Orly Taitz Wants to Sue for Gen. McChrystal, Testify Against Elena Kagan

Thumbnail image for OrlyTaitzatCRA1.jpg
Christopher Victorio / OC Weekly
On the heels of her failed bid to become the Republican nominee for Secretary of State, Orange County's top birther and not-top dentist Orly Taitz has kept up her fervent blogging. 

The theme of late seems to be Taitz wondering aloud about which soon-to-be-historical events she should crash so as to solidify her status as the Forrest Gump of the Obama age.

Yes, Orly Taitz reads the news.

First, she was hoping to testify at the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. As solicitor general, Kagan was among the scores of public officials that Taitz tried to notify about Barack Obama's many (imaginary) crimes. Kagan did nothing; ipso facto, she's involved in a fraudulent cover-up that only Taitz can reveal:
My great uncle was a translator at the Nurenberg trials. He also spoke 5 languages and did simultaneous translations. It took some time to gather evidence for Nurenberg trials. We are now gathering evidence for Washington Obama fraud trials (possibly treason trials). I have evidence showing that Elena Kagan had knowledge of Obama committing Social Security fraud, she was silent and covered it up. It is material for her Supreme court confirmation hearing. Please, send this to your senators, there has to be one senator out of a 100, who is not corrupt, who has some backbone and other necessary parts to let me speak.
"Necessary parts?"  That's actually kind of funny.

Taitz has also been pining for recently sacked U.S. general Stanley McChrystal to give her a call. She says that McCrystal is a "perfect plaintiff to expose Obama's lack of legitimacy," and that he "needs to file a legal action, seeking compensations, as he was pressured to resign by one who is illegally occupying the position of the commander in chief."

Arizona's also been on her mind. She endorsed J.D. Hayworth, the Republican radio host challenging John McCain for his senate seat. Hayworth has flirted with birtherism in the past, but now denounces it. Taitz also wants to help Governor Jan Brewer to defend the controversial Arizona immigration law from legal challenges.

Oh, and she is in the Rush Limbaugh camp of speculating that the BP oil leak may have been caused by a Obama/Greenpeace joint operation. "BP has done some 5,000 drills like this, there were no accidents, we are not even sure whether this was an accident or act of sabotage. That needs to be investigated."

And that's more Taitz news than is fit to print.

Comments (31)

trent1280 says:

The lunatic Taitz is an incompetent attorney who has lost EVERY case she has filed against Pres Obama. EVERY single case. Her filings are so inept, illiterate, incoherent and ignorant of both law and evidentiary procedure that she has been fined $20,000 by a US federal judge for her multiple blunders.

The deadbeat Taitz has yet to pay a nickel of the money she owes our nation.

She was defeated in her campaign for the Republican nomination, and is now suing the Republican nominee.

Taitz re-defines party loyalty. She IS the definition of narcissistic personality disorder.

We look forward to the day when the lunatic Taitz sues Santa Claus for failing to report Pres Obama's real place of birth. Think it through...

Santa keeps the addresses of all the children in the world. On August 4, 1961, Santa MUST have known where Obama was born that day. Hawaii? Kenya? Indonesia? Atlantis?

Why has Santa refused to disclose that information to the lunatic Taitz? She has a right to know!

Posted On: Thursday, Jun. 24 2010 @ 1:56PM
Anthony says:

Orly Taitz is a perfect case study for how to identify legal claims that have no merit. Now, she wants to get McChrystal involved.

Posted On: Thursday, Jun. 24 2010 @ 1:59PM
rikkif says:

Spencer, your time is better spent covering stories than re-printing Orly Taitz's drivel. Entertaining though it may be...

Posted On: Thursday, Jun. 24 2010 @ 2:13PM
So you say... says:

For the first time, I'm going to agree that Taitz no longer deserves any coverage. Sure she's a hoot and is constantly ratcheting up the crazy. The only problem is that even bad coverage is good in her mind. It won't be long before she has copied and pasted the contents of this article into her blog. How she loves to be in the spotlight.

Posted On: Thursday, Jun. 24 2010 @ 2:18PM
chonches says:

trent 1280= LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted On: Thursday, Jun. 24 2010 @ 4:05PM
LBCityGirl says:

How I love freedom of speech, let me count the ways!

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 12:33AM
brian says:

when is the state bar going to sanction her and pull her license?

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 6:30AM
christoofar says:

Orly needs her own (non) reality show. Oh,....wait...

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 7:31AM
tbinca says:

Taitz is a clown, but nobody spends 2 million in attorneys fees to keep people from seeing their birth certificate. It actually doesn't matter since Barry Soetero's dad is not an American citizen and both parents have to be US citizens for a person to be "natural born." The man is not qualified to hold office and is a joke. All you brainwashed sheep defend an imposter because "your guy" won. This country is lost.

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 7:38AM
ellid says:

@tbinca -

1. The President has spent a couple of thousand on legal fees...or weren't you aware that the loser in a civil case pays court costs?

2. There is no such person as "Barry Soetoro."

3. Barack Obama Sr.'s citizenship is not relevant since his son was born in Hawaii.

4. 69 million of "WE THE PEOPLE" disagree.

5. The only impostor is the clown who hijacked your account to post this slop.

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 8:00AM
trent1280 says:

Hey Tbinca:

Why are you birthers so gullible? Why do you operate in a realm of zero evidence, and then pretend you have the facts? Consider.

Where does this $2 million figure come from? Do you have the billings? Invoices? Line items? Budget items? Have you personally seen and authenticated any such documentation? Do you know how much these lawyers charge by the hour? By the day? What their overhead might be?

You offer no proof of this "$2 million" at all. None. Zero. Zip. You repeat it, as if that makes it true. You could also say, 2 million times, that the North Pole is a sugar plantation. That does not make it so.

Evidence, please. Evidence. In the total lack of evidence, some people might just suspect you were... well... making it up.

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 9:33AM
jimimosey says:

Let me just say that this would be a much sadder world without our Orly. Opponents are "man hand"led and don't stand a chance against such a powerful legal mind and eyelashes. Just when you think it can't get any better, she always comes up with something more far out. Orly, don't you ever change, girl. We need you!

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 11:59AM
Sirocco says:

Who told you that BOTH parents have to be US citizens? It is not true. Birth in the USA is sufficient.

That is why such prominent conservative Senators who are also lawyers as Orren Hatch and Lindsay Graham say that a Natural Born Citizen is simply one who was born in the USA:

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), said:

“Every child born in the United States is a natural-born United States citizen except for the children of diplomats.” (December 11, 2008 letter to constituent)

Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), said:

“What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)

And there have been MANY lawsuits in which the courts have held that the US-born children of one or two foreigners are Natural Born Citizens.

For example:

Mustata v. US Dept. of Justice, 179 F.3d 1017 (6th Cir. 1999) (children born in US to two Romanian citizens described as “natural born citizens” of the US):

"Petitioners Marian and Lenuta Mustata are citizens of Romania. At the time of their petition, they resided in Michigan with their two minor children, who are natural born citizens of the United States."

Diaz-Salazar v. INS, 700 F.2d 1156 (7th Cir. 1983) (child born in US to Mexican citizen is “natural born citizen” of US):

"Petitioner, Sebastian Diaz-Salazar, entered the United States illegally [from Mexico] in 1974 and has been living and working in Chicago since that time. *** The relevant facts which have been placed before the INS, BIA, and this court can be summarized as follows: The petitioner has a wife and two children under the age of three in Chicago; the children are natural-born citizens of the United States."

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 2:09PM
Sirocco says:

Who told you that BOTH parents have to be US citizens? It is not true. Birth in the USA is sufficient.

That is why such prominent conservative Senators who are also lawyers as Orren Hatch and Lindsay Graham say that a Natural Born Citizen is simply one who was born in the USA:

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), said:

“Every child born in the United States is a natural-born United States citizen except for the children of diplomats.” (December 11, 2008 letter to constituent)

Senator Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), said:

“What is a natural born citizen? Clearly, someone born within the United States or one of its territories is a natural born citizen.” (Senate Judiciary Committee hearing hearing on OCTOBER 5, 2004)

And there have been MANY lawsuits in which the courts have held that the US-born children of one or two foreigners are Natural Born Citizens.

For example:

Mustata v. US Dept. of Justice, 179 F.3d 1017 (6th Cir. 1999) (children born in US to two Romanian citizens described as “natural born citizens” of the US):

"Petitioners Marian and Lenuta Mustata are citizens of Romania. At the time of their petition, they resided in Michigan with their two minor children, who are natural born citizens of the United States."

Diaz-Salazar v. INS, 700 F.2d 1156 (7th Cir. 1983) (child born in US to Mexican citizen is “natural born citizen” of US):

"Petitioner, Sebastian Diaz-Salazar, entered the United States illegally [from Mexico] in 1974 and has been living and working in Chicago since that time. *** The relevant facts which have been placed before the INS, BIA, and this court can be summarized as follows: The petitioner has a wife and two children under the age of three in Chicago; the children are natural-born citizens of the United States."

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 2:10PM
OrlysPlacenta says:


Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 3:14PM
OrlysPlacenta says:


Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 3:15PM
Ted says:

Orly Taitz is a true patriot, and a true REPUBLICAN.

Support Orly Taitz by voting REPUBLICAN.

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 3:20PM
trent1280 says:

Tbinca has failed to provide ANY evidence whatsoever that Pres Obama has spent "$2 million" defending himself against the lunatic Taitz' ceaseless lawsuits.

No evidence = no proof = no case. The $2 million claim is simply bogus. A fiction. False.

Let's look at it the other way.

Every suit the lunatic Taitz has filed has been a failure. EVERY ONE of them has been deemed unproven. She has lost every case she has brought.

These suits are civil suits. In our system of justice, the party that brings a failed lawsuit is almost always required to pay the costs of the other side. This is only fair.

SO: let's see the evidence that Taitz has paid $2 million to compensate the US taxpayer for her innumerable failed lawsuits against the President.

Test the logic: if it cost $2 million to defend Pres Obama, then the lunatic Taitz must have paid $2 million to him -- because she lost.

Remember: the losing party in a civil suit almost always pays the court costs of the victor. How much has Taitz actually paid?

According to Tbinca, it must be -- wait for it -- $2 million!

How much has she actually paid? It seems that we will continue to... wait for it.

These crazed birthers can't have it both ways.

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 3:27PM
Ted says:

Orlies = Republicans


Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 4:23PM
Ted says:

Did I mention Orly Taitz was REPUBLICAN?

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 5:33PM
So You Say... says:

Orly would like to think that she's a Republican but the Republicans don't want her. She's going to start her own political party named "The Degranged Moonbat Party".

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 6:28PM
raptozilla says:

Taitz is hell bent on earning an involuntary committment

Posted On: Friday, Jun. 25 2010 @ 9:27PM
Katahdin says:

Orly Taitz is indeed a true Republican. She lies like a rug, scams poor people out of ther money even though she's rich, has affairs and attacks other peoples' morality--oh, and she's crazy.
Sounds like a "true Republican"to me.

Posted On: Saturday, Jun. 26 2010 @ 2:06PM
trent1280 says:

It has been 36 hours since a character named Tbinca claimed that Pres Obama has spent "$2 million" to "hide" his birth certificate from the nosey lunatic Taitz.

It has been 36 hours since Tbinca was challenged to provide ONE IOTA of proof for this ridiculous claim.

One bill. One receipt. One line item. One ledger item. One proof of claim on the public or private pure. Just one.

Nothing. Zero. Zip. Nada has been presented.

Like every birther crazy, when Tbinca was challenged to provide evidence of this so-called "fact", he/she failed. Utterly failed. These birthers are VERY bad drivers -- hit and run artists who tell lies and then, like wounded weasels, run away as fast as they can.

They tell lies. That's what they do. That's all they know how to do. And every time they do, decent and patriotic Americans are going to chase them down, and tell the world. Birthers are liars, trafficking in race hate, forged documents, and political paranoia.

'Patriotism' like theirs is clinical.

36 hours... still waiting.

Posted On: Saturday, Jun. 26 2010 @ 9:49PM
trent1280 says:

It's now been 38 HOURS since Tbinca was challenged to provide evidence of the weird assertion that Pres Obama has spent "$2 million" to "hide" his birth certificate.

How typical of these birthers. No evidence, no proof, no documents -- just ridiculous claims that some people fall for, more often than not at Tea Party and KKK rallies.

The best that can be said for these dunces is that they are as gullible as children.

The worst? That they are deeply unpatriotic cynics, practicing The Big Lie as often as they are able.

Like most Big Liars, they are eventually found out.

38 hours... and we're still waiting for even one shred of evidence, Tbinca. As Ronald Reagan famously said, 'you can run, but you can't hide'.

We know you are telling lies. That's what birthers do. And you just got caught.


Posted On: Saturday, Jun. 26 2010 @ 11:54PM
raptozilla says:

Let's see, 2 million dollars divided by about 75 cases that have been tossed out of court thus far. That comes to about $26,666.67 per case. That's hardly enough to make every one of the 75 judges who have thrown these silly cases out of court circumvent the law. That would also mean that the Supreme Court justices who rejected birthers' claims at least 5 times are nothing but a bunch of crooks, even those appointed by Republican presidents. Common sense alone would tell you that not every one of these judges would accept a pay off; of the 75, at least one of them would have rejected such a pittance. But when have birthers ever exercised even the smallest degree of common sense?

The only "evidence" birthers offer for this sum of money is a word document, which could be made on any home computer with an office program, that is posted on World Nutjob Daily. All it contains is someone's name and a 2 million dollar figure. If birthers want this claim to be taken seriously, they need to provide much more credible, objective documentation than what they have provided, something that can be linked to specific cases to the tune of $26,666.67 each, and not something that can be easily made up on any computer. The most I have seen for a single case amounted to $520.00, not $26,666.67. I have asked for credible proof not of how much President Obama has spent on every one of these cases, but that he spent at least $26,666.67 on just 3 of the 75, and I have never received that proof. Naturally, birthers will say that they cannot meet this burden of proof because it is the result of a conspiracy for which they also have no proof.

Birthers operate on the false premise that President Obama is not eligible to be president, and because of that false premise, they believe that any evidence that he is eligible must be the result of a conspiracy for which they have no proof of other than their delusional belief that he is not eligible. It also leads them to grasp upon every fake document, every doctored YouTube video, and every outrageous claim as proof that President Obama is not eligible to be president. They seize upon anything that supports their delusion, no matter how fake, while rejecting everything that does not support it, no matter how credible. Anyone who offers evidence that Obama is eligible to be president is called a liar or is accused of being part of a massive coverup, and that includes the REPUBLICAN governor of Hawaii.

Sane people eventually correct their delusions to conform to reality; birthers do not. After more than two years of making this silly claim, with every case being tossed out of court, with all their "evidence" proven to be faked, and them not advancing the ball one bit on this issue in more than two years, birthers have proven beyond any doubt that they are not sane.

Posted On: Sunday, Jun. 27 2010 @ 2:28PM
trent1280 says:

It has now been 60 hours since the ridiculous liar Tbinca claimed that Pres Obama has spent "$2 million" to "conceal" his birth certificate.

SIXTY hours later, asked to put up even one document in support of this laughable canard, Tbinca has decided to shut up instead. No wonder. This assertion, like all of those told by the lunatic Taitz and her gullible acolytes, is palpably false.

Our friend Raptozilla makes a very good case for the self-fulfilling nature of the crackpot paranoia we see among the birthers.

The birthers are ignited by race hate, and fueled by ignorance and gullibility. It's really pitiful. As soon as one birther lie is shot down, they just make up another.

One piece of good fortune lies ahead: the lunatic Taitz will shortly be disbarred. Then, the birthers will have to find another leader. Luckily, Ann Coulter isn't doing much these days.

Posted On: Sunday, Jun. 27 2010 @ 6:49PM
trent1280 says:

On Friday, at 7:38am, someone with the nic 'Tbinca' posted, in part, the following:

"tbinca says:
Taitz is a clown, but nobody spends 2 million in attorneys fees to keep people from seeing their birth certificate."

Tbinca was then, repeatedly, asked to provide proof, evidence, documentation, billings, invoices -- anything -- in support of this wild and baseless claim that Pres Obama has spent "$2 million" to "hide" his birth certificate.

It's now been OVER FOUR DAYS.

Unless Tbinca has been passed out on his front lawn, it must be the case that his claim -- like the whole of the birthers' claims -- is simply another grotesque lie.

Like hit and run drivers, they do as much damage as they can and then speed off into the night, unwilling to stay and be accountable.

Tbinca, like every other birther, is motivated by race hate to tell baseless lies. When challenged, he runs away. Pitiful. Just pitiful.

Four DAYS, and counting...

BTW, 'Tbinca' is an anagram of 'tin cab'. Perhaps he's just been out driving for the last 99 hours. Too busy to provide facts. Yah never know.

Posted On: Tuesday, Jun. 29 2010 @ 10:29AM
bob says:

Taitz has filed suit again Dunn; she's trying to stop the election results from being certified.

Orange County Superior Court Case No. 30-2010-00381664.

The court's docket is online; look it up.

Posted On: Tuesday, Jun. 29 2010 @ 7:30PM
trent1280 says:

What a hoot!

The lunatic Taitz gets more crazed by the hour. I have just read the on-line material, and it's clear that she will once again lose her so-called 'case'.

Her filings remain the usual weird mixture of ad hominem attacks, bad English, non sequitur, and sheer narcissism.

Apart from the fact that she attacks her fellow Republicans and wastes the time and capacity of our courts, what's not to like?

Orly Taitz is a one-woman Goon Show, soon to be disbarred, but good for a rueful laugh every time she pretends she really is a lawyer.

The birthers could have no better leader than Orly Taitz Esq.

Posted On: Tuesday, Jun. 29 2010 @ 7:49PM
Everett Mann says:

Mrs. Taitz is not only legally correct in her assertions he also has more guts and moxy than all you numb-nuts put together, and I support her...
(pay attention, my domestic enemies of the Constitution, because this applies to you)
...by waiting patiently for the tide to turn against you as we make our own list and put you and your ilk on it.
Treason is punishable by death.
Affairs in order?
See you soon.

Posted On: Thursday, Aug. 5 2010 @ 9:51AM

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