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The nano-secret of youthful skin

10:00 21 November 2010

A compound in anti-wrinkle creams used to stimulate collagen growth may do so by providing the ideal molecular surface for the collagen to grow

Compound combats triple-negative breast cancer in lab

10:00 20 November 2010

A compound that slows the proliferation of triple-negative breast cancer cells in lab tests could lead to drugs to target this aggressive tumour

US reserves of rare earth elements assessed for first time

20:58 19 November 2010

The US has 13 million tonnes of rare earth elements but it would take years to begin to extract them, suggests the first detailed report on the country's supply

Extreme survival: The toughest beast in the world

17:45 19 November 2010

What shrugs off lethal gamma rays, temperatures close to absolute zero, the vacuum of space, unearthly pressure and 120 years without water?


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