Ingres HVR: Disaster Recovery

Protection against Power and Network Outage

Disaster Recovery ("DR") is a system to maintain Business Continuity in event of an emergency. Typically a DR system is located in a different building, preferably in a different town. This protects from a power outage or network outage in the street, and also major disaster such as hurricane or earthquake.

Ingres HVR is ideally suited to proving a DR system because;

  • Ingres HVR is Extreme efficiency over WAN, so it is affordable to situate the DR in another building.
  • Ingres HVR provides additional protection for logical corruption, reducing the risk and business impact of human error which could lead to data corruption. In practice such 'logical' errors are more common and cause more downtime.
  • Ingres HVR is not restricted to one business need. The solution can simultaneously address multiple requirements inside the enterprise, such as Zero-downtime Maintenance and Migrations and also Business Intelligence.
  • Ingres HVR is quick and easy to use and manage, reducing the impact on the business.
  • Ingres HVR is very robust and scalable.


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