank about its ‘departure’.

updater_create(Id, Account, NumUpdates, RunMode) ->
    {updater, Id, spawn(?MODULE, updater_body, [Id, Account, NumUpdates, RunMode])}.

updater_body(Id, Account, NumUpdates, RunMode) ->
    io:format("Updater-~w: started~n", [Id]),
    repeat(NumUpdates, fun() -> account_update(Account, +100, RunMode) end),
    repeat(NumUpdates, fun() -> account_update(Account, -100, RunMode) end),
    bank ! {updater, Id},
    io:format("Updater-~w: terminated~n", [Id]).

account_update(Account, Value, unsafe) ->
    Balance    = account_get(Account),  %READ
    BalanceNew = Balance + Value,       %MODIFY
    account_set(Account, BalanceNew);   %WRITE

The updater body uses a helper function repeat/2 that takes a positive number and a closure as arguments. The closure performs one function call account_update/3, which is the key to this blog post. The  last parameter is the mode of operation. As you can see, currently I only show you the unsafe mode. First it calls get/1 to READ the balance value, then it MODIFY the value and finally it WRITE the value back using set/2, which sends the new balance value to the account thread. Both get/1 and set/2 are rendezvous functions. One might say that a rendezvous creates a mutex operation.


Let’s quickly show the helper functions, to get them out of the picture.

send(Msg, {_,To}) ->
    To ! {msg, self(), Msg},
        {reply, To, Result} -> Result

recv() ->
        {msg, From, Msg} -> {From, Msg}

reply(Msg, To) ->
    To ! {reply, self(), Msg}.

repeat(0, _Task) ->
repeat(N, Task) when N > 0 ->
    repeat(N-1, Task).


Finally, here is the main function of the bank, that setups the system, runs it and tear it down again.

bank(NumThreads, NumUpdates, RunMode) ->
    io:format("Running the bank in ~w mode, with ~w updaters, performing 2*~w updates each~n",
              [RunMode, NumThreads, NumUpdates]),
    register(bank, self()),
    Account  = account_create(),
    Updaters = updater_create_all(NumThreads, Account, NumUpdates, RunMode),
    Balance  = account_destroy(Account),
    io:format("Final balance = ~w~n", [Balance]).

updater_create_all(NumThreads, Account, NumUpdates, RunMode) ->
    [updater_create(Id, Account, NumUpdates, RunMode) || Id <- lists:seq(1, NumThreads)].

updater_wait_all([]) ->
updater_wait_all(Updaters) ->
        {updater, Id} ->
            updater_wait_all( lists:keydelete(Id, 2, Updaters) )

As you can see, the bank first creates the (single) account (object) and then all the updater (threads). The updaters are created using list comprehension, which is sort of a for-loop for functional languages. To the right, it first generates a list of integers (1..N) which is then used as a loop variable for the expression to the left which creates a new updater for each value of Id. After that, the bank waits for all updaters to finish. This is performed using the Erlang equivalent of a join-loop. It waits for a {updater,Id} message, removes it from the list of updaters and breaks the loop when the list is empty. The last task the bank performs before it closes, is destroying the account and reading its final balance value. This value is then printed to the console.

The bank module exports two public functions, run/3 and exe/1. The former performs some type checking and than invokes bank/3. The latter is used as the entry point when invoking the program from the console. I do not show them here, but you can find the complete code last in this post.


Time for the fun part; running the bank. Below you can find a couple of runs with the same parameter settings.

Unsafe Mode

$ erl -noshell -pa target/beams -run bank exe 5 10000 unsafe
Running the bank in unsafe mode, with 5 updaters, performing 2*10000 updates each
Updater-1: started
Updater-2: started
Updater-3: started
Updater-4: started
Updater-5: started
Updater-1: terminated
Updater-2: terminated
Updater-4: terminated
Updater-5: terminated
Updater-3: terminated
Final balance = -907300
$ erl -noshell -pa target/beams -run bank exe 5 10000 unsafe
Running the bank in unsafe mode, with 5 updaters, performing 2*10000 updates each
Updater-1: started
Updater-2: started
Updater-3: started
Updater-4: started
Updater-5: started
Updater-4: terminated
Updater-3: terminated
Updater-2: terminated
Updater-5: terminated
Updater-1: terminated
Final balance = 343800
$ erl -noshell -pa target/beams -run bank exe 5 10000 unsafe
Running the bank in unsafe mode, with 5 updaters, performing 2*10000 updates each
Updater-1: started
Updater-2: started
Updater-3: started
Updater-4: started
Updater-5: started
Updater-5: terminated
Updater-4: terminated
Updater-3: terminated
Updater-1: terminated
Updater-2: terminated
Final balance = 436800

Pretty interesting, hu? Why is this happening? To understand this fully, we must return back to the theory at the top of this blog post. We can see that condition 1 is satisfied, because we perform the READ/MODIFY/WRITE operation in separate steps. Conditions 2 is trivially satisfied as well. How about number 3?

A few words about scheduling

Erlang threads are scheduled using what is referred to as runtime driven cooperative scheduling. Cooperative scheduling means that some party (the user or the  runtime system) switch threads at (hopefully) well-chosen points in the execution. The opposite is interrupt-driven preemptive scheduling, where a thread switch literally happens as a “bolt from a clear sky”. Very close to this form of scheduling is multi-core/cpu execution, which shows the same characteristics.This is main reason for introducing atomic locks in computer systems. A language based on cooperative scheduling, such as Erlang, can choose wisely where to switch threads.

In a language based on interrupt-driven scheduling, a thread is allowed to run for at most a fixed time period. There is a clock interrupt that fires at equiv-distant time steps. There is no such thing in Erlang. Instead a thread is allowed to invoke functions a certain amount of times. (To be more precise, N number of reductions, where N typically is 1000-2000).

Because the Erlang system has no understanding about the meaning of our account_update/3 function, it can (and does) switch the updater thread anywhere between each function/reduction within account_update/3, as soon as the thread as used up its current share of reductions.

Safe Mode

Now, when we understand why the problem arises we can move ahead and fix it. There is no such thing as a mutex lock in Erlang (although you can implement a thread type that acts as one), so we have to stick to the (obvious) solution of moving the READ/MODIFY/WRITE logic into the target thread. The account thread receives a message and performs one operation fully, before it moves on and serves the next message. This is our mutex. Below I show the missing code snippets.

account_update(Account, Value, safe) ->
    account_update(Account, Value).

account_update(Account, Value) -> send({update,Value}, Account).

account_body(Balance) ->
    case recv() of
        %. . .
        {From, {update, Value}} ->
            BalanceNew = Balance + Value,
            reply(BalanceNew, From),
        %. . .

The ’safe’ version of account_update/3 invokes a new method (account_update/2) which sends the update mesage along with the value to the account thread. Within the account object/thread it now performs the operation in an atomic way, because nothing can interrupt its sequence of operations. Even if the account thread is suspended because it runs out of reduction ticks, no new operations will be started until the account resumes and completes the begun update operation. Nuff talk, let’s see it in action.

$ erl -noshell -pa target/beams -run bank exe 5 10000 safe
Running the bank in safe mode, with 5 updaters, performing 2*10000 updates each
Updater-1: started
Updater-2: started
Updater-3: started
Updater-4: started
Updater-5: started
Updater-3: terminated
Updater-2: terminated
Updater-5: terminated
Updater-1: terminated
Updater-4: terminated
Final balance = 0
$ erl -noshell -pa target/beams -run bank exe 5 10000 safe
Running the bank in safe mode, with 5 updaters, performing 2*10000 updates each
Updater-1: started
Updater-2: started
Updater-3: started
Updater-4: started
Updater-5: started
Updater-1: terminated
Updater-2: terminated
Updater-5: terminated
Updater-4: terminated
Updater-3: terminated
Final balance = 0
$ erl -noshell -pa target/beams -run bank exe 5 10000 safe
Running the bank in safe mode, with 5 updaters, performing 2*10000 updates each
Updater-1: started
Updater-2: started
Updater-3: started
Updater-4: started
Updater-5: started
Updater-4: terminated
Updater-1: terminated
Updater-3: terminated
Updater-5: terminated
Updater-2: terminated
Final balance = 0

Well, this is not a proof. But even running with hundreds of updaters doing millions of updates we will end up with the final balance = 0.

$ erl -noshell -pa target/beams -run bank exe 100 1000000 safe
Running the bank in safe mode, with 100 updaters, performing 2*1000000 updates each
Updater-1: started
Updater-2: started
Updater-99: started
Updater-100: started
Updater-7: terminated
Updater-29: terminated
Updater-90: terminated
Updater-16: terminated
Final balance = 0

Source Code

You will find a link to the source code below.

Compile it at the command line with

$ erlc bank.erl

or start the Erlang shell and compile/run it there

$ erl
1> c(bank).

Run it from the command line with

erl -noshell -run bank exe 10 1000 unsafe

Where 10 updaters are started doing 2*1000 updates each all in ‘unsafe’ mode. Or, run it inside the Erlang shell with

2> bank:run(10, 1000, unsafe).

Final words

This Erlang demo program is part of the course ware for a course in Erlang Basics I have been developing during the last couple of weeks. My Erlang course is marketed by Informator in Sweden and for a start intended for Ericsson.

If you are interested in attending the course, please don’t hesitate to contact Informator.

The ups and downs of Erlang

June 28, 2009 · Posted in Erlang · 4 Comments 

I just finished reading the paper A History of Erlang by its inventor Joe Armstrong. It’s really a fascinating story and I can really recommend reading Joe’s own words regarding the invention and development of the language.

Back in the late 80’s and beginning of the 90s I spent some time with Joe and the other guys around Erlang. I wasn’t an Erlang advocate myself, rather the oppsite and we had several debates regarding object-orientation versus process-orientation. I belonged to the C++ camp. Anyway it was fun and I became interested in the language.

At this time I had just started as an assistant professor teaching real-time systems programming at Royal Inst of Technology (KTH). At first, I was looking at Ada as the teaching language to use. However, the compiler license alone exceeded my course budget. Instead I found Concurrent C, which was a hybrid languge provided a superset of Ada’s message passing mechanism on top of ordinary C. As a companion to Concurrent C, I selected Erlang, which allowed me to illustrate both different solutions but also common design patterns in the field of concurrent programming. At this time when I started with academic education in Erlang I was the first in the world ;-) Well, enough talk about me.

What I really would like to draw to your attention is the organizational environment of the Erlang team. Erlang started as a research project in concurrent language design using logic programming languages as the basis. Prolog was the primary choice, however it was rather a rapid implementation language for various design ideas. In the beginning of the 90s, Ericsson was involved in a large project intended to be the future and replacement of AXE-10, which was the major revenue machine since the 70s. The project was named AXE-N and it focused on C++ and object-orientation from the language point of view. In this context, a semi-functional and concurrent language as Erlang, was simply as plugging a square into a round hole. So Erlang was sort of persona non-grata. During this time period nobody outside the Erlang team cared about the language and they were free to do almost anything they wanted, such as building up a user base outside Ericsson.

However, AXE-N had a lot of wrong premisses and soon things started to crack. I was a supervisor for several MSc thesis projects at the time, and acquired some technical insights, which convinced me that this couldn’t end happily. In 1995, AXE-N project finally collapsed and a lot of money had been wasted. One immediate conclusion was that it must be something wrong with C++ and it became banned. The aftermath of that ban can still be felt here and there within Ericsson.

Now, Erlang became reconsidered and selected as the primary language for the resurrected AXE-N project. One consequence was that Erlang now was considered a company assest and the external user base just an unconvenience. On the flip side was the team got heavily funded and they could grow the team several times the original size. It was during these years the Erlang library OTP was formed. In many respects, this was a fruitful time period of Erlang.

However, nothing lasts forever. In 1998, the halcyon days was over. Well, the year started with great achievement. They demonstrated a GPRS system at the GSM World Congress and at CeBIT. But some fractions within Ericsson didn’t like the idea of a symbolic, functional and concurrent language. During spring 1998, they had mobilized enough organizational power to issue an ‘anathema’ of Erlang.

This couldn’t and cannot be described without using the word ‘catastrophe’. The team was devastated and became disillusioned. People started to drop off. During the fall of that year a plan took form of resistance. Step one of the plan was to convince the organization that Erlang could be released as open source.

On 2 December 1998, Erlang was announced to be open source. A few days after, the whole Erlang team resigned and went to the newly created company Bluetail.

Bluetail, was initially a great success. But they couldn’t sustain the dot gone crash. Bluetail was first acquired by Alteon Web Systems and six days later that company was acquired by Nortel Networks. One of the major competitors of Ericsson. Shortly after, Nortel became a victim of the telco crash and most of the work force of former Bluetail was fired.

Since these turbulent days, Erlang has slowly raised from the ashes primarily as an open source project. Recently it has gained a lot of attention when people realized that there are some impressive Erlang applications out there. Such as the chat system of Facebook, the SimpleDB of Amazon WebServices (AWS), several financial systems such as Kreditor. A good overview of the state of the art usage of Erlang is the recent London conference. The master himself (Joe) gave a talk about Erlang in retrospect.

In summary, the life of Erlang has been a real roller-coaster. Now let’s go back in time to the early years of Erlang. At the same time Erlang was cooking in the lab of Ericsson (Ellemtel in Älvsjö, south of Stockholm), another language was cooking outside Standford University. Its name was -at that time- Oak. Oak was from the beginning supported by its hosting company. However, it didn’t reached its objective and was terminated in 1994. During the termination party one member demonstrated a demo of a web browser that could load Oak programs dynamically and make the “dead” web page alive. This was a turning point and the project resurrected to investigate how to best utilize the new program form called applet. The language changed name to -I’m convinced you’ve already guessed it- Java. The rest is what is frequently called ‘history’.

Now, compare these two languages. They were created more or less at the same time. Erlang had a head start. Both are dynamic. Both has built-in support for concurrency, although comming from different angles. Both are designed with fault-tolerance in mind. Both has support for dynamic code replacement.

Erlang failed to reach the masses and Java succeeded. One might argue that the world wasn’t ready for functional programming in the mid-90s and the step from C++ to Java was a very smooth step to take. This is indeed a fair standpoint.

On the other hand, Java was all the time treated as a loving child by its hosting company (Sun), but Erlang as an unwanted child by Ericsson. I’m convinced this is the key explanation why we are not programming E2EE applications today. What a pity.

A final word; you might wonder where comes my recent interest in Erlang from. The reason is I’m about to start develop a course in Basic Erlang for Informator intended for Ericsson. After 20 years, the loop is closed.