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Why Does batman always Get shot?
l3xfatalh34dsh0t | 6:34 PM on 09.24.2010 7 comments

Well we should all think this through because one he's a scary insane lunatic that trys to do justice,Stole my cookie,and makes fun of robin because well he's a real bully, so the conclusion is he gets shot because thats the way the comic was made!

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mrandydixon's Destructoid Blog
wisearse's Destructoid Blog
haha, if Batman deserves to be shot at because of the said reasons, then Frank Castle deserves something wor-oh.... :P
HandsomeBeast's Destructoid Blog

it didn't have to go down like this...
Tony Ponce's Destructoid Blog
Because he's the GODDAMN BATMAN!
Termadoyle's Destructoid Blog
Because getting shot is still the classiest way of getting injured.

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