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Volcano Resources

A collection of volcano-related data resources and tools.

GPS observations

  • GPS Time Series: this allows the user to plot the relative motion of the sites over time and provides quality control information about the GPS data.

Basic data

  • GPS Data: retrieve basic GPS data using FTP.
  • Waveform Data: retrieve seismic waveform data in SAC, MiniSEED or plain text format using CWB.
  • Seismic Data: retrieve seismic data in SEED, MiniSEED or GSE2.0 format using AutoDRM.

Seismic drums and RSAM/SSAM images

  • Latest images: more information about how you can use our website seismicity images.

Volcano cameras

  • Recent images: more information about how you can use our website volcano camera resources.
  • Old images: retrieve volcano camera images from our archives using FTP.




  • Exercise Ruaumoko: an exercise carried out in 2007/08 based on fictitious volcanic activity in the Auckland metropolitan area.