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Poll: Does 'Modern Family' deserve to win the Emmy again?

September 23, 2010 |  6:47 am

Our forum posters offer mixed reactions to the first episode of the sophomore season of recent Emmy champ "Modern Family." Samples below. See more here. Vote in our poll and tell us what you think of its future Emmy prospects. Check out the L.A. Times' review of "Modern Family's" Season 2 debut.

Modern Family TV news

Bazookka Joe:  Great premiere!

east/west: Disappointing premiere.

Atypical: That was so good. All of the storylines clicked. Now I want Ty Burrell to win an Emmy more than ever.

FNLFan89: Solid premiere. Burrell and Bowen were good, but their story (which seemed to be the longest) was the least funny of the three stories. Vergara, although not part of the main storyline, absoultely killed in her scenes. ... Glad to have this show back. Grade: B+ -- MVP's: Vergara, Ferguson

Hodag129: This episode was ... average. Funny sure. But it was just a basic "Modern Family" episode. It didn't come out of the gate this season with it's best like Glee did. Still a good show. The whole cast is genuinely funny so they make slow episodes better. Grade: B for all TV. C+/B- by "Modern Family's" higher standards.

Brilliance inmorbid: More funny and less awkward than most of season one's latter half episodes. Still, it was middling, and Burrell was hella annoying.

FishBiscuit: A fair to midlin' season premier. They all can't be classics so for now I'll same I'm happy to have Modern Family back.

adamunc: I would like to thank the show for the close-up of Vergara's chest when she was stirring the salted milk. (I've never heard of salting milk. Is that a real thing?)

Of course, it's absurd to conduct this poll so early, but let's do it anyway.

Photo: A scene from "Modern Family." Credit: ABC

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I was disappointed with the premiere. That scene when Phil talks about his mnemonic devices to remember names was stolen from The Office. Also, the whole car getting destroyed in the forest has been done on the Simpsons many times. Why should they win for stealing material?

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