Media Central is GlobeLink's unique resource for Canadian media, marketing and advertising professionals. Here, you'll find helpful information that we think will help make your job just a little bit easier.

Media Central is your source for media and advertising news, inspiring media and creative executions, and practical advice from industry experts.

New content is added regularly, so visit us often.

NOTE: You don't need to register to view Media Central content in the sections below, but you must be registered and logged in if you want to comment on any of the entries.

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Spotlight: The Globe's Young Lions Competition

The Globe and Mail Young Lions competition is complete and the judges have made their decisions. Thank you to all who participated and congratulations to our winners!

PRINT: Scott Maddox from Rethink Vancouver and Mike Felix from Cossette West
FILM: Andrew Livingston and Kyle Lamb from john st.
CYBER: Yusong Zhang from DDB and Toronto and Tal Wagman from Saatchi
MEDIA: Sarah Bradley and Megan Blackburn from Yahoo!

The quality of the entries was top notch and the judges had a hard time picking winners. For that reason, this year, we decided to recognize the top three in each category. Although only the winners receive the coveted trip to Cannes, we felt it was important to recognize our top Canadian talent. To see a full list of winners and winning entries, take the time to visit our 2010 Young Lions Winners Gallery.

Spotlight: Cannes Lions 2010

It is that time of year again. Time to start dreaming about the sun, the sand, the parties and, most important of all, the Lions!

The 57th annual Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival will be held this year from June 20-26. The entry deadline has now passed but delegate registration is still open. Visit www.canneslions.com to learn more.

Are you interested in what it takes to win? Visit the 2009 winners gallery to see which Canadians rose to the top last year. And make sure to check out what's new at the festival in 2010.

The Globe and Mail is proud to be Canada's official festival representative and is dedicated to supporting every Canadian who participates--as an entrant, a judge or a delegate.

The Sandbox

What's Happening in Advertising

When Google buys DoubleClick, when Mini spends a fortune on a viral microsite, when BBDO promotes a new way to connect with consumers, you'll hear about it in the Sandbox.

More importantly, the Sandbox aims to spark conversations about these kinds of events. We want to hear what you think--about the ad industry, the media profession, creative strategies and more.

The Sandbox will be topical, compelling, humorous and sometimes controversial, but, we hope, always relevant to your career and interests. Of course, only you determine what's relevant and what's not--so be sure to let us know what you'd like us to cover, either by e-mail or in a Sandbox comment.

New Feature: Advolution

And You May Ask Yourself...How Did We Get Here?

They say past is prologue, which is just a fancy way of saying that we can't predict the future without understanding history. So how did we get to where we are today? Can the lessons of yesterday inform the strategies of tomorrow?

Advolution looks at how key developments in advertising and marketing have shaped our industry. You'll learn about how marketing strategies have changed over the years, meet some interesting characters and, we hope, have a little fun along the way.

Everyone's a Guru

Learn the Secrets of the Best of the Best

Ever wonder how an entrepreneur started his or her own agency? How some companies have client relationships that last 10 years or more? Have you ever read about an agency winning a killer account and wondered, how'd they do that?

Everyone's a Guru will bring you up close and personal with some of the most influential people in the industry. In this section, we'll interview agency bigwigs and undiscovered up-and-comers to uncover tips, insights and advice about how to succeed in our highly competitive industry.

As with all Media Central areas, Everyone's a Guru is only as good as your suggestions. Know someone you'd like us to interview (or someone you'd like to interview yourself?) Let us know by completing the Everyone's a Guru form.

Beyond the Numbers

50% of 25% of Respondents Like Hamburgers

The advertising industry is full of studies that claim to tell you everything you need to know about target audiences: their likes and dislikes, education levels and household incomes, hobbies and job titles. But how do you translate raw data into practical strategies you can use?

This regular column answers this question and more. Beyond the Numbers will show you how research, when properly applied, can give your media plans a real competitive edge, and even inform your creative. After all, understanding consumer behaviour is the heart successful marketing--Beyond the Numbers can help with this crucial first step.

The Career Activist®

How Do I Get My Boss' Job?

How do I fire a friend? Will I ever get to take a vacation again? My co-worker hasn't mastered the basics of personal hygiene. What do I do?

No matter where you are in your journey--whether you're young or old, green or jaded, depressed or happy as a clam--everyone can use career advice from time.

In the Career Activist®, noted employment expert Mark Swartz offers practical tactics that can help you advance your career and cope with the types of challenges that can arise in any office, any day of the week.

The Interactive Strategist

Join the Online Rat Race

While there's no question that online is changing the very nature of marketing at an unprecedented pace, online marketing itself is changing at lightning speed.

Yesterday, we cared about search engine rankings and reciprical links. Today, we have to add Web 2.0 issues like viral marketing and social networking to those concerns. Who knows what we'll worry about tomorrow?

Tessa Wegert keeps you ahead of the game in the Interactive Strategist, a regular column that helps you keep pace with the moving target that is online marketing.

Globe Dispatch

Globe Dispatch is our regular newsletter that covers developments in Canadian marketing, news about The Globe, management advice, upcoming industry events and more.

If you haven't already done so, check out our recent issues. You don't need to register to read it, although doing so means you can have Globe Dispatch e-mailed directly to your inbox, and that you'll be able to instantly see any GlobeLink or Media Central content linked to by the newsletter.

To ensure you get the most out Globe Dispatch, register for GlobeLink and specify that you'd like to receive the newsletter by e-mail or, of you're already registered, modify your profile to specify that you want to receive it by e-mail.

Does your company plan to spend more or less on online advertising this year?
Significantly more
Somewhat more
About the same
Somewhat less
Significantly less