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Porn, or Porn-Lite, Creeping Into the Kindle

Amazon will have a decision to make eventually

By Nick McMaster,  Newser Staff

Posted Oct 2, 2010 2:40 PM CDT
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(Newser) – Some unexpected titles have charted high on the Kindle's bestseller list, notes James Ledbetter in Slate. Take Compromising Positions, about an "international fitness company" executive who gets more than he bargained for when he agrees to help a friend demonstrate Kama Sutra positions for her yoga class—you get the picture. It's not so much porn as a typical romance novel, a genre that often has explicit scenes, and it's doing well because its publisher is using the e-reader trick of temporarily giving away free downloads.

But racier titles are on the list—again because they're giveaways or near giveaways—that further blur the line into porn. This is bound to catch up with Amazon because the Kindle pushes the company "over the line from mere enabler of erotica to promoter and producer," writes Ledbetter. At some point, conservative groups will probably squawk, and the company will have to figure out how to balance its profits with its reputation.

A file photo of a Kindle.
A file photo of a Kindle.
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Amazon is distributing men's erotic fiction, and its bargain-basement Kindle pricing—in many cases, this material, too, is given away for free—means that some of it shows up on "best-seller" lists.
- James Ledbetter, Slate

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Showing 3 of 9 comments
Oct 3, 2010 12:26 AM CDT
Four questions, courtesy of B Hicks: "Yeah?" "And?" "So?" "What?"
Oct 2, 2010 10:01 PM CDT
Seriously, who gives a shit? Romance writers have been writing porn under not-their-name- for ten years. Go to any Barnes and Noble and look at the mass-market paperbacks in the new romance fiction section. Grossest thing that I ever read and I used to write porn before computers--twelve cents a word. For men--they bought that, but believe me they weren't interested in a woman fucking a wolf. Women and porn--what men like to watch--women like to read. At least men like humans.
Oct 2, 2010 5:27 PM CDT
Easy solution - rename the original bestseller list as, "Best Selling Prudish and Plain" and create a new bestseller list (with age verification) as "What everyone else is reading." Problem solved. The story is, of course, no longer free. Now it's $4.40. These novels, quite often, are read by women - it's just like porn for men, but with a little more story line to it. And, really, it's just a steamy romance taken up a notch. We're much too sheltered as we are... I'm not surprised in the least that erotica is inching its way up Amazon's lists, since the Kindle (or the Kindle app as I use on my DX) gives us the ability to read without the danger of shattering some poor male ego. It's kinda like hiding your porn folder in some obscure Microsoft folder buried deep in a subdirectory.
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