3D Medical Animations
This information is provided by an independent source. Merck & Co. does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy of the content, or for the practices or standards of non-Merck sources. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. A licensed health care professional should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. The manufacturer of a product generally has the most complete information about that product.
The world's largest library of 3D medical animations developed and copyrighted by Blausen Medical Communications. The Human Atlas figures rotating model, labeled slides, and printable text in addition to animated videos.
Shows a video of the selected health topic.
Controls play, pause, and restart of the video.
Shows a summary of the selected health topic.
Controls to scroll the text.
Shows a 3 D model of the video.
Controls to rotate the model.
Shows slides from the video.
Controls to change slides.

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To use Blausen's Atlas software, you must ensure you have these capabilities.

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This information is provided by an independent source. Merck & Co., Inc. is not responsible for this content. Please discuss any and all treatment options with your health care professional. The manufacturer of a product generally has the most complete information about that product.

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