Department of Biological Sciences

Welcome to the Department of Biological Sciences. We are a community of faculty, students and staff studying an expansive spectrum of the living world from macromolecular structure to ecology and much of the natural work in between.

Graham Hatfull, Professor & Chair

Our mission is to achieve excellence in our scholarly pursuits and in our teaching and training of undergraduate and graduate students. As scientific researchers and explorers we offer an environment in which both graduate and undergraduate students actively participate in biological discovery, sharing new insights with faculty and other researchers. The diversity of scientific interests within the department contributes to an exciting, interactive, and supportive environment, where we all strive to achieve our goals and ambitions. I hope that you enjoy your visit to this web site and learning more about the Department.

This Site is maintained by the Bioscience Webmaster; this page was last modified 19 June 2010

The Department of Biological Sciences is in the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh.