Partly cloudy in the morning then clearing. Highs 72 to 80. Northwest winds up to 10 mph.

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We live in a really nice neighborhood and have not experienced what a lot of neighborhoods have — vacant houses that have gone to pot and brought down the curb appeal for the area.

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Letters to the Editor

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I don't know about you, but from time to time something in the paper, on TV or on the Internet will grab my attention and make me wonder, "What is this world coming to?"

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In response to "Arizona shows concern for us" (Aug. 16, Letters), I am 16 years old and was brought here from Mexico when I was only 6 months old. I am an illegal immigrant

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  • We don't know what we don't know, so we don't really know whether the war of words between two Democratic congressmen is a genuine dispute or was contrived to help one win re-election in a tough year for incumbents.

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  • It's an election year, and Rep. Dennis Cardoza's intense criticism of the Obama administration's handling of the foreclosure crisis is being viewed by critics in his district as political gamesmanship.

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  • During the first half of this year, German and American political leaders engaged in an epic debate. American leaders argued that the economic crisis was so bad, governments should borrow billions to stimulate growth. German leaders argued that a little short-term stimulus was sensible, but anything more was nearsighted. What was needed was not more debt, but measures to balance budgets and restore confidence.

  • The American people were promised they would save money and that their jobs and health insurance would be more secure if health reform passed. But the promises already are being broken, and workers will pay the price for ObamaCare's failures.

  • As we continue to slowly climb out of the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, I am constantly taking stock of what Congress must do put us back on the path to prosperity.

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