DVD News

  • 'A Single Man' Photo

    Colin Firth earned bountiful critical acclaim and an Oscar nomination for director-screenwriter (and fashion world veteran) Tom Ford's drama, based on the Christopher Isherwood novel about a college professor facing life without his suddenly deceased partner (Matthew Goode, "Leap Year"). more

  • 'Brooklyn's Finest' Photo

    It echoes some other police sagas of recent years, but director Antoine Fuqua's ("Training Day") drama of several officers whose paths cross on the same crime investigation benefits from a strong cast. Richard Gere. Don Cheadle and Ethan Hawke play New York cops whose personal plights are examined... more

  • 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' Photo

    Swedish author Stieg Larsson's mystery story gets a lengthy but effective adaptation, as a man (Sven-Bertil Taube) tries to prove that his niece's vanishing several decades earlier resulted in murder - and that another relative was responsible. more

Other Movie Reviews

  • 'The Last Airbender' Photo

    M. Night Shyamalan peers over the edge and into the abyss with The Last Airbender. Yes, that's water ahead of him, water all around him. And it's swirling. This colossal folly, the fiasco of the summer of 2010 -- gives us all a ringside seat at the sight of Mr. "I See Dead People's" career... more

  • 'The Twilight Saga: Eclipse' Photo

    Anyone worried about the fate of Bella, Edward, Jacob and the rest of the "Twilight" gang after the moody blues of movie No. 2 can breathe a sigh of relief. "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" is back with all of the lethal and loving bite it was meant to have: The kiss of the vampire is cooler, the... more

  • 'Knight and Day' Photo

    Why is everyone giving Tom Cruise such a hard time? Can't we just forget about what happened on Oprah's couch? Is that asking too much? Is the movie business so flush with charismatic stars who can carry a picture that it can afford to eat its young? I don't think so. more

  • 'Grown Ups' Photo

    Whoever said the road to hell is paved with good intentions probably got an early look at "Grown Ups." The new Adam Sandler comedy has all the charm of a home movie that does not star your own family, which means it's overly sentimental, filled with you-had-to-be-there moments, bad jokes... more

  • 'Jonah Hex' Photo

    Jonah Hex reminds us of how cool Josh Brolin looks on a horse, how at home he seems with a six-shooter, and how perfect his growl is for a laconic, cowboy bounty hunter one-liner. more

  • 'Toy Story 3' Photo

    If "Toy Story 3" had sprung, Slinky Dog-like, from any creative think tank besides Pixar Animation Studios, it might be considered a classic. more

  • 'The A-Team' Photo

    "The A-Team," like "The Karate Kid" an 1980s artifact blown up for a 21st Century audience, has a hard time topping the moment when Liam Neeson's Hannibal Smith takes time for a philosophical heart-to-heart with one of his men, B.... more