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Opening up the You & Yours Archive

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Clare Walker Clare Walker | 11:51 UK time, Monday, 4 October 2010

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Page one of the script from the first ever episode of You & Yours, BBC Radio 4, 5 October 1970.

Editor's note. Clare Walker's post about the You & Yours archive starts with a complete episode of the programme from 1971 which you can embed on your own web site. Click 'embed.' - SB.

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Last month I took the train to Reading, hopped on the bus to Caversham and in a white bungalow in the leafy suburbs discovered a hidden realm - the BBC written archive. With the 40th Anniversary of You & Yours coming up, I'd been searching for archive material but very sadly discovered that no one had kept the first You and Yours broadcast on 5th October 1970 and that a mere five editions had survived from the entire 1970s.

As Simon Rooks the Head of the Radio Archive explained to me, space was limited back then and programme makers didn't keep a comprehensive record of what went out on air: "The idea was more to select programmes, extracts of programmes, and sometimes commission new recordings itself that were either of clear historical value or would be of likely repeat or re-use value to future programme makers."

So highly topical content of the sort broadcast on You &Yours although a precious record of social history now, may well have been seen by producers then as ephemeral.

So it was time to do some digging in the written archive - to find out how the programme came about and whether we could, at the very least, find the script of the first show.

The BBC written archive is a tranquil, soothing place. I had to sign a piece of paper agreeing to keep quiet, treat all items with care, leave my water bottle, mobile and pens outside - and proceeded with my stubby HB pencil to a table with files of highly confidential correspondence about You & Yours.

I discovered that the programme was the brainchild of the then controller of Radio 4, Anthony Whitby, but that his idea of having a live magazine programme at noon every day was not met with universal approval. Some producers worried that the name You and Yours was too "twee", others that we might have less time to cover subjects in depth.

"I can see dangers in the suggested "two-way letters and telephone calls" section. Advice given on the air, as you know, has to be accurate. Can it be done under "rush hour" conditions?" wrote producer Barbara Crowther in the June of 1970.

What was incredible reading this correspondence was that the same concerns we have now as producers of the programme, were being discussed back then. "I emphasised I hope rightly," wrote editor Steve Bonarjee, "that we should avoid this becoming a gloom sequence concentrating on miseries and woes. There should be a strong constructive element concerned with opportunities and aspirations and people's concern to make the most of things - even happiness has its problems."

But what about the first programme? Archivist Jeff Walden led me to the microfiche room, reeled up the tape and we whizzed through until we found the running order and script of the first programme.

Topics in that first week included titles such as: 'How to buy your first house', 'Do it yourself trends', 'Pensions for the over eighties', 'Pangs of Parting', 'Tomorrow's Living Rooms' and 'Firework Hazards'!

But have a listen to the first programme we have from the archive. It is only fifteen minutes long as they used to have government announcements on a Friday which meant it was a shorter programme with a leisure theme. Jeanine McMullen is presenting and they are celebrating the fact that Arsenal is aiming at the double in the Cup Final, and interview Danny Blanchflower, former Spurs captain. You wouldn't hear a modern footballer commenting about the game on You and Yours now!

There are also tips for the cheapest ways to experience London for free: Punch and Judy shows, watching people "coolly spending thousands" at the auction rooms of Southeby's and Christies, fishing in the Royal Parks, or tucking into a kipper breakfast in Billingsgate Market.

In the next month we will add the other four programmes from the archive to this page. Just to whet your appetite we get to go behind the scenes at the fire brigade, hear about care homes for the elderly (where one woman discusses coming to terms with sharing a room with five other people!), and there's a discussion about whether it's possible to turn your children into geniuses by bringing them up in a special way! Enjoy!

Clare Walker is a producer on You & Yours

  • Listen to today's telephone-themed episode of You & Yours on the Radio 4 web site and to Friday's fascinating look at forty years of You & Yours here.
  • The picture shows page one of the script from the first episode of You & Yours. There are more pictures from Clare's visit to the Caversham archive on Flickr.

My first week at Radio 4

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Gwyneth Williams Gwyneth Williams | 14:36 UK time, Monday, 27 September 2010

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A sign from the fourth floor in BBC Broadcasting House.

"Unforgettable, that's what you are..." Mark Damazer's 'Inheritance Track' on last week's Saturday Live was characteristically charming and fluent, hinting at the warmth that makes him my friend as well as the highly successful Radio 4 controller that he has been for the last six years. He leaves the network in excellent shape with record audience figures. He is indeed a hard act to follow in a line of talented controllers including Helen Boaden who now runs News.

But I take heart because Radio 4, like all civilised institutions, belongs to no-one, is constantly evolving and drawing on the talents of all who contribute to it. It will thrive as long as we stay true to its history and add to its richness. I have been hugely sustained and cheered in my first week by programmes that have filled me with pleasure.

I have been in and out of Broadcasting House studios and I can honestly say that committed, creative and talented programme-makers are everywhere. And we all want for audiences what we have always wanted: more - to quote Matthew Arnold - of "the best that has been thought and said in the world"- and sometimes, let me add, a laugh. Lucky Radio 4 listeners and lucky me.

My Radio 4 aside of the week comes from auctioneer Alan Judd on Today describing some letters from Oscar Wilde: "journalists and auctioneers are very similar; we take a small story and try to make it big...".

I will try to keep you posted here on the blog as Mark has done and will look forward to reading your comments.

Gwyneth Williams is Controller of BBC Radio 4 and Radio 7

Welsh cakes with Jones the voice

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Leanne Buckle Leanne Buckle | 09:29 UK time, Sunday, 26 September 2010

Comments (1)

Tom Jones on Top of the Pops in 1965, from the BBC's picture library

The chairs in our Desert Island studio have had some legendary bottoms sitting on them in their time, but few more legendary than that of Sir Tom Jones.

Tom Jones eating a Welsh Cake in the Desert Island Discs studio.

His recording was a joy - from the 'sexually voracious' image back in the days ("you're creating a monster," he says "without even realising it") to the richness of his Welsh accent which seems to be as strong as ever despite 40 years spent living in LA (our hearts sang at the mention of Barry Island).


The highlight for us was an unaccompanied burst of 'It's Not Unusual.' Judge for yourselves, but I'd say the highlight for him was my mum's freshly made, authentic Welsh cakes (thanks mum). Not only did we eat them in the studio, but he took the three we couldn't manage home in a napkin...

Leanne Buckle is producer of Desert Island Discs

  • Listen to Tom Jones on Desert Island Discs on the Radio 4 web site.
  • Leanne took the picture of Tom eating one of her mother's Welsh cakes in the Desert Island Discs studio and the top picture shows Tom on Top of the Pops in 1965 - it's from the BBC's picture library which, as I never tire of pointing out, is called 'Elvis'.

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