What’s behind the 100 Huntley Street shake up – part 2

This post is for people who invested with Gordon Driver and Axcess Funds and for viewers of 100 Huntley Street who have heard that Ron and Reynold Mainse have been removed from their responsibilities at Crossroads Christian Communications.

I rarely categorize posts, however, traffic is picking up at BDBO because this story has been posted and updated here, so this unfolding story now has it’s own categories to help people needing and searching for information find things quickly.
There are cross border regulatory issues which have needed expert input, and gaps filled in by readers. Categorizing means you can keep up to date on information coming out when you click on any 100 Huntley post just by using the sidebar.

I have already put up a post from Dr. Mark Byron, an economics professor in the US called Innocent Greed, which fills in the background of this alleged ponzi scheme and the regulatory bodies involved in what would have been just another scam and broken investors if two Canadian televangelist personalities hadn’t been scammed also.

Dr. Byron took at look at Gordon Driver’s Axcess Funds/Axcess Automation and at  court documents, and researched the SEC data base. 
Were Ron and Reynold Mainse victims, victimizers or both?  We don’t know.

We know a David Rutledge is a cousin of the Mainse brothers according to readers. I do not have verification the David Rutledge named in the Ontario Security Exchange Commission temporary order is the Mainse cousin and the Director of Ministry at Crossroads.
I’m working on it.
This David Rutledge is the son of the infamous pentecostal preacher Ralph Rutledge, who left his last church (Queensway Cathedral) under less than stellar circumstances. I’m counting on readers in the know to provide background and information on David.

A commenter also gave information on some of Gordon Drivers time in the Hamilton area. 
A scammed investor popped into a comment section.
I hope investors speak up.  Other than The Hamilton Spectator mention, there is nothing as yet other than the forum I found this story in, Dr. Byron’s answers to my questions from BDBO. Why the silence on such an important story in the pentecostal community and religious programming community in Canada?

In Driving Mr. Driver, Dr. Byron answers the following questions:

1)      It is my understanding the CFTC filing makes this a civil court case. Correct?
2)      Can Driver settle out of court?
3)      I’m confused about a May 22nd court ordered appearance in California (seems that’s where Driver had his company). Why did the paper trail stop?
4)     Is there a separate criminal case?  Or does the SEC support other regulatory agencies and file alongside?
5)     Now what?  What is procedure?
6)    …Wonder if Cdn legal proceedings are possible/probable?
7)    Are his (Drivers) assets (home etc) forfeited to pay back US investors first?
8)    Can the CFTC and US court take his Canadian assets to pay back investors?
9)    Requests for orders finding Driver in violations sections of regulations means what?
10)  He (Driver) can never try to operate again? Pave the way for a criminal trial?
11)  Do Canadian investors have any recourse in the US court system or do they have to file a civil or criminal suit in Canada?
12)  Driver bled his scheme dry in under three years, there doesn’t seem to be much available to give back.
The legal fees alone would eat up a lot. Is just over 100 investors and 13 million dollars average?
13)  Is there any way to find out who investors were or is that information considered private to protect victims?

As you read the facts and information compiled here at BDBO, what questions do you have?

Other bloggers: Elle Pyke: What’s going down at 100 Huntley Street?

About Bene Diction

Have courage for the great sorrows, And patience for the small ones. And when you have laboriously accomplished your tasks, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.
This entry was posted in 100 Huntley Street, Axcess Funds, General, Gordon Driver. Bookmark the permalink.

12 Responses to What’s behind the 100 Huntley Street shake up – part 2

  1. MJ says:

    After reading your informative blogs, it would appear that there is a major coverup/whitewash happening at Crossroads! In my opinion,donors, investors, and viewers of 100 Huntley deserve to know the truth! If Ron and Reynold are “innocent pawns”,why have they disappeared? They seem to be MIA!Also who is the CEO of Crossroads and who are the members of the board! This whole fiasco seems bizarre and mysterious!

  2. Bene D says:


    I don’t know there is a cover up – but since media isn’t paying much mind we’re not going to know until people speak up.

    People do deserve the truth.
    I don’t know that it will come out.

    I haven’t had a response from 100 Huntley to two simple questions.

    a) I asked for the official statement from 100 Huntley about the brothers, found it on my own, tucked into the front of the Friday segment on video.

    b) I asked if David Rutledge is related to Ron and Reynold.

    The Board of Directors are listed at the Revenue Canada filing.
    Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. appears to be the US, hard to know who is in running what.

    I don’t see Ron and Reynold as MIA, more that the communication lag to the public is very poor.

    The brothers may have been busy once Drivers assets were frozen,
    we don’t know what each Mainse lost financially, nor what part they are playing in the investigation for the civil case.

    Bizarre and mysterious? I’m not prepared to go that far, I see it as typical of a ministry started by one man over 40 years ago who relies on family and a group of people who travel in the same circles – faith, educational business and social.
    The charismatic leader leaves, and what he has built is prey to conmen and unscruptulous members of the family…
    I think 100 Huntley is showing poor judgement in poor
    communication with the public, we don’t know if they’ve over-reacted or under-reacted.

    Perhaps The Crossroads Christian Communications family of ministries are victims of time and change.
    As the audience ages, and the founder is not front and center anymore, donations, audience and interest have dropped. I don’t doubt the economic upheaval has affected programming, staffing and day to day business.

    The board didn’t say who the interim/new President of
    Crossroads is in their official announcement did they?

    I don’t know who the CEO is.

  3. Hurt says:

    I was an investor in this scam. To say that many are hurting by this is an understatement. The focus from 100 Huntley is on the Mainses brothers but what about us – the viticms – who speaks for us? What has happen to the money the finders made off the victims, where did it go?? Who got what?? How do viticms get justice and proper treatment???

    I appreciated what you said about Cantelons statement about it not being sexual in a previous posting – whoever said it – minimizing the focus on the brothers not the victims – there is so much distrust out there now, not sure where this will end or how it will turn out.

  4. Bene Diction says:


    You are the 3rd investor who has left a comment.
    Let me say I am sorry you have been hurt, and thank you for speaking up.

    Did you wind up investing because of a recommendation from someone from 100 Huntley?

    Someone related to someone at 100 Huntley?

    Do you have any idea if 100 Huntley is offering help to victims?

    Can you tell me how Reynold and Ron worked as finders?

    Do you know how many times?

    How many investors are you aware of?

    Were you approached by investigators?

    Are investors getting together to take action?

    If you can share here how you were scammed, please do so if it will help others.
    Is there anything else you’d like to say?

  5. TC says:


    I appreciate your passionate – yet objective – approach to reporting.


  6. Bob01 says:

    Some more interesting details on Mr. Driver from a acquaitance from the past.


  7. Bene D says:

    Bob, another good catch! Thank you.

    Quite the pattern, even with the 30 year gap.

    I’m pleased Mr. Wilkinson spoke up in a culture which thinks silence is next to godliness.

    Driver’s victims need information and whether Christians chose to understand how they can be scammed, at least those how have been harmed have gaps being filled in.

  8. Bene D says:


    Crossroads Christian Communications is updating their webpages.
    The board of directors and CEO are now listed on their corporate pages.

    The CEO (Doug McKenzie) piped up June 12th.


  9. Lyn K. says:

    Thank you for your largely objective reporting of this situation.

    However, in a few posts, it was speculated that the Mainse brothers acted out of greed or a “lust for riches”. It seems to me that to state that they were motivated by their desire for personal financial gain is presumptuous and judgemental.

    The Mainses and their extended family have a solid reputation of generosity and integrity – they have given of their personal time and money to many people and ministries. In fact, it’s just as easy to speculate that this spirit of generosity is what motivated them to offer the opportunity to others – it’s just as likely that they wanted to share what seemed to be an awesome opportunity, not knowing that they were all being or would be “taken”.

    To say that they are greedy or money-lustful is nothing but speculation and assumption. This family is going through enough. They are victims. To have their time-proven reputations questioned is unnecessary and causes them more hurt and damage. To say that they don’t need more of that is an understatement, to say the least.

    Also, there has been some discussion as to why they have “disappeared”, some of it – again – speculating that they have something to hide. It is just as plausible that they are reeling from all of this and are out of the public eye while they try to deal with the emotional impact of everything.

    We need to leave them alone, show them some compassion and keep them in our prayers.

  10. Bene Diction says:


    Ron and Reynold Mainse were removed from their responsibilities while the Crossroads board takes stock.

    Removal from one’s position is not the same as hiding.

    At least one Mainse brother lost a substantial amount of money I’m aware of.

    There is an active investigation going on (US), prosecutors need to do discovery on Gordon Driver/Axcess if he’s finally got a lawyer.

    Also, there are people talking to Cdn investigators.

    David Rutledge worked for Gordon Driver, that has to be looked at on both sides of the border.
    The OSC didn’t slap up the order on a whim.

    The US court actions are currently civil, with the door open for criminal charges.

    There can be all kinds of reasons investors become point people, and I think what you are attempting to address is
    a) who were point people (finders)
    b) to whom
    c) intent

    There is a post up about religious affinity fraud.

    That all Axcess Automation/Fund investors are reeling and suffering cannot be minimized.
    Many are not in the public eye, and suffered great loss also.

    “To have their time-proven reputations questioned is unnecessary and causes them more hurt and damage.”

    While this may be a hard truth, questions are very necessary.

  11. Donna M says:

    I just watched the Drew Marshall interview on Yu Tube, and I think it was pertinent for the time and so much like Jesus in timing. I have supported 100 Huntley for years but recently had been wondering if I really wanted to do that, and if the Lort might have somewhere that is more in touch with the real world out there and the battle between Satan and the Saints in its true grit form. I watched the interview, and felt warmed that it had been on 100 Huntley. It was “real”. ron and Kathy were stunned, but had to rally to save themselves and did really well. I had to think, that they would have been as shocked if they had interviewed Jesus too, of course he wouldn’t have had to be a startling in his language as Drew, but he would also be a realist. I went on line to find out why I have not seen them for awhile and lo and behold found all this latest controversy, and that the: brothers” too really do have feet of clay. How good for me to know. I feel this interview was probably a preparation from the Lord for them all and for us too. The time is short, and thousands are not saved, and we are playing TV church. I think all this is a great plan….God is doing his thing again, and I love it. I have always loved Norm, but I am afraid that his shock at the interview was probably not near what his shock was at the subsequent revelation at the activities of the president and his brother’s activities. I hope his rresponse to them is more loving. When something happened to me in my fellowship it was the end of my life there, and in so many other ways. But as Drew said, Jesus just never gave up on me. I loved his truth, rough though his language was. In many things we all fall. JUDGEMENT SHOULD NOT BE OUR RESPONSE. LETS LEAVE THAT UP TO GOD, AND DO WHAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO BEST….LOVE. I am gong to renew my donating, and see how God brings this ministry down to “feet on the ground Christianity, as it should have been all along.” I love you all at Huntley, but so does God and he knows the time is short better than we. hE IS JUST SHAPING UP THINGS QUICKER THAN WE EXPECTED. How long do you think change would have taken if these disasters had not happened. Lets rally round, put our shoulder in, wipe up the tears and get serious…AND REAL AGAIN.

  12. Bene D says:

    Hi Donna:

    I think you meant Reynold and Kathy.:^)

    I asked Drew Marshall if that interview was a put on and a promo idea for both his show and Crossroads.

    Drew was empathic that it was not and was not upset I asked.
    They are friends, and accept their differences.

    At each step along the way with Crossroads/Axcess I’ve emailed Crossroads with questions, attempting to listen to what they chose to say. They chose not to respond.

    Marshall was the first to be concerned about how Crossroads Christian Communications had handled yanking Ron, Reynold, Ann and Kathy off air, pointly out with absolute clarity the message that has been send in the ‘how.’

    Feet on the ground is a good turn of phrase. As Crossroads airs on RBN and has more and more US guests for it’s aging Canadian audience, I think it’s wise we as givers we all re-think seasons, location and effect.

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