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Jeffrey A. Thompson's profile

New Reviewer Rank: 4,869
Classic Reviewer Rank: 2,668
Helpful votes received on reviews, lists & guides: 72% (1,046 of 1,457)
Location: Iowa City, IA USA
Birthday: May 30
In My Own Words:
I live in Iowa and am a database adminstrator. Lately, I have been reading history, philosophy and theology. However, I like all genres of books.


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The Road <b>DVD</b> ~ Viggo Mortensen
Reviewed and rated
The Road DVD ~ Viggo Mortensen
Very bleak [Read more]
one week ago
The Great Theologians: A Brief Guide by Gerald R. McDermott
Reviewed and rated
The Great Theologians: A Brief Guide by Gerald R. McDermott
A very brief guide. [Read more]
three weeks ago


New Reviewer Rank: 4,869 - Total Helpful Votes: 1046 of 1457
Classic Reviewer Rank: 2,668
The Road <b>DVD</b> ~ Viggo Mortensen
The Road DVD ~ Viggo Mortensen
3.0 out of 5 stars Very bleak, August 3, 2010
It is an upbeat movie for a post-apocalyptic tale where there is no food except can goods and grains (which are increasingly harder to find) and other humans. I haven't read the book, but it must be the prose that makes the book great. The movie sets the tone flawlessly. The sets are great. The atmosphere is gloomy. Everything is pretty much shades of gray. Viggo does a great job. Charlize Theron is very good. The boy is good. He is a little too cherubic for starving to death, but he is good. Robert Duvall has a bit part and he is great. The relationship between the boy and father seems real.

My only criticism was the plot. You never know what happened to world that caused… Read more
The Great Theologians: A Brief Guide by Gerald R. McDermott
The Great Theologians: A Brief Guide by Gerald R. McDermott
5.0 out of 5 stars A very brief guide., July 22, 2010
McDermott gives a very succinct and a very readable chapter on each of the lives and theologies of eleven great theologians: Origen, Athanasius, Augustine, Augustine, Calvin, Edwards, Schleiermacher, Newman, Barth and Von Balthasar. Each chapter starts with a biographical sketch. It then covers the major themes of thought of the theologian. Third, the chapter covers the distinctive theme for that theologian. The rest of the chapter has a section on what we can learn from the theologian, a short selection from one of the works of the theologian, a few discussion questions and finally some recommended readings.

McDermott's writing is easy to read and is very enthusiastic about… Read more
The Story of Christianity, Volume 1: The Early Chu&hellip by Justo L. Gonz�lez
This volume skillfully covers the growth of Christianity from the time of the apostles to the birth of the Reformation. He covers all branches of Christianity. He focuses on key individuals and the development of theological concepts. He does of masterful job of interweaving all the threads of the narrative to keep the story interesting. He explains the theological controversies simply, but accurately. He points out the corruption, but always brings up the individuals who tried to bring reform to the Church. He does a good job of not showing partiality to any particular branch of Christianity. The most interesting section to me was the growth of Christianity in Latin America. I knew some… Read more

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Favorite Items

The Good Life by Harold Fickett
The Good Life by Harold Fickett
Knowing God by J. I. Packer
Knowing God by J. I. Packer
The Calvary Road by Roy Hession
The Calvary Road by Roy Hession
Jonathan Edwards: A Life by George M. Marsden
Jonathan Edwards: A Life by George M. Marsden
Freedom of the Will by Jonathan & Darlene Edwards
Freedom of the Will by Jonathan & Darlene Edwards

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