Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

The Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb Index

Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, the new Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union, was formally the rabbi of Congregation Shomrei Emunah in Baltimore, one the largest synagogues in Baltimore. Famed for its rich array of adult educational and outreach programs, Shomrei Emunah is one of the fastest growing congregations in Baltimore.

Rabbi Weinreb, who earned a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Maryland, is a member of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America and Vice President of the Rabbinical Council of Greater Baltimore. In addition, he is a member of the Ethics Committee of the Veterans Administration Hospital. A licensed psychotherapist, Rabbi Weinreb is also Rabbinic Liaison for NEFESH: North American Network of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals. Rabbi Weinreb is married to the former Chavi Taub. They have three children and nine grandchildren.

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