San Vanelonaedit this page

From Skate Franchise Wiki

This article is about the fictional city. If you were looking for something else, please go here San Vanelona (disambugation).
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The fictional town of San Vanelona, or more commonly known as San Van , is closely based on real-world cities like, Vancouver, British Columbia; San Fransisco, California, and Barcelona, Spain. The city is the main setting in all Skate games (exluding Skate 3). The town is composed of 4 districts called

The Res, Old town, Suburbs, and Downtown.


[edit] The Res

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The Res is a district consisting of elevated roadways and alleyways.

[edit] Old Town

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The Old Town district is the most historic place in the city, consisting of block filled streets and buildings as well as a number of empty pipe lines.

[edit] Suburbs

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The Suburbs district is filled with rich homes and alleyways. There are a number of backyard pools in the area. The Community Center and the High school are located here.

[edit] Downtown

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Downtown is filled with urban life style, consisted of buildings, stairs, and rails.