Advertise with the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL)

Thank you for your interest in advertising with the Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL). Our audience includes students, pastors, church leaders and lay people across most denominations of Christianity.

Web site advertising

With more than six million monthly page views and over 600,000 unique visitors every month on our Web site,, the CCEL represents a large faith-based audience. Our monthly fees guarantee your banner ad will have at least 100,000 page views. Often the ads get significantly more than 100,000 — like 150,000 or 180,000.

  • The top position on either side of a page on our site is $420 per month $210 per month.
  • The second position down on either side of a page on our site is $350 per month $175 per month.
  • The third position down on either side of a page on our site is $280 per month $140 per month.

For Web site advertising, you will be allowed up to four (120 pixels wide by 160 pixels high) static banners — no movement (no animated GIFs or flash). If you use multiple banners, they would rotate in the position. If you use multiple banners, we suggest that each have a very different look.  You may start with one banner and add additional banners during the month.

Newsletter advertising

Our monthly newsletter, the CCEL Times, which currently has over 70,000 subscribers, is only $190 per issue. The newsletter uses the same size banner (120 pixels wide by 160 pixels high) and goes out the first of the month.

Here are the links to all previous issues of our newsletter.

Account and Payments

In order to advertise with us, we must set up an account for you. To do that, we need your full name, your postal address, Web site URL, and telephone number.

Each advertiser has password-protected, online access to the following data for any given time frame per ad (image):

  • number of page views their ad has received
  • the number of click throughs
  • and the resulting CTR.

We require prepayment for new advertisers. We can e-mail you an invoice once we have all the information and you may pay by check or by Paypal.

Larger Campaigns

The above describes our most popular type of advertising; however it is targeted at smaller campaigns. If you are interested in a larger campaign (a million page views or more per month), our fee is $2.95 per 1000 page views $1.95 per 1000 page views for a 120 by 600 skyscraper with the same restriction of no movement.

Advertising Effectiveness

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm used by the Google Internet search engine that assigns a numerical weighting to Web sites with the purpose of "measuring" its relative importance. Google ranks as a PR7 on their PageRank scale with PR10 being the highest.

For More Information

Please contact Nyna Sykes.