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Adam Strum saved a topic 10 mins ago

The wine industry is growing throughout the world. It encompasses the wineries, winemakers,...

Adarsh Khare saved a topic 23 mins ago

Nobody goes to MIT for "soft" skills like teamwork and communication -- they go for the operational...

Andrew Taylor shared a reaction in American Express 1 day ago
AmEx profits soar, but shares fallmore

“The kinds of profits that were made in the past may no longer be possible in the new regime.Caution doesn't permit them.”

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Harry Teng shared a reaction in Product Management 1 day ago
How LEGO Revived Its Brandmore

“A great article”

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Steve Gibson shared a reaction in Online Video 1 day ago
Zoomwit: You've Got Videomore

“Create, send and recieve video, audio and rich text messages easily and for free. No download or installation is require”

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Jamie Glass saved a topic 1 day ago

Corporate entrepreneurship refers to the formal and informal process of creating new businesses,...

Thomas Huynh shared a reaction in Local Food Movement 1 day ago
The Food Revolution: Rethinking Fast Foodmore

“Say no to super size for our super kids! :-)”

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  • Global power and energy will track information pertaining to the power and energy markets and...

  • A banker or bank is a financial institution whose primary activity is to act as a payment agent for...

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