Russian cargo ship docks with space station

Page last updated at 17:05 GMT, Sunday, 4 July 2010 18:05 UK

The Russian cargo ship successfully docked with the ISS to unload supplies

An unmanned Russian cargo ship has docked successfully with the International Space Station (ISS), two days after a similar attempt failed.

The freighter, Progress M-06M, is carrying food, fuel and other supplies for the six astronauts aboard the station.

Its first attempt to dock, on Friday, was aborted because of a docking system failure.

Officials said the second attempt went without a hitch.

"The docking was executed flawlessly by Progress' Kurs automated rendezvous system," said the US space agency Nasa.

The cargo vessel, which launched on 30 June, is carrying 2.6 tonnes of cargo for the ISS crew, which currently comprises three Russians and three Americans.

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