
Police Say Yeardley Love May Have Died After a Fight

Updated: 1 day 21 hours ago
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David Lohr

David Lohr Contributor

(Aug. 19) -- Attorneys for University of Virginia student George Huguely have contended the death of his former girlfriend, Yeardley Love, was a tragic accident, but newly released court documents allege the couple had been fighting before her death.

Huguely, 22, has been accused of first-degree murder in the death of the Virgina lacrosse player, who was also 22.

Officers were called to Love's off-campus apartment on May 3 to investigate a possible alcohol overdose. When officers arrived on the scene, they found Love dead in a bedroom. She had what police have described as "obvious physical trauma." One of her eyes was swollen shut, her face was bruised and there was a pool of blood on her pillow.

Police say Huguely told them he removed Love's computer from the apartment after the altercation. That laptop was later retrieved by the police and is now considered evidence in the case, according to the documents.

Search warrant affidavits released earlier this week indicate police have recovered fragments of an e-mail Love sent to Huguely in the days preceding her death. The text of the e-mail has not yet been released, but investigators say it is considered evidence.

"[The e-mail] is evidence of a prior incident between Huguely and Love," Charlottesville, Va., detective Lisa T. Reeves wrote in the affidavit, the Washington Examiner reports.

The affidavit also contains an account from one of Love's friends, who says she witnessed a fight between Huguely and Love before her death. The witness told police Love struck her former boyfriend with her purse.

According to the affidavit requesting a search warrant, Huguely admitted to police that he kicked his foot through the door to Love's bedroom and got into an argument with her, during which he "shook" her and her head "repeatedly hit the wall."

Following his first court appearance, Huguely's attorney, Francis Lawrence, told reporters he was confident that Love's death was "not intended but an accident with a tragic outcome."

Huguely is being held in the Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail. His trial has been scheduled for Oct. 7.
Filed under: Nation, Crime
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