In print for 165 years, The Globe and Mail has consistently delivered Canada's best and deepest coverage of national, international and business news.

The paper is a daily must-read for Canadians who want to know about the essential issues, facts and opinions that affect our world. With a cumulative six-day readership total of just over 2,600,000, The Globe and Mail enjoys a wide--and a highly loyal--readership.*

Statistics bear this out. Seventy-five per cent of our current subscriber base has been with us for more than two years; many of them for much longer. What's more, our annual subscriber churn (the amount of subscribers who do not renew in a given year) is considered to be much lower than the industry standard.

The most recent ABC Audit Report for the 12 months ending Sept. 30, 2009, shows The Globe and Mail firing on all cylinders. In just about every category--weekdays and Saturdays, in Toronto and nearly every major market in Canada--The Globe trounces the other national daily. Download the Audit Bureau of Circulations' report on The Globe for more information. Quick summary reports are also available: Regional Circulation Summary Report . Competitive comparsions can be found in this document: Globe vs. Post Circulation Summary Report

Advertisers also appreciate that, rather than relying on bulk subscriptions to boost numbers as some Canadian newspapers do, The Globe is committed to delivering a quality readership willing to pay for a quality product.

Canada's Most Sought-After Demographic
Globe and Mail readers include the key decision-makers of Canadian households, businesses and governments--individuals whose appetite for news and views is only satisfied by The Globe's critical look at what has or is about to happen--and how these events will affect their lives. The Globe is the essential "morning read" in Ottawa, on Bay Street and across the country, regardless of whether readers are seated in the executive suite or at the breakfast table.

A blue-chip brand whose credibility is unchallenged, The Globe is universally recognized as Canada's newspaper of record. In fact:
  • No other Canadian paper is more relied on, quoted or courted for its news coverage. This kind of authority confers an independent "stamp of approval" to the credibility of ads that appear among the paper's content.
  • Other news media, not just newspapers but also TV and radio stations, use The Globe to help set their own news agendas for the day. Clearly, it's not just readers but also our competitors who consider The Globe Canada's No. 1 news source.
  • With more foreign bureaus than any other Canadian news source, The Globe is on the ground when stories break, able to report faster and more accurately than newspapers that rely heavily on wire services. It's this kind of reporting that's earned our readers' loyalty--and loyal readers translate into more frequent exposures for advertisers' messages.
  • The Globe offers balanced perspectives and competing points of view so that readers can make the smartest, most-informed decisions about issues. Readers of The Globe's content are truly engaged with our articles and analysis--and in a receptive frame of mind when they take in adjacent advertising.
An Ideal Way to Reach Canada's Most Coveted Audience
The Globe's audience consists of Canada's most influential and affluent citizens--readers who depend on our timely, balanced reporting and analysis in order to form their own opinions and plan their lives, careers and investments accordingly.

When you advertise in The Globe and Mail, your message reaches Canada's thought-leaders and taste-makers--those individuals who lead or intend to lead in politics, business, the workplace or the home. More importantly, Globe and Mail readers have the purchasing power--whether personal or corporate--to follow up on the needs and desires advertisements in The Globe generate.

Weekday Globe and Mail Readers**

Editions at a Glance
For a complete guide to which sections appear in which Globe and Mail editions, download our newspaper editorial calendar.

Great Ways to Extend Your Media Reach
Advertisers who combine space in our newspaper with with additional presence in other Globe properties enjoy significant lifts in brand awareness and sell-through. A newspaper buy plus messaging in Canada's best business magazines or across our websites represents outstanding value for any company's advertising dollar.

Learn More
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Globe and Mail newspaper sections

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* Source: PMB Spring 2010, total Canadians 12 and older.
** Source: PMB Spring 2009, total Canadian adults 18 and older.
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