Should the Government enact new legislation to prevent illegal file-sharing?

34% YES

66% NO

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Your Reaction

  • This government would be incapable of enacting suitable legislation.
    Keith Nolan  Ireland
  • No. Let the big record labels fight it out in the courts. The government should get back to work and stop looking for diversions.
    JJ  France
  • AFFIRMATIVE. BUT IT WON'T STOP COPYCATS! Ok you lawmakers. Talk it up for the press. Sounds good, but the folks who are still alive in 25 years when the law is finally enacted will be in their 50's. Even then the "file-sharing" law will reside on the books with all the other non-enforced laws while the speed cameras and Motor tax disc point checks operate non-stop. It seems laws that are actively enforced in Ireland are those that generate the most revenue for government. Others that might require jail time or the DPP's hard work that results in a negative cash flow are blatantly ignored. I fear all the blather about the big millionaire stars losing royalty monies might make the headlines and even evoke some pandering from the Leinster Lads for the moment. However, all will be placed on the "long finger" and more important items of legislation like lengthening of the Dail's summer break and salary raises for the politicians will work their way to the front of the line. HOO RAH!
    eddie- the Aggravator  Ireland
  • Can I also just point out that 3-strike legislation was brought in here in France after very lengthy parliament debate and extensive modification by the courts. It has already cost millions before any enforcement costs have begun...and how many first-strike e-mails went out on the opeing "wave" ? 150. I don't condone illegal file-sharing, but I think the record labels should fight their own battles. Why should the gov back them up? Just like the banks... Check out the Hadopi Law for more info...then decide.
    JJ  France
  • If the file-sharing is illegal why not just enforce the law? By the time a new law is enacted Eddie would be a double sextagenarian.
    The Dog of Dodgy Downloads  Dominica
  • A relatively simple task of which the "government" would be incapable of. In any event the job of government is to govern - that which they have failed to do.
    Jonah  Ireland
  • Greed gets its own reward. The music companies have been ripping consumers off for decades, raising prices for much cheaper CDs for example. No sympathy.
    Raymond  Finland
  • The government should stay out of it. I'm not a dot.communist and I am inclined to view intellectual property as real property but I think the protection of property needs to be essentially a matter of catching thieves. Regulating roads & hi-ways because they "assist" in burglaries won't actually be used to prevent burglaries - the regulations will be used instead to prevent you, the ordinary punter, from moving around freely.
    owen  United States Minor Outlying Islands
  • This shower couldnt share a Nail file.
    pablo  Ireland
  • I'm in agreement with JJ France (p1) on todays poser .
    paorach  Canada


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