Wet bulb heat category: Green as of 9/2/2010 03:28 PM
Fire danger rating: Green as of 9/2/2010 09:03 PM


Public Affairs Officer:
(315) 772-5461
Deputy Public Affairs Officer:
(315) 772-8286
(315) 772-7974
Media Relations Officer:
(315) 772-7267

Plans and Operations Officer:
(315) 772-7895
Community Relations Officer:
(315) 772-6790
Plans and Operations NCOIC:
(315) 772-5521
Command Information Officer:
(315) 772-7641
Public Affairs Assistant:
(315) 772-5461
The Mountaineer Editor:
(315) 772-5469
DrumTV Producer:
(315) 772-9043 or 8131

DrumTV Associate Producer:
(315) 772-9043 or 8131

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