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Intentional or Unintentional?

Intentional or Unintentional? for 6/26

To refresh you on the game, the gist is that I show you an instance of something in comics I found humorous, and you tell me if the humor was intentional or unintentional!
Today's instance is from the first issue of Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo's Fantastic Four run.

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Intentional or Unintentional? for 6/2

To refresh you on the game, the gist is that I show you an instance of something in comics I found humorous, and you tell me if the humor was intentional or unintentional!
Today's instance is the infamous 1951 issue of Batman (#66) that featured Batman and Joker competing in "pulling boners."

Thanks to scansdaily for the [...]

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Intentional or Unintentional?

Here's a new game! I show you an instance of something in comics I found hilarious, and you tell me if the humor was intentional or unintentional! Unintentional humor is mainly the stuff that places like What Were They Thinking? and Superdickery specialize in. You know, like some innocent enough panel from 1955 that, looked [...]

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