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    Edward Norton on Robert DeNiro: "He's Not Intimidating. He's Weird." (VIDEO)

    by Jason Hughes, posted Sep 23rd 2010 5:36AM
    Edward Norton, 'The Daily Show'Whenever an actor works with Robert DeNiro on a film, they can expect to be asked about the venerable actor while doing the talk show circuit in promotion of it. But there's usually a sense of reverence or respect that goes into any conversations about DeNiro. Not so for Edward Norton on 'The Daily Show' (Weeknights, 11PM on COM).

    When Jon Stewart asked at what point the intimidation factor goes away and it becomes normal to be around DeNiro, Norton responded, "He's not intimidating. He's weird."

    But then he started qualifying his comments right away, as if he was suddenly quite nervous. As if he felt a looming DeNiro-sized presence. "I love him and he knows I love him and I've said as much to him," he said, trying to soften the blow.

    "When you say that to Bob DeNiro," Stewart asked. "Is there fear? Is there that moment where [you realize] that's the guy from 'Goodfellas.' What am I doing?"

    But apparently Norton isn't frightened of DeNiro at all. "I'm four inches taller than him. He's getting older. He's shrinking."

    Who knows how many more things he might have said about this American cinema legend if Stewart hadn't cut him off. "So this is your last movie with DeNiro?" he asked. If not, it may be the last time he's allowed to answer any questions about him.

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