Federal Election

Mining Tax

Headache for Gillard as miners ready to launch anti-tax ads

Andrew Forrest

Prime Minister Julia Gillard will be given another headache this week with junior and mid-tier miners set to relaunch their advertising campaign against the government’s proposed mining tax.

Will the early worm get the bird?

Leaders' Debate

Leaders' Debate Special - Live Updates from 6.30pm

Comments 10

Coalition to cut migrant numbers

Stephanie Peatling The Coalition is preparing to announce dramatic cuts to the migration program as it seeks to outmanoeuvre the government on population and immigration.

The incredible shrinking Julia Gillard


Josh Gordon Since she took the leadership a month ago, the Prime Minister’s policy agenda has kept getting smaller, writes Josh Gordon.

Abbott praises the women in his life

Tony Abbott

Jacob Saulwick Tony Abbott says he does not have a problem with female voters, but the Opposition Leader nevertheless feels the need to stress the important role of women in his life.