
I Don’t Want Directions

by Jeff

Image text: Yes, I understand that the turn is half a mile past the big field, but my GPS knows that, too.  This would be easier if you weren't about to ask me to repeat it all back to you.

Sorry about the late post today, it was unavoidable.

In this comic, Cueball is getting directions over the phone to a friend's house.  We only hear Cueball's side of the conversation, but it is obvious the other party is giving him very detailed turn by turn directions with specific landmarks.  Cueball, however is not interested in the directions at all, because he will simply plug the address in the GPS and be on his way as his GPS tells Cueball where to turn, big field or no.

I think with the considerable prevalence of GPS enabled devices these days, people who give detailed turn by turn directions are more and more giving way to the GPS style of directions.

Also, the 495 referenced in this comic is certainly the 495 highway that circles the city and suburbs of Boston.  According to the directions, it looks like Cueball's friend's house is somewhere around here in Southern Massachusetts.

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