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Activity: Medium
Code license:
New BSD License
xml-rpc, xml, wsdl, rpc, php, c, qt, xrdl, http
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XRDL is to XML-RPC what WSDL is to SOAP: an automated client generation tool.

XRDL provides a way to create simple service definitions for XML-RPC services. XRDL is inspired by WSDL but aims for ease of use in the spirit of XML-RPC.

XRDL includes a number of tools, allowing automatic XRDL-generation for servers and clients written in php or C++/Qt.

Currently the only way to download XRDL is by cloning the mercurial repository.

Contributions are more than welcome - especially in the form of client-generators for one of the many XML-RPC libraries out there.

Please get in touch with me at if you have questions or wish to contribute.

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