all 27 comments

[–]youremyjuliet 7 points8 points ago

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Another tip:

To transfer 3 workers from mining minerals to gas quickly, simply select 3 workers, right click on the gas, and press [c] (or [d] if you use the grid layout).

This will cause any workers currently holding minerals to drop those minerals off before going to collect gas.

[–]dirtyuncleron69 10 points11 points ago

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otherwise the mins are lost?

[–]thebluehawk 9 points10 points ago

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[–]Blu- -1 points0 points ago

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I just shift right click Nexus, then gas.

[–]Lasmrah 0 points1 point ago

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Doesn't that make them move to the Nexus before the gas regardless of if they have minerals?

[–]Blu- 0 points1 point ago

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Yea, but that's how it should work. Or do you only want to select the workers with minerals in hand?

[–]Lasmrah 0 points1 point ago

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Hitting c only makes the ones with minerals go to the nexus. Probes with empty hands ignore the order then resume going to gas geyser.

[–]Blu- 0 points1 point ago

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Hmm, I'll use your method from now on.

[–]G_Wen 12 points13 points ago

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Better trick:

Send all idle to gas, shift click 3 of them out. Send all of the remaining to minerals.

If you need to get 2 gas up:

Send all to gas, shift 3 out.

Send all to the other gas, shift 3 out.

Send all to minerals.

[–]DevinTheGrand 4 points5 points ago

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Damn, I've been shift clicking out all but three... now I feel retarded because of how much better the reverse is.

[–]kemitche 1 point2 points ago

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I use this method all the time and can vouch for its superbness. Works great for transferring workers to new expos, etc.

[–]raziel2p 1 point2 points ago

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I don't really like this method. I'm not 100% sure, but it seems like you can't rapidly shift-click 3 units - there's a small delay before you can shift-click the next one.

[–]G_Wen 0 points1 point ago

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I was saying from the unit selection box at the bottom of the screen. It seems to be working for me just fine. Sometimes I just send them all to the minerals and grab 4/5 and do some select/deselect stuff from there. Not a big deal really, I'll test if there's a noticeable delay after work.

[–]tridium 0 points1 point ago

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Learned this trick from watching Orb's stream back in the beta. Haven't deviated since.

[–]blu3ness 0 points1 point ago

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good tip if you moved all ur workers off the mineral line and is trying to get back to normal asap!

[–][deleted] 2 points3 points ago

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if you have 10 workers mining and you select 3 and shift make a refinery, it will only use 1 to make and send the other 2 on gas only after the gas is done

[–][deleted] ago

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[–]Bryn_ 0 points1 point ago

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[–]BlazinEurasian 1 point2 points ago

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saved for view at home.

[–]BlazinEurasian 0 points1 point ago

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What does the Ctrl button do?

[–]klo8 0 points1 point ago

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Ctrl+Left click on one unit selects all units of that type (e.g. every Stalker, every Drone etc.). It also works in a more general context, as in: Ctrl+F1 selects every idle worker, or Ctrl+Shift+Left click adds all the units of one type to your current selection.

[–]daijobu 0 points1 point ago

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Or if you are on a mac, dont.

[–]reddit0019 0 points1 point ago

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I so hate that there's no right ctrl in the mac. It makes hotkeying units so much harder.

[–]daijobu 0 points1 point ago

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my laptop has a ctrl but the F keys are pretty much useless in OSX, especially while playing SC2....=/

[–]reddit0019 0 points1 point ago

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The F keys can be made useful from System Preferences:

[–]johnw188 0 points1 point ago

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Another tip with regards to gas - if you have three workers at the geyser when it finishes, you're losing a bunch of time where the workers are sitting idle. A better way is to grab workers returning with minerals one at a time, timing it so that the next worker reaches the geyser right as the previous one exits it. This method can save you 10-15 minerals, which isn't insignificant when you see people debating 9 overlord vs 10 ovie extractor trick to eek out another 4.5 minerals in the early game

[–]ButchyBear 0 points1 point ago

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Why would I ever want all workers on gas?

[–]onmach 1 point2 points ago

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You don't. You have a pile of idle workers while you are holding off hellions, no workers on gas. What you do now, you double click your workers, put them on minerals, then try to box select 3 drones out to gas.

Instead, shift+f1 three times, click gas, ctrl+f1 once, click minerals.