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Lost Recap

24 May


This is a Recap of the Lost Series Finale, “The End”, originally airing on May 23rd, 2010. I have used every possible joke about spoilers and the word spoiler in years of doing these upfront spoiler warnings, so for the last one ever, lemmie just say, “There are spoilers about the show Lost in this.” Hmm, that felt weird. Better just start writing.

Congratulations, everyone…

Six years and 121 1/2 hours of our lives, down the light-drain (in a good way), and it all comes down to this. Time’s a-wastin’ – put on your custom-made Losting caps (if you’re a true fan you made one), cause it’s Lost Series Finale Marathon Recap Time…


The End begins with a dramatic montage bringing us up to speed on Jack’s missing dad-coffin and everything under the sideways sun, forcing everyone at home to very briefly entertain the thought, “They wouldn’t be so ambitious as to have an entire finale with just music, would they?” The dialogue begins on the island and Lost-tasia 2000 is averted, with Jack — symbolically standing up to his knees in baptism-lookin’ water — explaining to Sawyer that they have to beat Locke to the light at the center of the island, past the bamboo forest and beyond gumdrop valley (it’s the finale, might as well go for broke). Hurley isn’t thrilled with Jacob’s instructions though, joking that he “says less than Yoda”, then drops in another Star Wars ref with an “I got a bad feeling about this,” followed by one final “I’m afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive.”

Sawyer breaks off to spy on Locke and is quickly caught by Ben, and when he’s forced to talk to Locke, he learns of Locke’s plan to use Desmond to destroy the island, which confuses him because Jack wants to use Desmond to save the island, but the time for questions is over so who’s really jotting stuff down at this point. Sawyer turns the gun on Ben and leaves, and Locke suddenly notices the footprints of a dog — could it be Vincent? Or Walt and he’s a dog now? — and he’s like, “Aha! These dog footprints will allow me, an immortal, magical column of smoke that’s presided over this island for eternity, to find some dude.” The footprints lead Locke right to the vacation hideaway of Rose and Bernard, the We’re Not Gettin’ Involved Twins (why doncha get a cabin in Switzerland am I right?? – World War II Comedian), and Locke threatens to kill them painfully if Desmond doesn’t come with him. Desmond realizes that this will not affect the show in any way, but still obliges.

Ben receives a transmission from Miles, who’s found Richard lying in the grass (toldja he wasn’t dead) and wants the three to reconvene to blow up the Ajira plane. What?? That was already three weeks old last week – are they opening a vintage accomplishments store? Are they even in the same show as everyone else? Maybe Lost is teasing preview clips from the ABC summer series “Plane Blower Uppers”? Hopefully there’s a huge “Plane Blower Uppers” countdown in the corner blocking the important final shot.

Two more important things then happen:

1) Richard finds a gray hair!

2) Richard finds Frank, who has many gray hairs!

The Lost finale is apparently sponsored by that Just For Men “Touch Of Gray” commercial, where the dude’s secretary is like “I’m ready for that important blowing you meeting.” If so, I have been won over by this product twice.

So what’s gonna happen at the cave of light? And what does the ending all mean?? Vincent is prominently involved, right??? Losts more to cover, after the jump:


19 May

LOST RECAP: What They Died For Better Not Be That Stupid Light

This is a Recap of Lost Season 6, Episode #16 entitled “What They Died For”, the second-to-last episode in Lost history, originally airing May 18th, 2010. Not much left to spoil at this point, the show’s almost over. Ana Lucia was in this episode. TWIST! I ate a KFC Twister when that happened.


This week in Sideways Towne, Jack looks in the mirror and realizes his old football neck is actin’ up again, but thinks nothing of it and sits down to breakfast with his son, Dude From Shine Jr. They share some SUPER BRAN cereal and Jack agrees to come to his son’s concert that evening, and when his son makes him promise not to be weird around his mom, he goes “Ohh…I promise…” and the camera zooms in on his face and he winks and “Wooly Bully” starts playing and it cuts to a montage of Jack doing embarrassing things at the concert (Too late to submit my Lost spec script?)

Elsewhere, Desmond continues Aqualunging it up in the high school parking lot, and when Ben recognizes him as the man who ran down Locke, he reacts by immediately beating the crap out of Ben. Wouldn’t it be funny if the way Ben remembered the island was by having the crap beat out of him, cause that happened to him so oft–oh. The visions just happened. So that’s exactly what made Ben remember. That was easy! (Slogan for Lostples, the island office supply store).

Desmond tells Ben that he ran down Locke for his own good, to “make him let go,” and Ben feels it in his Benbones that Desmond’s telling the truth, and explains this to Locke, who crank calls the L.A.P.D. then decides to visit Jack again with his tail tucked between his wheels. Locke tells Jack that because someone else talked about making him let go, that they’re probably living in a bizarro sideways dimension to a magical island metaphor, and even skeptical Jack seems to be somewhat on board, in a rare but increasingly frequent display of Jack nonfailure.

After the jump, Ben gets Benny, Zoe gets dead, and Jack’s drinking problem gets way worse:


12 May

LOST RECAP: Across The Sea Of Doubleyou Tee Eff

This is a Recap of Lost Season 6, Episode 15, entitled “Across The Sea”, originally airing May 11, 2010. It is full of spoilers about things I did not understand and spoiled explanations about why I did not understand them. So don’t read on if you DVRed me being confused, cause it’ll be ruined.


We open on a shipwreck. Quickly, a survivor comes to the surface — Frank?? Ahh, crap, it’s just some ancient woman who probably didn’t deliver a calm one-liner when her ship exploded. She stumbles to the island, all kinds of super pregnant, and is briefly startled but soon taken in by the island’s lone resident, veteran character actress Allison “Juno’s Mom” Janney.

Turns out they’re speaking Latin, so we are flashing WAY the hell back, and the woman immediately goes into laborus majorus (the Latin phrase for “to kill grain”) and with the help of mysterious island mom, delivers her one and only baby, Jacob. But wait! Turns out, she wasn’t pregnant with one baby and also fat, but she was pregnant with twins! Who’s the other kid? Hurley? It’s Hurley, right? She delivers the mysterious afterthought and is like, “I don’t have a name for this dude, you want him? Actually wait, no, lemmie see him real quick.” Island woman glares at the two babies, and whoaboy, she’s feelin’ something (memories of Penny? Or something EEEEEVIILLLLLL???)

The island woman realizes that the opening titler is coming up, so she hurries up and smashes the mother with a rock, because cool! Shipwreck woman just learned Island Rule #1: Finders keepers, losers weepers! Island Rule #2: THERE ARE NO RULES!!! Island Rule #3: Ignore Rule #2, there are actually so many rules on the island, and you must impart them to the twins you just stole.

Also, the kids are symbolic as all hell:

After the jump, Jacob and Bro play a round of Rocks: The Game, the family breaks up, and the origin of the smoke monster is totally, clearly explained:


5 May

LOST RECAP: The Candidate, For Spines And Jacobs

The following is a Recap of Lost Season 6, Episode 14 entitled “The Candidate”, originally airing May 4, 2010. If you haven’t seen the episode, stop reading, cause this is full of mad spoilers, yo. No one says “mad” to mean “many” anymore? I guess I just mean the spoilers are angry then. What’s the new word the kids are sayin’ these days? “Asteroid”? Ok – this Recap is full of asteroid spoilers, yo.


Locke awakens from getting run over by Desmond, and Happy Jack makes an important announcement:

“Congratulations, Mr. Locke, you are A CANDIDATE…



…For surgery! Not anything Jacob related. As a Lost doctor, bedside manner dictates that I pause for seven minutes in the middle of any sentence that could have symbolic double meanings before completing that sentence with the literal meaning.”

Locke respectfully declines, saying “No thanks, I wouldn’t wanna impose — it’s not that I’m punishing myself for crippling other family members, I’m just not a huge fan of having the ability to use half my limbs. Good day to you, sir!” “Hrrrm,” Jack wonders, “Most people I meet DO enjoy the ability to walk. I wonder what’s stuck in this guy’s walking craw?”

To get some answers, Jack first asks himself, “Which character hasn’t done anything in this reality yet? Daniels from The Wire? Oooh wait, how ’bout Bernard, his job’s kinda medicine related!” He approaches Bernard about the emergency oral surgery he performed on Locke after Locke’s dad peed on his teeth while he was lying unconscious, and Bernard recognizes Jack from the Oceanic flight, saying “You’re the guy who was hitting on my wife when I was in the bathroom.” Jack’s like, “I’ve done absolutely everything wrong ever, but that is one thing I was definitely not doing.” A skeptical Bernard replies “While I can’t breach doctor/patient confidentiality, I can tell you to go visit his meaningfully crippled dad Anthony in a nursing home, revealing the event which permanently scarred Locke. But that is ALL I can do for you.”

After the jump, spinal surgery gets a Dikembe-Mutombo style rejection, and there’s no eating fresh on this Sub-way! [Note To Self: Retire from writing after this sentence]


21 April

LOST RECAP: The Last Recruit – Or The LOST Recruit? BOTH.

This is a Recap of Lost Season 6 Episode 13 entitled “The Last Recruit”, originally airing April 20th, 2010. Spoilers and complaints within. Also, “spoilerplaints”, a new spoiler/complaint animal hybrid that I’m working on. Some serious Dr. Moreau crap goin’ on over here. That happens in that movie. Whoops! Spoiled that too!

Well, that episode was a bit of a…

After the teaser last week, this was Lost’s crazy Willy Wonka boat ride of doom? Claire meeting lawyer Ilana and Jack going for a swim? The episode was essentially a 50-minute alley-oop pass to an ok slam dunk in the last one minute, and while no individual part was exceptionally painful, no individual part (outside the final minute) was exceptionally make-me-give-a-sh*t-ish either, and given that we’re four episodes from the end of one of the craziest shows ever made, I was expecting crazy-straw levels of crazy and received mere half-order of Little Caesar’s Crazy Bread crazy. Which is not, despite the name, actually very crazy. It’s a little crazy, but not like too too crazy.

Correction, one part was exceptionally painful: “Looks like somebody got her voice back.” Wrapping up the dumbest, most unnecessary subplot in the show’s history with the dumbest, most unnecessary expository line possible? That line single-handedly undid whatever was gained from the Writers’ Strike. Next week’s episode better open with a graphic Locke/Widmore knife fight or an even more graphic Kate/Sawyer sex scene, cause you’re in my doghouse right now, Lost. F*ck that expression, I literally own a doghouse for whenever I’m mad at shows and physically place those shows into it whenever they make me mad, so if anyone’s all like “hey where did the show Lost go?” tell them the show Lost is sitting in my show doghouse for tv shows.

Alright, enough complaining, let’s get to the Recap:

Wait one more complaint — did anyone have any doubt that Jack was gonna jump off that boat? Lost set it up as the exact totally minor mid-episode plot twist everyone was expecting, then he jumped off the boat and it wasn’t really a big deal, then he swam to shore very very easily and that wasn’t a big deal either. Were we supposed to be captivated by swimming? On a show with ghosts and monsters and God fighting the Devil and immortal Spanish slaves and parallel universes and shooting babies? Literal doghouse, is all I’m saying.

Control-V – Alright, enough complaining, let’s get to the Recap:


7 April

LOST RECAP: Happily Ever After – Fairy Tales For No Child

This is a Recap of Lost Season 6 Episode 11, “Happily Ever After,” originally airing April 6, 2010. It’s full of spoilers. Sideways ones. Nothing about the flash-sidewayses, actually, but tons of information from the movie Sideways. Paul Giamatti was the wine the whole time. That’s just one of many.


Strap on yer fake beards and unbutton your shirts to island-casual, brothah, cause it is Desmond episode time!

We instantly join Des waking up in the clutches of Zoe (aka “Fake Tina Fey” – Every Commenter Ever) with no Previously On Lost segment (how’d they get on this island??), waking up disoriented and asking for Penny and joking “Wouldn’t it SUCK if I was on the island, where I promised myself and Penny 600 times I’d never go again?” Charles Widmore quickly greets him and explains “Good morning, son in law I’m underwhelmed with, you’re on the island! You’ve been WIDMORE’D! I’m shooting the pilot for a new elaborate island-related prank show.”

Desmond reacts to the news as anyone would: By instantly beating the crap out of Widmore, also known as “Season 4 Bennin’ It”. Widmore’s men calm Desmond down, restrain him, and beat him up a little bit for no damn reason, then prepare their box o’ electromagnetism, which they accidentally test by setting off once and frying some extra. Widmore is confident Desmond can withstand the electroride, according to “everything I’ve heard about you,” presumably because Desmond has his constant and can withstand time travel, or possibly because the show wouldn’t randomly kill off an actual character in that lightbox.

A bright light flashes, and a completely unfazed Desmond wakes up in a flash-sideways collecting his luggage at LAX, then hits on Claire a little bit (waaait a minuuuute…what about Penny? Are they not together in this reality or something, cause that would be SOOO SIDEWAYS). If we thought Sawyer’s flash-sideways was Opposite Day, hoooo-boy, was Desmond’s life different — let us count the ways:

  • Desmond is single and unaware of Penny’s existence.
  • Desmond not only works for Widmore, he’s Widmore’s most trusted employee.
  • Desmond is worthy of sharing Widmore’s scotch (after Widmore drank his billion-dollar pirate juice in front of Des back in Season 2).
  • Desmond is black.
  • Desmond calls everyone “sistah”.
  • Desmond wears his shoes on his head and hats on his feet and all the buildings are upside-down.

The episode took one of Lost’s occasional “What is this, Sex And The City?” unsubtle turns, spelling out Desmond’s situation so explicitly, it might as well have been half F-words: His limo driver notices he isn’t wearing a wedding band, then Widmore points out “You sure have the life! No attachments! Isn’t that different that who you might’ve been in another life?” But alas, Desmond has no emergency contact at the hospital. FROWN FACE.

Can the cosmos get Desmond to rent The Family Man in time for him to realize he needs to be with Penny? Find out after the jump:


31 March

LOST RECAP: I Got A Package For Ya

This is a Recap of Lost Season 6, Episode 10 entitled “The Package”, originally airing on March 30, 2010. If you read on, there’s a bunch of spoilers, so if you haven’t seen the episode you’ll be like “Aww man! I didn’t know that character said that weird joke thing in a cartoon speech bubble!”


In their flash-sidewayses, Jack had quit drinking and was bonding with his son, Locke was inviting his dad to his wedding, and Sawyer was an undercover sex-cop, whereas Sayid was still a lovelorn murderer with a tortured past and now we get to see Jin unmarried to Sun and forced to run for his life. So the message is that the new timeline is really good to Caucasians, but really hard on everyone else? Thanks, racist-ass timeline! Next week is gonna be Michael’s flash-sideways and it’s just flaming vultures pecking out his eyes for 45 minutes (actually, per the “next week on Lost” teaser, next week’s episode is remixed Braveheart footage).

We begin our Jin sideways story back at LAX, where Jin and Sun get their luggage back from security sans $25,000 in cash from Sun’s father that was confiscated because it somehow violated the 5 oz. leaving-the-airport liquid rule. The Kwons arrive at a hotel and check into their luxury romance neckin’ suite, but wait — they have separate rooms! And they ain’t the Kwons! Jin is emphatically ringless and sleeping across the hall from Sun, although destiny takes its course and Jin pulls a suave “Hey, just comin’ into your room to tell you I’m going to that restaurant at a billion o’clock oh wait there’s your boobs alllllriiiiighttttt I’ll staaaaayyyyyy…” and spends the night with Sun. Hence, the title of this week’s episode.

Jin & Sun (celeb nickname – “Bennifer”) discuss the romantic prospects of running away together, but are interrupted by someone pounding on the door, who turns out to beeeee……wait, don’t tell me… the candy bar that Jack had trouble getting from the hospital vending machine? Ah! Dang, it’s Keamy again, because they’ve run out of random people to bring back and have them say two lines in a neutral voice before their face is revealed so you’re all like “who is that AWWWW SHEEET!!!!!” Also, we recall that Jin ends up in the cooler at Chef Keamy’s Great American Kid-Shootin’ Bistro from the Sayid flash-sideways, so this actually makes sense.

Keamy demands the $25,000 that Sun’s father sent and summons a translator to get through to Sun, and of course, the Korean translator is Mikhail, the immortal one-eyed Russian! Although in this reality, Mikhail has both of his eyes intact in exchange for the unfortunate curse of being Joe Buck. Sun says she’ll pay Keamy out of her Korean slush fund, and goes on an awkward car ride with Mikhail to the bank while Jin is taped up in Keamy’s restaurant listening to Keamy speak English to himself for ninety minutes. Sayid kills everyone again (thank God – the last thing I need is another reality! I’m printing that campy phrase on a coffee mug that looks like this) and hesitantly frees Jin, and just as Mikhail and Sun return from the bank empty-handed, Jin gets the drop on Mikhail, they fight it out, and Jin shoots Mikhail multiple times, knocks his eye out again, and quips in his best Arnold, “I know you are, but what am EYE!”

And they lived happily ever after. LOST. Also Sun is pregnant and Jin shot her in the stomach. Aww raspberries!

We haven’t even gotten to the island yet — magic English-language amnesia and more after the jump:


24 March


This is a Recap of Lost Season 6 Episode 9 entitled “Ab Aeterno”, originally airing March 24, 2010. It’s full of spoilers, so don’t read on if you don’t know that the island is hell. I’m not joking this time, they actually said that! But it’s also not really! Huh?? That’s why we have these Recaps.


Two weeks after “Dr. Linus”, maybe the best episode of Season 6 so far, Lost punched us in the crotch with a Spanish Richard Alpert backstory, and all the sudden, the title of “Best Episode Of The Season” has been passed right along yet again. Where did this episode come from? Or should I say, WHEN did this episode come from? No, never mind, the first one. Let’s delve into the Spanish zaniness and find out!

The episode opens with the islanders convening to re-explain the candidates thing and reminding themselves what’s going on before Richard blows up and confesses that he was trying to kill himself, and unambiguously explains that he has no plan, everyone is dead, and the island is hell. Whew! Been waiting to hear that for six years! It’s all solved now. OR IS IT??? DAMMIT! I was hoping I wouldn’t type “Or is it?” after saying that it is all solved. No, it’s not at all solved now, because they’re not dead and it’s not hell, or at least, not hell in the textbook “hell” sense (from the hell textbook). Explanation? Let’s go to the tape, by which I mean the long-awaited Richard Alpert backstory.

Richard, formerly known as “Ricardo”, and more formerly known as “James Ford”, is tending to his ailing wife in a late 19th century period piece about the Canary Islands. He rides through the rain to meet the local doctor / aristocrat / assh*le, who explains that he’s not gonna make a trip all the way out to some stupid dying woman and miss the Canary Islands Idol results show, so he offers up some medicine that’s so expensive, Richard’s measly pouch of coins and sentimental-ass cross pendant merely insult the doctor.

An exasperated Richard decides, “If I push you a little maybe it’ll solve this!” and pushes the doctor, who falls, hits his head, and dies instantly — He can save the lives of others, but the only life he can’t save…IS HIS OWN. The Doctor. May 2010. — and Ricardo snags the meds and rushes home, only to find that his wife has already died. Whatta day! Suddenly, he doesn’t feel as bad about leaving the cap off his mostly-full guyliner tube the day before.

Richard is arrested and throws himself at the mercy of a priest, who explains he’ll need a whole lifetime of servitude to atone for his deeds, and Richard’s like, “You got it, anything for God,” and the father’s like “Psych! We’re hanging you in three minutes!” Richard catches a break when an English-speaking ship captain recruits him for an expedition to crash into the island statue, and the expedition wildly succeeds, leaving the vessel — guess which vessel! The Black Rock! — wrecked on the island with the slaves trapped below.

Then what happens? Read on below to find out! Though if you don’t already know and you’re still reading this, you must just be a huge fan of looking at words!


3 March

LOST RECAP: Season 6, Episode 6, “Sundown”

This is a Recap of Lost Season 6, Episode 6, entitled “Sundown”, originally airing March 2, 2010. It is full of spoilers, so if you haven’t seen the episode, don’t read on, cause I’ll spoil the fact that the episode was sponsored by Sun Chips and included no fewer than eight deliberate product shots of characters pointing at Sun Chips, then Ben’s coffin was filled with Sun Chips. Oops! Spoiled that too. See?

I assumed the episode “Sundown” was gonna be about Sun (like Season 1′s “House of the Rising Sun”), and I was already prepared to rip on the terrible pun title with my own list of upcoming episodes (“Blackjack”, “Ben’d It Like Beckham”, “Kate-O Kaelin”) but Lost managed to cut all the Sun scenes and replace them with Sayid scenes at the last minute, and the episode ended up being less “Sundown” and more “East Of Sayiden”.

The episode opens on Uncle Sayid in New Thousand Four arriving at the house of his brother Omer and Omer’s wife, Sayid’s childhood sweetheart Nadia (yesss, from American Pie, people who hear her name in 1999 and say the joke she’s heard a million times). Sayid gives the kids their Australia gifts — boomerangs with pictures of kangaroos playing digeridoos on them — and tells his brother about this job raveling the world murdering oil contracts, and Nadia gloats that Omer has opened up a new dry cleaners, but Omer suddenly gets an urgent phone call and nervously storms off (my friend joked “Red wine?? Sorry, I have to take this…”)

Turns out, Omer has borrowed money from murderous loan sharks so he could open the dry cleaners, and unfortunately, this isn’t a euphemism for a drug problem — he’s actually risking his life to expand his dry cleaning empire. This double-great idea somehow backfires, and with his life in danger, Omer begs Sayid to help get the goons off his back, not by borrowing his money, but by borrowing his murder. Sayid refuses, saying “I am not that man anymore — I’m not killing anyone ever again…until at least one more commercial.

Sidenote: It was subtle, but I think Sayid and Nadia have a liiiiiiiiitttttle thing for one another. Seriously — I rewound the DVR and watched their scenes seven times, and if you pause the screen on certain specific frames and walk up really close to the tv, you can see minute details that indicate that they may have at one time had feelings for one another. The show hid it well, but I miss no detail, no matter how microsocopic. I am the Sherlock Holmes of everything.

Anyway…the 2004 segment climaxes when two bald goons approach Sayid, throw him in a car, drive him to a shady mob-style restaurant, and introduce him to their leader… WAIT! Don’t tell me… 2/3 of the way through the episode, new-2004 timeline, and really slow face reveal after hearing the person’s voice… it’s gonna be someone from the island! I’m gonna sayyyy…… Rousseau’s partner who had his arm ripped off by the monster! Ahhhh…Keamy! The bounty hunter who shot Ben’s daughter. Why wouldn’t he be on the mainland shadily ripping off Iraqi cleaning entrepreneurs?

Keamy feigns sympathy for the “accident” that hospitalized Omer (pair of scissors fell out of a dress shirt) and explains that Omer still owes him money, but before he can say “the dude’s name should be Owe-More!”, Sayid swipes his captor’s gun, kills the two goons, and points it at Keamy, who quickly agrees to call off Omer’s debt. Unfortunately, Keamy only cooked his eggs for three seconds, and he dies of salmonella poisoning a split second before Sayid shoots him. Sayid then follows a voice and opens a freezer to find, tied up on the ground, none other than Jin. LOST. Wait, not “LOST” yet? Damn — a lot must’ve happened this week, huh?

After the jump, a Star Trek fight, Sayid makes a choice, and a lot of people choose to be dead:


24 February

LOST SEASON 6, EPISODE 5 RECAP: Clairey Monsters

This is a Recap of Lost Season 6, Episode 5, “Lighthouse”, originally airing February 23, 2010. It is also the 108th episode of the series, which is the sum of the numbers! I haven’t even gotten to the spoiler announcement yet and I’m spoilin’ crazy crap! Better not read on if you haven’t seen the episode or have an easily blown mind!


In this week’s flash-caddycorner (everyone else is calling it “flash-sideways,” but I’m a term maverick), Jack Shephard briefly examines a stomach scar in the mirror; his mother tells him he had his appendix out when he was seven, which he suspiciously doesn’t remember, and that Jack’s father wanted to perform the operation himself but wasn’t allowed to cause he’d just keep calling Jack’s appendix a failure. Jack leaves to pick up his son… GUGUGUHHHHWHhhhhaaaaa???? Jack has a son??? Is he as immediately bitchy as the previous two generations of male Shephards? He is!

Jack’s son David — named after the biblical David? Sure, why not — doesn’t like talking to his pop, cause he’s too busy listening to music his dad doesn’t even know (he’s called Beethoven, you Narc!) and eating Pepperidge Farm cookies his dad doesn’t even know. Jack leaves to help his mother find his dad’s will buried somewhere in their cluttered-ass Eleventh Hour study, spends a few moments whining to his mom about his loveless child, then his mom uncovers the will and finds out “He left everything to… Sayid? What the hell?” Actually, she’s preoccupied with the question “Who’s Claire Littleton?”, to which Jack responds “Gllllllllllll…Iyyyy…errrr…umm….eeerrrrrr” and turns red and keeps jerking his collar cartoonishly until it rips.

Jack then pulls a ‘Cool Dad’ and returns home with pizza and some generic cola, only to find that David has gone…TO THE ISLAND??? No, to audition at a fancy music conservatory, as Jack finds out from listening to his son’s answering machine before breaking into his diary and reading about his crushes. Jack drives to the conservatory in time to learn that his son is the greatest piano player on Earth, even receiving a compliment from a conspicuous Asian auditioner — a friend of mine joked “Thanks, Little Jin! Oh, never mind, I was actually close…” — who turns out to be the son of Dogen, leader of the new island temple commune. David then confesses to Jack he hid his piano playing hypergenius from his father cause he didn’t want Jack to see him fail, which reminds Jack a leeeeettle bit of a certain other pressure-filled father-son relationship he’s awfully familiar with: Boone and Boone Sr.

As for Dogen 2K4, he’s just the latest in a string of unexpected other-reality cameos during Lost’s final season — Dogen, Ben, Ethan, Will Ferrell — so we’re really getting set up for everything to ultimately converge. My current theory is that New-2004 and the present-day islanders will finally catch up with one another, and the Series Finale is just everyone making out with themselves.

After the jump, Claire goes all murdery, Jack goes all smashy, and Jin’s leg goes for a Violentest Thing Emmy:
