Translation and interpretation

Welcome to the exciting world of translation and interpretation!

LANTRA-L is a forum for all aspects of translation and interpretation of natural languages. Including, but not restricted to, computer aids for translation and interpretation.
Topics which can be discussed are: * translation theory and practice * translation tools * terminology * lexicography * court, conference and community interpreting * intercultural communication * sociolinguistics * psycholinguistics * professional ethics for interpreters and translators * education and training of interpreters and translators etc.
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More information:

LANTRA-L information pages

LANTRA-L FAQ: Users' Guide

Lantra-L mailing list archives at SUNET

The Lantra CommunityPictures of various members of Lantra-l, courtesy of Chris DeSantis

Lantra-L file library

Useful links

Information for translators
Cecilia Falk's famous Home Page

Terminology Forum
Your host: Anita Nuopponen

Translator's Site de Jour
Includes links to Susan's famous training sessions on searching the Internet

Top of the page

Updated by 2003-10-171
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