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Rockoff: Sick of ATM fees? Blame old senators

The President of the United States was lost—in a grocery store checkout lane. The year was 1991. George H.W. Bush had wandered into an exhibit at the National Grocers Association convention. As the President signed the lane’s electronic pad, a “look of wonder” flashed across his face. 1 comment

Editorial: Tell ASG what you want

It’s a pretty common sentiment on campus: Associated Student Government is a useless organization with no real purpose or ability to affect any sort of positive change. The Daily does not take this view. We have no doubt made some criticisms of the organization in the past. 1 comment

Letter to the Editor: Students to protest Arizona immigration law

In May of 2009, about 80 students met at the Multicultural Center to discuss issues of racial profiling on campus. What followed was a student rally and the creation of a Northwestern University Police Department advisory board to prevent further instances of racial profiling in our community.

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Letter to the Editor

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