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Posts Tagged ‘Ben Bernanke’

G20 and US: Going Separate Ways Highlights Prisoner’s Dilemma

Posted by Larry Doyle on June 7th, 2010 8:25 AM |

As we continue navigating the global economic landscape, national interests are now overwhelming coordinated global interests. How so?

Unlike the coordinated message at the widely publicized 2009 G20 summit held in London, the clashing of widely divergent national views at the 2010 G20 meeting held in Busan, South Korea is hardly melodious. The implications for global markets will be enormous.

Last year, the U.S. swapped all sorts of favors for a coordinated global fiscal stimulus; this year, the U.S., represented by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, is receiving the cold shoulder. Finance ministers from around the world are happy to go their own way in pursuit of what they believe to be their national interests. Can you blame them? (more…)

Indict, Prosecute, Convict the Fraudsters…Or Else!!

Posted by Larry Doyle on June 2nd, 2010 1:20 PM |

Has America lost the courage to aggressively address those who commit fraud? Is the American public even aware of the massive fraud perpetrated by those in our financial system which led to our current economic crisis? Are those in Washington willing to take a stand, risk their own skins, call out those engaged in fraud, even if some of the fraudsters occupy neighboring seats at nearby regulatory bodies?

Unless we find people in our government who are willing to make these calls, repeat them publicly in a long, loud fashion, and compel prosecutors to issue indictments, then I fear our union will pay a price and incur a cost that may be immeasurable.

Why so strong? Why so strident? (more…)

European Bank Stress Tests? Nein, Danke!!

Posted by Larry Doyle on June 1st, 2010 8:58 AM |

How do you think the wizards in Washington are feeling about the European bailout structured two weeks ago at their behest? In those two weeks, the Euro has plummeted another 5%, equities continue to suffer, and credit spreads continue to widen.

Our Washington wizards are looking back into their bag of tricks and now recommending another of their ’shell game’ proposals to their European counterparts. Which proposal might this be? How do you spell charade? Try, bank stress tests.

Treasury Secretary Geithner is pressuring European central bankers to perform and release bank stress tests as a precursor to restoring financial health and stability into the European system. The Wall Street Journal highlights Geithner’s recommendation this morning in writing, U.S. to Push Europe on Stress Tests:

The U.S. intends to urge Europe to disclose publicly the results of bank stress tests as a way to calm jitters over the health of the Continent’s financial system, U.S. officials said. (more…)

Finger Pointing and Payoffs

Posted by Larry Doyle on April 9th, 2010 9:12 AM |

Who in America is going to stand up and accept appropriate culpability for his/her contribution to our current economic crisis? Who in America is also willing to expose the incestuous nature of the Wall Street-Washington relationship which provided the cover for the activities which have debilitated our nation?

Let’s review what we have learned so far:

1. Blame has been directed at bank executives…but they got paid handsomely, and have not accepted full responsibility.

2. Blame has been directed at ratings agencies….but they also got paid handsomely to provide ratings, while not really knowing what they were doing. (more…)

Barack Obama Has Ben Bernanke by the Balls

Posted by Larry Doyle on March 16th, 2010 3:32 PM |

Is the White House now in charge of both fiscal and monetary policy?

The Federal Reserve just released its March statement confirming no change in its monetary policy and little change in economic outlook. A brief overview of the Fed’s statement includes the following:

>> Maintains the Fed Funds range at 0-.25% for an extended period.

>> The quantitative easing program used to purchase $1.25 trillion in mortgage-backed securities and $125 billion in federal agency debt is nearing completion at the end of this month. The Fed will monitor economic conditions and employ policy tools as necessary to promote economic recovery and price stability.

>> Economic activity is generally improving. The overall pace of economic recovery is moderate. (more…)

Without Transparency, Financial Regulatory Reform Gets a “D”

Posted by Larry Doyle on March 15th, 2010 9:50 AM |

Bloomberg just provided a sneak peek at the Financial Regulatory Reform package to be proposed by Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) this afternoon. What are some of the highlights and my thoughts? Let’s navigate.

From the top down, and without being overly cynical, I am extremely concerned that this proposed financial regulatory reform is a reshuffling of deck chairs with increased powers for both the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury. The very fears I voiced almost a year ago remain entrenched. What is the basis of my fear? The so-called reform is much more focused on the “sufficiency” of regulation of our financial industry and not nearly focused on the “transparency” of the regulation, the regulators, and the regulated.

Call me suspect.

What are the key highlights as reported by Bloomberg? (more…)

To Wall Street, Washington, and World: “Fool Me Once…

Posted by Larry Doyle on March 11th, 2010 2:08 PM |

…shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!!!

There are a handful of financial journalists who pull no punches in telling the absolute truth and in providing real transparency. Bloomberg’s Jonathan Weil holds a special spot in the Sense on Cents Hall of Fame for his determination in calling people and institutions on the carpet. From Wall Street to Washington to around the global financial landscape, Weil leaves no stone unturned in promoting integrity. His commentary today is superb. Please share it with friends. Weil writes, Greece Lifts a Page From Citigroup’s Playbook:

Is it too much to ask for the world’s titans of government and finance to speak credibly when they open their mouths? (more…)

New York Times’ Thomas Friedman: “We Have to Demand the Truth”

Posted by Larry Doyle on February 22nd, 2010 6:05 AM |

Without the truth, we are mere slaves to a corrupt system and will never control or master our destiny.

I don’t write this premise whimsically nor do I accept it as a given. The fact is, our forefathers are rolling over in their graves right now given the fatuous culture our society has not only tolerated but promoted. I continually call for the pursuit of truth, transparency and integrity while navigating the economic landscape for the very reason that without these virtues we are doomed as a nation.

High five to AL for pointing out that none other than Thomas L. Friedman of The New York Times drills this very point in writing, The Fat Lady Has Sung. Whether you agree with Friedman’s politics is immaterial.   (more…)

Fed Hikes the Discount Rate….$urprisingly Quick

Posted by Larry Doyle on February 18th, 2010 4:50 PM |

The Federal Reserve indicated on February 10th it was going to raise the discount rate ‘before long.’ Well, in this case, Ben Bernanke is a man of his word as the Fed just raised the discount rate by 25 basis points (.25%) effective tomorrow.

While many market participants had minimized the potential rise in the discount rate as not being significant, I was not and am not in that camp. In fact, the speed with which Bernanke raised the rate after indicating that he would do so ‘before long’ has caught the market by surprise.

What is the immediate market reaction? (more…)

Elizabeth Warren Calls for New Bank Stress Tests

Posted by Larry Doyle on February 11th, 2010 9:34 AM |

The initial Bank Stress Tests run by Treasury Secretary Geithner were largely a sham. I questioned as much last April in writing, “Bank Stress Tests: Major Sham?”:

As with any test, the results are only meaningful if the process and proctor have unquestioned integrity. The proctors for the Bank Stress Test are none other than Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Fed chair Ben Bernanke. Why is a testing authority of the magnitude of FDIC, led by Sheila Bair, not more involved in the process? Ms. Bair is the one individual in our country with the greatest level of interaction with and understanding of the student body, that being the banking industry as a whole and individual banks specifically.

What does the FDIC, led by Ms. Bair, have to say about the upcoming Bank Stress Tests? The New York Post provides a CHILLING perspective: (more…)

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