Ann Lee - 22nd August, 2010

Cheryl Cole snogged Simon Cowell, says Konnie Huq

Xtra Factor host Konnie Huq has set tongues wagging with her claim that Cheryl Cole and Simon Cowell have enjoyed a cheeky kiss.

Did Cheryl Cole snog Simon Cowell? (Photo: ITV) Did Cheryl Cole snog Simon Cowell? (Photo: ITV)

The TV presenter teased Vernon Kay on his Radio 1 show yesterday.

“They had a massive snog," she told him but refused to say if she was joking or not.

X Factor kicked off last night on ITV with an audience of 11.1 million viewers.

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You say:

  • she has probably been paid to say it to get more viewers. simon loves the banter.Angus Campbell, Swindon, 23/8/2010 14:53Report abuse
  • I don't beileve that for one moment, I think Konnie needs to becareful with her remarks because she could lose her job. It may be a joke but simon might not see it that way.sarah gregory, harwich, 23/8/2010 11:26Report abuse
  • defo agree with the chemistry you can see he has a soft spot for her although they would be great together i can never ever see it happeningrachael griffiths, york, 23/8/2010 10:05Report abuse
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