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SharpToolbox.com references the tools you need for .NET development. We put the focus on the quality of the content. Boring marketing fluff is filtered out.
Although quite comprehensive, this list will never be exhaustive. You can submit new tools by using our submission form.
We offer categories, search, and RSS feeds, so you can find tools easily.
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Latest additions
  • Python Tools for Visual Studio
    Integrated environment for developing Python in Visual Studio.
  • EasyOAuth
    OAuth-compliant authentication and authorization Library for desktop and web applications.
  • Hammock
    C# HTTP API client for consuming REST web services.
  • RestSharp
    Open source REST client designed primarily for consuming third-party HTTP APIs.
  • EsbDecimals
    Library offering constants and mathematical routines for the Decimal type supplied by the .NET Fr...
  • .netshrink
    Executable compressor for managed files.
  • dylan.NET
    Programming language for .NET and Mono under the Ms-PL.
  • dotPeek
    .NET decompiler.
  • TranSolution
    Localization package for translating your Visual Studio projects.
  • RESX Synchronizer
    Command-line tool that allows you to synchronize two or more multilanguage .resx files.
  • ResxCheck
    Command line utility that validates .resx files.
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Latest updates
  • Catalyst
    Visual localization solution for translators, engineers and project managers.
  • IronPython
    Implementation of the Python language targeting the .NET and Mono platforms.
  • ReSharper
    Add-in for Visual Studio that provides coding assistance, navigation helpers, on-the-fly error hi...
  • dotTrace
    Performance and memory profiling tool.
  • dotCover
    Code coverage tool.
  • CodeSmith Generator
    Template based code generator for any ASCII-based language.
  • NCache
    Distributed in-memory object caching solution.
  • Linqer
    SQL to LINQ converter.
    Application-wide error logging of unhandled exceptions for ASP.NET.
  • ILSpy
    Open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler.
  • Zeta Resource Editor
    Utility application to edit string resources inside multiple resource files (resx) side-by-side.
1239 tools including 448 libraries in 60 categories
+ 207 discontinued tools
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