
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Meredith Kercher Case Day One

Spelled by the Mouth of Criminals

Meredith at 19

If the case of Amanda Knox is a war between Italy and America then the problem is simply solvable, like in all wars, with an exchange of prisoners.
Italy could hand over Knox and America could return Victorious Youth, detained in the Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, about which a judge recently ruled the confiscation.

But this is a war only in people's imagination, and those who wanted to take side, often with simple ideas, with tribal ideas, with insults, have procured only damages.
In these simplifications there was Perugia Shock too, which was the site that defends Amanda and Raffaele. I don't know why, since my position has always been completely different from the one of both defenses or supporters.
It seems to me that I always explained how there were clues for a crime committed by more people, that there was nothing much to say about Capezzali's testimony. I immediately advised that Curatolo was a nut and he was used by someone. I always explained that the house was surrounded by criminals and Rudi may have naturally gone there with one or two of them.
Besides that, I don't think I've taken part in the sanctification of Amanda Knox, in the demonization of Rudi and I always thought that Mignini's private troubles were his own business.

Now it seems that the defenses are coming to my positions, since the latest developments are bringing them to admit that more people committed the crime and that a sexual assault occurred. What a shame the change had to come from the revelations of His Honor, Mario Alessi.
I don't fall for the revealed truth, not even when it is from God, imagine if it comes from people like Mario Alessi or Luciano Aviello. The Truth comes from reasoning, not from a machine, from a test, from a witness, or a witness of a witness.


We all remember too well Mario Alessi. If there is an abject being in the world, if there is an unreliable person, if there is a liar, that one is Mario Alessi. How to forget the way in which just three years ago he was reciting in front of the camera. He was making an appeal to the kidnappers of the little Tommy Onofri, who he had just stolen and killed.
Bring him back home,
he was begging. Kids are not to be touched, he was preaching, kids are angels, he was teaching us. I'll give a party when they free him, he was exaggerating with his super creative lies.
He had just killed that angel. He had kidnapped Tommy, then he found out that little kids cry, and at the very first difficulty he decided that the plan had failed. Instead of returning Tommy, instead of abandoning him somewhere he found another solution: strangling him.
After the crime he started his show of lies. He seemed to enjoy the attention from the media, he liked showing to his woman and accomplice how good he was at acting, how great he was at making fun of a whole country.
Would you buy a used car from this man? Would you buy a used tale from him?

Alessi, now, brought himself again in front of a camera. Would you believe him when he says that Rudi Guede confessed to him and to others that things went differently? Or would you maybe think that he's looking for benefits? And benefits are important in jail, especially if you have to spend your life there.

Alessi makes the pair with another guest of italian jails, Luciano Aviello, who, during the trial, was writing to Massei that he knew that there were other killers of Meredith. Aviello, as we remember, was writing confused stories dressed with impossible details, and Massei didn't give him importance. Now it comes out that his information was coming right from Capanne jail, from a certain Florio. And Florio, is he reliable? Are all these gentlemen believable?


The answer should be no, due to their criminal nature and the interest implied in their action. Also due to the evidential framework against Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, which is consistent, complete, with no voids or inconsistencies...

Besides these reasons we have to register that Rudi immediately denied ever having spoken to anyone about the crime. And Alessi's lawyer Laura Ferraboschi confirmed that his client told her many things related to Rudi, but never about the crime of Meredith.

But, as we know, there are clues that the crime was committed by more people.
We also know that when you have seen hell you can't keep it too long in yourself. You have to speak out. Unless you are a monster or a professional murderer (actually that's what Rudi is for Knox and Sollecito's supporters...).

About Alessi's version we can just take note of the fact that he does reveal some details but he could have gotten them from the media or made them up. He says that they went to see Meredith, uninvited. There they started to try with her until she told them to go. At this point Rudi went to the toilet, and when he came back he found his buddy on Meredith, already on the floor and semi-naked. Rudi joined and tried to keep her. But she was wriggling away and his friend pulled his ivory handle knife and hit her by mistake. After that he decided to finish Meredith and, while Rudi was going to get towels, he struck several blows at her neck.
The guy fled, while Rudi tried to dab the wound until he saw she was no breathing and he also fled.
Right after, Rudi, by chance, met the guy in a bar. The guy gave him some money and told him to leave the country. Rudi doesn't know anything of the break-in in Filomena's room.

We don't really need to analyze Alessi's testimony since, if it's true that he received it from Rudi, it's just something he refers. And Rudi may have told him anything. And Alessi could remember and modify anything that Rudi told him.

The real important thing of this testimony is that it proposes the possibility that Rudi may have gone to the house with someone else. A posssibility which, after having been ignored by prosecution, courts, defenses, after having been alive only on Perugia Shock, will be finally brought into the trial.


So far we only had fairy tales from the prosecution, fairy tales from the defenses, fairy tales from the judges.
On the media side we could enjoy the rants of any sort of shouting supporters, whose only effect was to make both public and private prosecution (Pacelli, Maresca) more mad, and to elicit the solidarity of judges and public opinion with the accusers.
At least Massei's precise answers were useful to get rid of all that crowd of improvised crime experts at once. I've referred his report calling my own thought off in front of its final fairy tale, but also in front of its refined intuition over some details.
Massei and Cristiani's motivations were kind of effective, that's probably why they needed to be counterbalanced with the issue of Alessi's revelation. Revelations which, if they are true, cancel Mignini and Massei. They also cancel the defenses and all the ones who were repeating the other fairy tale of the lonely attack.


Many supporters were apparently all great law scholars and scientists, and claimed that the judges could be influenced by media. Yes, the super experts thought that two real judges --who studied the whole case, who are trained to judge, who have spent their life studying law-- had to be sequestered because they could listen to a couple of articles or paperbacks from people who didn't really know the case, who write about t-shirts and restaurants and whose main activity was trading letters and diaries of Amanda and Raffaele. The great law scholars meant I'm not that stupid that I can be influenced by the media, but Massei and Cristiani are. In fact, it turned to be exactly the opposite...

The italian journalism, the real one, the one that, when it wants, is able to dig deep in cases much more complicated than this, abandoned the case quite early, after the arrests and the first results.
That's why some defense lawyers were able to use one or two general reporters, quite uninformed about the case, having them to continuously issue presumed news aimed to demonstrate the solitary guilt of Rudi.
One day the news was that the footprint was Rudi's, another day that Rudi was the one coming out of the garage, and so on. Irrelevant or not decisive documents, stuff which often we had already discussed, but which were presented as scoops or proofs of something. Except that for the court, which certainly doesn't care what appears on TV, they meant nothing.

So, the media was fullfilled with Rudi-against simplifications. Opposite kind of simplifications were coming from other sides. For people everything was so simple and everyone felt allowed to release their simple judgement.

The public opinion about the case has been dominated by beliefs, wrong data and cliches. And supporters of both sides could pick the ones they liked.

For those who hated Amanda Knox she was a ruthless murderer, Raffaele was a puppet in her hands, the police and the prosecutors were perfect, and so on.
For those who loved Amanda Knox she was a saint, Rudi was a monster and the only killer, Mignini was a nut, Massei (along with Cristiani, Micheli, Matteini, Comodi, Court of Freedom, Supreme Court) was an idiot, the police were corrupted, the scientific police were incompetent and the Italian judicial system was all wrong (and they were the ones who could reform it...).

People were quick in accusing the others but nobody looked for comprehension. Because comprehension implies a moral conduct, implies a background of knowledge, research, patience, study, sacrifice of oneself. And for that nobody is available.

If there will be a change now it's thanks to a couple of criminals.
After Sollecito's lawyers have been taking care of Alessi, Knox's counselors will go hear Aviello.
Mignini & Comodi opened an investigation, will go interview Rudi and will forward the new issue to the appeal trial, where the defenses will ask debate and inquiry to take place, as well as the re-study of everything to be accomplished. They want a real new trial, not just an appeal trial.
And Mignini and Comodi are considering if appealing Massei's grant of extenuating circumstances (things that may happen when people insult a prosecutor or keep repeating that he's been convicted).

In other words forget about Massei's motivations, the Meredith Kercher case is just about to start.


HOME said...

Comments about to be allowed, thanks.

LMT said...

I had a very interesting thought about the latest revelations. What if this is all about preventing Rudy's friend from providing testimony about what happened that night? The prison witness is claiming that Rudy said they both raped Meredith. If somebody wanted to come forward, that would put the end to volunteering to testimony. Some further points:

1. There are rumors of blood being found downstairs in the other apartment such as: on the light switch, on the bed cover in the bedroom. Under these circumstances, cat blood doesn't make sense.

2. If Rudy was an informant and his cover was blown, maybe he had to find some place to hide out. Did he ask Meredith to hide downstairs?

3. Was the real killer there at that house to look for Rudy? Did the real killer follow Rudy to the house?

4. Rudy wouldn't let anybody in downstairs if he was there but the killer could have used Meredith to get Rudy to come out from downstairs.

5. If the real killer forced himself into Meredith's apartment, then Rudy would have heard the screams from downstairs.

6. So Rudy could have gone upstairs to see that the real killer was trying to rape Meredith, then he struggled with the killer. Then the killer struck several blows killing Meredith. Rudy then could have run back to lock himself in the bathroom and got sick. The sight of that much blood makes people crap in their pants.

7. The killer left. Then Rudy went outside where he found a friend on the basketball court. Then they both went back to try to help Meredith.

The friend is not the killer. The friend is a witness under this hypothesis.

The prison witness is a criminal and not credible. But it sure would work to make sure that this hypothetical friend never surfaced because he would become a co-defendant with Rudy. A drug gang could have paid the prison witness for that kind of favor.

LMT said...

It also make some sense to me that Rudy might have left and come back.

There was blood in the nostrils and something that looked like a mass of blood and saliva that protruded from the larger neck wound. We only know of one severed artery which was on the right side - very small branch of the carotid artery. It would seem that the blood from that puncture could have flowed out the larger wound or back through the nostils depending upon how low the head was in the prostrate position.

Rudy might have thought she was dead when he left the first time. She might have been barely alive. If he came back and turned her over to see if he could help her, she might have coughed blood which now would flow down into the lungs. Then she drowned in the blood from the small right branch of the carotid artery.

Then Rudy and the friend panicked and left.

We did not investigate this. But there is a well known volunteer ambulance non-profit service for that area. It seems that many of the young people volunteer to help that service. It's not out of the question that Rudy found somebody in EMT to help him.

First they shut Rudy up. Now if there is a witness to what happened that person will stay forever silent.

Anonymous said...

Rudi is not gonna speak and everything will remain the same.

Anonymous said...

Frank, man, if Rudy had an accomplice, where's the DNA evidence, the handprints, the bloody footprints? Why does everything point to one person? Was the accomplice a ghost?

Charlie Wilkes said...

Well, Frank, if Rudy didn't do it alone, who helped him, and why didn't they leave a clear trail of evidence as Rudy did?

Anonymous said...

Rudy will speak only if its beneficial to him, nothing points in that direction. He has no excuse for being in that house. His lawyers will be happy getting in the news once again.

Anonymous said...

CBS News has learned that while Guede was in jail in Perugia in 2007 and 2008, he told his Ivory Coast birth-father that he was with an unidentified male at the crime scene. He refused to name that person. That conversation was recorded and is part of Guede's Perugia case file.


So in addition to the 3 prison-friends, his birth father is another.

What credibility issue will the pro-guilt's find with this?

(Edgardo and Squad take notes...Testimony RECORDED...)

Anonymous said...

Frank. Have we read any fairy tales written by you?

Anonymous said...

Time to figure out who belongs to the other bra clasp DNA...

Anonymous said...

Not everything will remain the same. There will be a new understanding of what happened, because that is what happened. It will take time, but something new is coming!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I just don't buy it. I believe Rudy is a sociopath. Not an angry monster or fuelled by great hates or passions, sociopaths often come across as meek and mild and can even seem charming and helpless.

His lies, stories and odd behavior are some of the keys. Read his diary and see how he both over emotes over Meredith, melodramatic handwringing yet his actions are the opposite. He leaves the scene makes no attempt to get help even anonymously and goes to a nightclub. All his detailed stories all designed for one purpose to shift the blame from himself. He will never confess unless it's to his advantage to.

If it gets freedom for the others then fair enough but I'm worried that in trying to sell more than one killer they will be doomed by it.

I still don't see why a lone killer is a fairytale, it makes perfect sense to me. said...

Now we have to worry not only about the safety of Amanda, Raffaele and Rudy in their respective jails, but also about the other inmates...

Randy said...

"The italian journalism, the real one, the one that, when it wants, is able to dig deep in cases much more complicated than this, abandoned the case quite early, after the arrests and the first results."

Do you think the journalists you talk about will now revisit this case?

"The public opinion about the case has been dominated by beliefs, wrong data and cliches. And supporters of both sides could pick the ones they liked.

For those who hated Amanda Knox she was a ruthless murderer, Raffaele was a puppet in her hands, the police and the prosecutors were perfect, and so on.
For those who loved Amanda Knox she was a saint, Rudi was a monster and the only killer, Mignini was a nut, Massei (along with Cristiani, Micheli, Matteini, Comodi, Court of Freedom, Supreme Court) was an idiot, the police were corrupted, the scientific police were incompetent and the Italian judicial system was all wrong (and they were the ones who could reform it...)."

I believe you have accurately described much of what is floating around on the internet with this case.

These prison cell confessions are just another chapter to this case of so many layers. Facts are stranger than fiction...and in this case...sometimes the facts don't seem to be facts.

Anonymous said...

I've always wondered why Rudy never tried to tell a convincing story to blame Amanda. Maybe it's because he has trouble with the thought of another woman at the scene of his sexual assault/rape of Meredith. He doesn't want to even imagine it. Or maybe he has trouble imagining a woman being violent.

Strange. So many people dying to believe him and wanting to hear how it's all Amanda's fault and he doesn't do it. Maybe he just isn't that imaginative and can only deviate slightly from the truth, can't make up whole new framework for a story.

Anonymous said...

No doubt about it Frank…there has been a lot of damaging comments from the media and from the public…

But Who is against Who and who is who in all this mess…?

Who leaked what, what is lie and what is truth, Who made damaging assumptions, What was not investigated and what was ignored or covered up…?

How can we really know if the prosecution and investigation team really ignored or not checking possible leads and possible suspects, How can we know if the investigation they made was done thoroughly or not?

Only some can know this, but not us….

But what we can know for sure is that from the information that has been available to the public, including portions of judges reports as this last report… is very clear that there have been several contradictions, several statements that SEEM to be ASSUMPTIONS, several Illogical statements and many absurdities, not only from the prosecution and investigation team, but also absurdities from RS,AK and RG. If they can’t come out and defend themselves openly, directly with a clear and simple truth, it really leaves space for us to wonder and doubt them…....

but I guess the absurdities from the Prosecution and Investigation team are worse than those from the suspected/condemned…and just because of that …they should be acquitted…

it’d be best if they were acquitted than have them rot in jail being innocent, better for them to be acquitted than rot in jail if there is no absolute confidence that they are guilty.

It is a shame this case has been left to go so far with such inconsistencies, lacking profesionalism, and absurdities…maybe they need to name a leader of the court to put everything and everyone in place….(yes..Sarcasm)

All along I have been wanting to believe Amanda is Innocent, and I still do believe that, but she sure hasn’t answered some questions she should have…but there can be reasons for that that don’t necessarily make her guilty….Rafaelle, maybe guilty maybe not, but I sure disliked the way he turned on Amanda to save himself...but ok, can’t say more because he might truly be innocent. …Rudy, he could be innocent of killing Meredith or not…any logic will tell you that is a possibility maybe not but if he doesn’t want to speak up that is his loss....and if there were more people with Rudy, it could have been Patrick (his cell phone was found to register in the vicinity) or any of the other possible suspects.

So I hope this report means Massai intentionally opened the door to fix all the wrong and now do it right…whatever is fixable after all the destroyed and mislead evidence.

Or maybe these NEW REVELATIONS were just a manipulation to get a new case going…but you gotta do what you gotta do when the court can’t do what they gotta do…

And if Mignini doesn’t want people repeating that he was convicted...he shouldn’t have got himself convicted then…orf should we insead lie and say he was not convicted?.......
that is no excuse for him to take it as a reason to want to appeal due to comments made about him….this isn’t kindergarten right? He should be more mature about his reasons to go after an appeal

Anonymous said...

Edgardo and Squad take notes...Testimony RECORDED...

They were right in not recording Amanda's conversation.

Anonymous said... said...

Now we have to worry not only about the safety of Amanda, Raffaele and Rudy in their respective jails, but also about the other inmates...

March 9, 2010 11:00 PM


LMT said...

Does anyone in Perugia know if the trial of Vittorio Dorio ever happened? Julia Bongiorno was also his lawyer. It was supposed to start in December.

"Perugia, 16 aprile 2009 - Dai traffici di armi e della corruzione i soldi nelle banche elvetiche. Perugia, April 16, 2009 - From the trafficking of weapons and corruption money in Swiss banks. Quasi cinquantamila euro nei conti correnti di Vittorio Dordi e un bel malloppo in quelli del funzionario libico Usama Anish ora accusati anche di riciclaggio nell'ambito di un'indagine della magistratura svizzera partita grazia all'inchiesta del pm perugino Dario Razzi che due anni fa scoperchiò un canale di approvvigionamento illegale verso Libia e l'Iraq della guerra. Almost fifty thousand euros in the current accounts of Vittorio Dordi and a nice chunk of those hours Anish Usama Libyan officials also accused of money laundering in Switzerland as part of an investigation of the judiciary from the investigation of Perugia pm Dario Razzi, two years ago uncovered a channel for illegal immigration to supply Libya and Iraq war."

Grazie ad una rogatoria internazionale chiesta all'Italia ieri mattina davanti al giudice Paolo Micheli ( nella foto ) due pm elvetici hanno potuto interrogare i coimputati di Dordi per sapere la provenienza di quel denaro. Thanks to an international letter rogatory sought to Italy yesterday morning before the judge Paolo Micheli (pictured) two pm Swiss were able to interrogate defendants Dordi to know the provenance of this money. Ermete Moretti di Lucca, Massimo Bettinotti di La Spezia hanno sostenuto che il denaro trovato al funzionario libico era una sorta di restituzione di un prestito che lui stesso aveva fatto loro per poter prendere una commessa visto che in quel momento non avevano la disponibilità di contanti. Hermes Lucca Moretti, Massimo Bettinotti of La Spezia claimed that the money found in the Libyan official was a kind of repayment of a loan which he had given them to make an order because at that time had the necessary cash. Assente in aula Dordi che dovrà comparire questa mattina. Absent Dordi that is due to appear in court this morning. Secondo le indagini svolte in Svizzera l'uomo chiave dell'inchiesta sarebbe riuscito ad accumulare una fortuna grazie a traffici illeciti in Congo e Uzbekistan. According to surveys conducted in Switzerland's key man of the investigation would be able to amass a fortune through illicit trafficking in Congo and Uzbekistan.

Anonymous said...

For those who hated Amanda Knox she was a ruthless murderer, Raffaele was a puppet in her hands, the police and the prosecutors were perfect, and so on.
For those who loved Amanda Knox she was a saint, Rudi was a monster and the only killer, Mignini was a nut, Massei (along with Cristiani, Micheli, Matteini, Comodi, Court of Freedom, Supreme Court) was an idiot, the police were corrupted, the scientific police were incompetent and the Italian judicial system was all wrong (and they were the ones who could reform it...)."

I believe you have accurately described much of what is floating around on the internet with this case.

I agree. the two sides....with a minority of alternate theory's

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank, man, if Rudy had an accomplice, where's the DNA evidence, the handprints, the bloody footprints? Why does everything point to one person? Was the accomplice a ghost?

Either that or his footprints match Amanda's and he has exactly the same DNA profile as Raffaele AND Amanda. How unfortunate for Amanda and Raff.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I'm sorry but I just don't buy it. I believe Rudy is a sociopath. Not an angry monster or fuelled by great hates or passions, sociopaths often come across as meek and mild and can even seem charming and helpless.

His lies, stories and odd behavior are some of the keys. Read his diary and see how he both over emotes over Meredith, melodramatic handwringing yet his actions are the opposite. He leaves the scene makes no attempt to get help even anonymously and goes to a nightclub. All his detailed stories all designed for one purpose to shift the blame from himself. He will never confess unless it's to his advantage to.

If it gets freedom for the others then fair enough but I'm worried that in trying to sell more than one killer they will be doomed by it.

I still don't see why a lone killer is a fairytale, it makes perfect sense to me.

I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Frank, what did these "real" journalists do but repeat whatever the police told them as the truth? They might as well be tape recorders.

"The italian journalism, the real one, the one that, when it wants, is able to dig deep in cases much more complicated than this, abandoned the case quite early, after the arrests and the first results.

Anonymous said...

Never liked the not one scintilla of evidence. Didn't like the 14 hours of questioning. Ditto anti-American.

I'm not sure what happened. Amanda and Raffaele have done no favors for themselves if innocent.

I also didn't appreciate the British tabloids printing BS and racy headlines. Foxy Knoxy taken from MySpace was okay a couple of times but not the hundreds of times they ran it.

The police leaking so much so early will forever taint the case. The police of Perugia and Mignini seemed to have "solved" the case within hours or days of the crime and didn't seem to do basic grunt police work. They didn't seem to find witnesses or any evidence outside the murder room. If they really selected just one knife from Raffaele's flat and it had LCN DNA on it, that seems very strange.

The lab not informing the defense that they were going to do a LCN test and destroy all the sample before they did it seems wrong.

As for the lone wolf theory, it seems that the defense was given a Hobson's choice: either agree that multiple people committed the crime with no other suspects or say that only one person did it no matter how difficult that would be.

Had the police already known Koko was there from cell phone records or not. If not, had they checked all cell records and contacted the owners to see if they had heard anything?

Anonymous said...


Nice to see a photo of Meredith. Such a breathtakingly beautiful young woman. What a complete and utter tragedy.

Thanks for posting the photo of the victim. Too often in the circus that the family of Ms. Knox has created, Meredith Kercher gets brushed aside, or more and more commonly, not even mentioned.

Who was the beauty? Who is the plain Jane? This photo makes it strikingly clear.

Anonymous said...

If the story that someone not named was there and did the murder is true, how could there be no DNA?

My thought is that if it was a professional criminal, he would know not to leave evidence. He would wear gloves and perhaps would have a shaved head or wear a cap. If he was an enforcer in the Albanian drug gang, then he would be very practiced in not leaving a trace.

Someone pointing out that if there were two people, it would be quite easy to enter through the window makes a lot of sense.

Last thought for now: I still don't understand why Rudi wouldn't have mentioned Amanda in the first calls from Germany. Why would he say that he was there but she wasn't? He must have known that he had left behind evidence, he was admitting to being there, he admitted to seeing the wound and running away; why wouldn't he name Amanda?

I can only think that she either wasn't there or someone else was also there and Rudi didn't want that person thinking he was naming names because he feared that other person.

Anonymous said...

If this is true that the police have Rudy on tape stating to his father there was another man there you know Mignini hid that one. This does not fit into theories and it would not have convicted Amanda. Hey why not Test the seman on the pillow case already. This crucial evenidence.

Charlie Wilkes said...

I have gone over the evidence with great care. It is obvious what happened.

Guede got in through the window. No kidding. He was in the place, taking a dump, when Meredith got home. He crept up on her, grabbed her from behind, and wrapped his left hand around her face to cover her mouth, so tightly he left a row of fingertip bruises on the right side of her jawline and her neck. He held the knife in his right hand. He pushed her down to the floor in front of the wardrobe as she struggled, and inflicted the two smaller wounds on the right side of her neck. She twisted around so she was on her back, struggling to get up, and that is when he inflicted the large, gaping wound in the left side of her neck.

The attack took place over a span of less than five minutes.

When the struggle was over, he went into the bathroom and cleaned up. He rinsed his right shoe under the bidet, and while he was doing that, he put his exposed foot down and left the print on the mat.

He went back into Meredith's room with three towels. He dragged her body several feet, put a pillow and two of the towels under her buttocks, removed her clothing, and sexually assaulted her in some way. He then threw the duvet over her body and sat on the edge of the bed with the bloody knife at his side while he went through her purse.

He wiped the knife on the remaining towel, which he left on the bed, he exited the room, locking the door behind him, and he proceeded down the hallway to the exit, leaving a trail of bloody shoe prints.

This is what the evidence shows. I may have certain details out of order - for example, he may have committed the sexual assault before he cleaned up in the bathroom - but essentially, this is the only plausible scenario that can be extracted from the available evidence.

If Guede had an accomplice, the accomplice either fled when the violence started, or completely stayed out of the way. And I have not seen one shred of credible evidence to suggest that an accomplice was present.

Frank, you have the same information I do. If you know something I don't, or if you have figured out something I have missed, let's hear the details.

This isn't going to go away. The support base on the Internet and in the general public is only growing. People are passionate about getting these innocent young people out of prison.

Anonymous said...

Edgardo and Squad take notes...Testimony RECORDED...

They were right in not recording Amanda's conversation.

How can that be, ?only reason I can think of is so the interrogators can make up stories without proof.

Like Stefony's "invisible" LCN DNA...

all this critical things, everyone has to just take their word for it as truth.

Sorry, to me it makes them look corrupt, suspicious, and biased.

Maybe it was just an accident as Edgardo said...there was too much going on.

But he didn't have trouble resuming recording and wire tapping and spying immediately after the "contorted confession".
He had no issue recording before the "secret confession"....

sounds like a liar to me. and yes, some police lie and are corrupt, and stubborn to accept facts that are true at times. as in this case it appears, they were too sure the accused were guilty, maybe?

Anonymous said...

it's sad, no matter what new evidence presents itself, the Obsessed-Guilt mongers deny it before reviewing it, and I realize it's just old fashioned EGO at this sad...they don't want the truth anymore, they want to WIN!...the EGO wants to WIN!

to me it's just Rudy testing out his lies...he's always wondered which lie is better, the unknown man...or the one the Mignini Media gave him with AK,RS...

Rudy was there, he puts himself there oddly at 7pm, 9pm, 10pm, his disco later...then back to the cottage early nov 2.

Yes if Rudy were to tell the entire truth, we would have all the pieces to this puzzle.

Anonymous said...

Well, Frank, if Rudy didn't do it alone, who helped him, and why didn't they leave a clear trail of evidence as Rudy did?

I agree. And I believe Rudy did say all these things, and I believe Rudy made this lie up about an unknown man.

Dr. Lalli said he felt it was more than one person, and he also said he couldn't rule out one person.

The detail of knife being pointed and a white handle was typical Rudy, always leaking little details of his murder.

Anonymous said...

Well Frank, thanks for that...and this is the only time I've felt like thanking you. That was a good post. Keep it up, I like it when you're neutral. It keeps the hounds at bay.

Anonymous said...

Many supporters were apparently all great law scholars and scientists, and claimed that the judges could be influenced by media. Yes, the super experts thought that two real judges --who studied the whole case, who are trained to judge, who have spent their life studying law-- had to be sequestered because they could listen to a couple of articles or paperbacks from people who knew nothing about the case, who write about t-shirts and restaurants and whose main activity was trading letters and diaries of Amanda and Raffaele. The great law scholars meant I'm not that stupid that I can be influenced by the media, but Massei and Cristiani are. In fact, it turned to be exactly the opposite...

Frank, thank you for this paragraph. I couldn't believe you didn't defend the Italian judicials before this. I was really sick and tired of the supporters believing respected judges could be swayed by articles written in British and Italian rags.

Anonymous said...

Time to figure out who belongs to the other bra clasp DNA...



Section 1- Rub sample with dirty gloved fingers, then pass around the room so others can rub the sample with their fingers.

Section 2-
Then drop the sample on the dirty floor again.

Anonymous said...

CBS News has learned that while Guede was in jail in Perugia in 2007 and 2008, he told his Ivory Coast birth-father that he was with an unidentified male at the crime scene. He refused to name that person. That conversation was recorded and is part of Guede's Perugia case file.

Why was this not brought up for the Massei trial?
ost part, 90%

Anonymous said...

That's such a sweet, pretty picture of Meredith. It's heartbreaking to think what her last hours must have been like. May justice be served and may she rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Well you know this is all wrong. As we've heard for months now the defense PROVED that only one person was involved. All their experts testified, only one murderer, only one knife. Only Rudy alone, no one was with him. Are they choking now? How about the supporters? They are all so willing now to believe there must definitely have been accomplice(s) with Rudy because some lunatic lying child murderer says it is so. They cannot support this theory and then if it is proven false go back to saying it was a lone wolf Rudy. That would be hypocrisy.
On the other hand, the ones who "know" Amanda and Rafaelle are guilty must be cringing at the possible truth of this also.

Anonymous said...

who had joined him at Kercher's for a threesome, which she resisted.
Alessi claims three other prisoners can confirm his declarations.
the judge and jury believed the murder happened spontaneously and depicted Knox as a fairly normal young college student who was seeking out exciting new experiences far away from home, had impaired judgment due to drug use and who became involved in a sexually charged and violent situation that spiraled out of control.

Alessi claims three other prisoners can confirm his declarations.


I always thought the evidence pointed to rape, not burglary.

Rudy harrassing women, without a girlfriend, without friends really..thats why he invited himself places, he became obsessed with the cottage boys who befriended him recently.

but his anger of a lifetime of rejection obviously left him vulnerable to crime and criminals.

He said the same tale in 2007-2008 recorded, while speaking to his birth-father.

Rudy never stole the laptop either, Rudy was always apologizing to the victim, he had remorse always...after being caught.

Anonymous said...

We've all made a great emotional investment on our deeply held beliefs in guilt or innocence of these three defendants.

Maybe we should all step back, take off our sunglasses, clear our mind, and look at the case from the opposite side.

It would certainly help to have access to the full "motivazioni" document, just to dispel some likely misunderstandings and myths about the evidence and the testimony.

In regards to the Alessi's story, personally I don'g give much credence to anything Italian (Sicilian, no less) inmates "reveal" to the media.

The benefits granted by Italian law are too good for inmates who collaborate with justice, therefore you can't take all prisoners' statements at face value.

If one had to believe inmates' stunning statements, then after Spatuzza's revelations, Berlusconi would have been found guilty of being the Godfather of Cosa Nostra. And Enzo Tortora (the late TV host accused in the 1980s by a "gentleman" inmate of being a Camorrista) would have spent the rest of his days in jail.

Anonymous said...

"Who was the beauty? Who is the plain Jane? This photo makes it strikingly clear."

Your preference for brunettes over blonds is noted, and dismissed as irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

I was really sick and tired of the supporters believing respected judges could be swayed by articles written in British and Italian rags.

Very true! But to think that these respected judges were immune to prejudice due to the trashing of Amanda Knox for 14 months previous to the start of the trial is most naive.

The expected decision of the Perugian/Italian populace was 'guilty'!

If it wasn't prejudice or face saving, how else can one explain a decision that Knox did not premeditate the murder yet carried the supposed murder weapon to the house? How else can one explain that the knife was considered to be valid evidence? How else can one explain Knox and Sollecito hooking up with the drifter, Guede? Why did the defense withhold testing evidence? Why would the court not reschedule lab testing in order to accommodate the attendance of the defense?

Why didn’t the court find the lack of evidence placing Amanda in the bloody bedroom to be exculpatory?

Judge Massei wrote that the prosecution "presents a comprehensive and coherent picture, without holes or inconsistencies." Without holes or inconsistencies? Wow! Sorry judge, but I see huge inconsistencies of lack of evidence placing Knox in the bloody bedroom, motive, witnesses, no history of aggression. Obviously, judge, you didn't see it that way. Was that due to prejudice of face saving?

Anonymous said...

Look out Frank.
When you don't take every word the free amanda people say as gosepel...they're going to rip you.

Anonymous said...

I notice that these judges are respected only when they rule against Amanda and Raffaele--the same is true of journalists, Italian or otherwise, who dare to question the verdict. Mignini was convicted of abuse of office--not by the press, but by the very courts this commenter pretends to admire. If the judges are so brilliant in this case, why do they all tell a different story about how the crime occurred?

I was really sick and tired of the supporters believing respected judges could be swayed by articles written in British and Italian rags.

Anonymous said...

So should Amanda have been killed, not Meredith? Is this what this commenter is trying to say? Nobody deserves to be murdered. If Meredith were ugly, then it would be okay to murder her? Should we bring photos into court from now on while determining how long murderers should serve for their crimes? What about handsome men? Should they NOT be murdered? Is it okay to murder the ugly ones?

Who was the beauty? Who is the plain Jane? This photo makes it strikingly clear.

Anonymous said...

Frank said: "Massei and Cristiani's motivations were kind of effective."

Does anybody know what these kind of effective motivations were? Cause in the document:

Amanda & Raffaele left the cottage that night? Why? When? Huh?

A&R ran into Rudy and invited him to the cottage. Why? When? Huh?

A&R smoked weed with Rudy. Why? When? Huh?

Rudy got horny because A&R kissed and Rudy had never seen kissing before even at the Domus?

Rudy went in and bothered Meredith, who somehow had missed all of this action.

When Rudy tried to rape Meredith, that turned Amanda and Rafaelle on.

Why? Because Raffaele had once looked at porn. For Amanda, the motivation was ........

Oh, never mind, the motivations are effective.

The judge even figured out that Amanda had started carrying around a giant kitchen knife in her purse without cutting herself, so she was able to kill Meredith without motivations.

No wonder the defense had to introduce Alessi in the face of such force and logic.

In Italy, "effective" means "don't have a clue, your guess is as good as mine."

So effective.

Anonymous said...

free the turtle doves

It takes a stone cold killer with ice for veins to watch a person die and than go to a disco. I believe Rudy planted this story in order to appear yet again as Meredith's almost savior. If there was a second person there would be a trail of evidence which there is not. This is a very simple case. Either Rudy broke in or attempted to break in through the window. He either surprised Meredith inside or used the broken window as a ruse excuse to enter the apartment to inspect for her. All he had to say is he heard broken glass and saw someone lurking around and this could have been his ticket in. Very simple case.

Anonymous said...

"The detail of knife being pointed and a white handle was typical Rudy..."

I have no idea how you can say this is typically Rudy. Actually this sounds like a special knife; the white handle, possibly bone or ivory. Sounds like a knife a collector might own, not a petty thief.

Anonymous said...

Every country has judicial mistakes, terrible miscarriages of justice. The UK has had it's share particularly over the IRA bombings. Eventually they had the guts and the grace to admit their mistakes, in the end the system worked. Far too late for it's victims though, how much suffering should one endure because the country was looking for scapegoats.

The world didn't come to an end, the justice system didn't collapse, people weren't forced to crawl through broken glass in penance.

I just hope Italy will do the same and it doesn't take as long as the Brits did.

Anonymous said...

Frank, don't go out so often, I'm still waiting for comments to be updated. Oh for the old days before moderation. Sigh!

Charlie Wilkes said...

Someone wrote:

In regards to the Alessi's story, personally I don'g give much credence to anything Italian (Sicilian, no less) inmates "reveal" to the media.

Jailhouse witnesses are unreliable whether they are Italian or any other nationality.

Anonymous said...

"The detail of knife being pointed and a white handle was typical Rudy..."

I have no idea how you can say this is typically Rudy. Actually this sounds like a special knife; the white handle, possibly bone or ivory. Sounds like a knife a collector might own, not a petty thief.


yes or maybe Rudy stole a knife in one of his many burglary's.

but its interesting how he leaks little details, this is the knife that matches the bedsheet probably.

would not the fantasy-murderer killed Rudy too, instead of leaving him lay there.

Rudy gave the evidence but Mignini ignored it all, and only ate the food he prefered.

There's no one but Rudy in the murder room.

No Amanda, No Raffaele, and No Imaginary friend.

Only Rudy the rapist, liar, burglar, Lone Wolf murderer.

Anonymous said...

"I was really sick and tired of the supporters believing..."

If the supporters can be accused of choosing which evidence they will accept, so too can many others who follow this case. Yes, the disparaging comments have been offensive and wrong. Still, these facts remain: the case was not handled well and the appeal will proceed. What is most sad is that the escalating insults and rancor could have been avoided had the case been handled better.

Anonymous said...

"Who was the beauty? Who is the plain Jane? This photo makes it strikingly clear."

Your preference for brunettes over blonds is noted, and dismissed as irrelevant.

Why is everyone using the euphemism "blonde" She's freaking ginger!!

Anonymous said...

Frank, man, if Rudy had an accomplice, where's the DNA evidence, the handprints, the bloody footprints? Why does everything point to one person? Was the accomplice a ghost?

Either that or his footprints match Amanda's and he has exactly the same DNA profile as Raffaele AND Amanda. How unfortunate for Amanda and Raff.

Matching footprints wouldn't be that impossible. The possibility that his DNA was all over the room can't be excluded, Stefanoni had a knack for cherry picking the evidence that supports the prosecution's theory while ignoring/hiding all other evidence and then throwing tantrums in court when questioned. Why was the trial suspended in the middle of Summer 2009 again? Her meticulous lack of positive and negative controls, combined with lack of replication and gung-ho use of LCN without following any standard protocols (i.e. not having any idea what she was doing), makes her a rogue investigator indeed. She was perfect for the Mignini prosecution team.

As someone mentioned, now is definitely time to test the semen stain. What if it doesn't match RG or RS?

Anonymous said...

Look out, Frank, the haters are starting to praise you !

Look out Frank.
When you don't take every word the free amanda people say as gosepel...they're going to rip you.

Randy said...

"holes and inconsistencies" that is what this case is made of...on both sides.

I think it is reasonable to believe the members of the jury who were not professional judges could certainly have had some preconceived ideas before and during the trial. Perhaps that would make them see things with a slight prejudice...Maybe not question things so much.

Is it correct that the appeal won't include new evidence, only what was in the original trial? Can items be retested that were introduced at the trial?

billy ryan said...

you did not partake in the "demonization"of rudi.which rudi do you think frank is not a demon. The rudi that broke/bluffed his way into the apartment found the beautiful and decent mez alone,sexually assaulted her stabbed her in the neck stole her money and left her to die while he went dancing,since he has sat idly by and watched two familys almost destroyed financially and mentally as they watch their innocent children go to jail
or is it the rudi that you believe "and i do not know wheather you are right or wrong"brought a companion into the cottage who attacked merridith as soon as he found him
self alone with her,instead of saving merridith he went along with his companion grabbed her money went dancing and left the country,and again he has watched amanda and raffaela sit in jail for a crime he knows they were not
involved in. In the early part of this investigation rudi claimed to have fought the attacker in an attempt to save merridith,and judgeing by the amount of cuts and brusing to merridith body it is fair to say she fought back desperatly. Merridith had self defence training her training would have told her if at any time she got free of her attacker to break and run.if as rudy says he grappled with merridiths attacker it would probally have allowed merridith no matter how injured or undressed to run out on to the street.that this did not happen indicates that rudi done,exactly what he has done for amanda and raffaela,noting whichever story is true frank I think rudi is a deamon

Anonymous said...

What is most sad is that the escalating insults and rancor could have been avoided had the case been handled better.

Maybe you should add the escalating lies on the FoA side, like the "14hr interrogation", "the law compells police to record", the "independent experts" and so.....

Anonymous said...

Mignini was convicted of abuse of office--not by the press, but by the very courts this commenter pretends to admire.

But also the ANM (Associazione Nazionale Magistrati) - main political organ of judiciary members - issued a solidarity statement in favour of Mignini, signed by al its plenum and most judes in Umbria. So it is all the judges in Prugia area who apaprently are against the Florentine verdict.
And the CSM - the national head of judiciary - allowed Mignini to keep doing his work in the very same place as usual without any sanction (while usually magistrates are moved or sanctioned for far less than a criminal conviction).
This means there was something anomalous in the Mignini trial and verdict.

Anonymous said...

How can that be, ?only reason I can think of is so the interrogators can make up stories without proof.

If all you can think does not include praxis and the law...

Anonymous said...

"She's freaking ginger!!"

Are you kidding? I'm more "ginger" than Pippi Longstocking--so what does that have to do with anything?(Aside from needing to use more sunscreen than other people.)

Anonymous said...

"Maybe you should add the escalating lies on the FoA side..."

No, I should not. It is disingenuous to say that only one side (of many) has a monopoly on using lies.

Anonymous said...

And that substance may belong to Rudy or, hopefully for him, to the one who went with him.
Frank Sfarzo, Sunday, October 18, 2009.

Now I know what you meant, Frank.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe you should add the escalating lies on the FoA side..."

No, I should not. It is disingenuous to say that only one side (of many) has a monopoly on using lies.

I'm not sure of guilt or innocence.

I have followed the case and in the early days was shocked by what the police released. Later, I was shocked to find out how much incorrect material had been leaked.

The people that started the alleged Meredith sites, but really anti-Amanda sites, have repeated those inaccurate leaks and even have made up things that weren't ever leaked.

I also don't think much of the extreme language of FOA has helped, but see it as a response to the press and the crime tourists.

Anonymous said...

Listen to yourselves. ROFL
Anonymous said...

"The detail of knife being pointed ..."

OMG was it sharp, too?

A nice handle does make it sound like a collector's piece ;)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"She's freaking ginger!!"

Are you kidding? I'm more "ginger" than Pippi Longstocking--so what does that have to do with anything?(Aside from needing to use more sunscreen than other people.)

Of course there's nothing wrong with why do they keep saying she's blonde?

Anonymous said...

The beauty or lack of it should have nothing to do with this discussion.

Reading the comparison of Meredith to Amanda made me as uncomfortable as anything that has been written. I hope it's not an incite into the motivation of the "pro Meredith" sites. Sadly, I think it is the motivation behind a large number of them.

Anonymous said...

"Who was the beauty? Who is the plain Jane? This photo makes it strikingly clear."

Your preference for brunettes over blonds is noted, and dismissed as irrelevant.

March 10, 2010 4:06 PM

The only blondes I've seen in this whole circus are the younger daughters of Curt and Cassandra and Cassandra herself. If you're referring to Amanda Knox, you might want to get your eyes checked. No way no how she is blonde. Sorry. Relevant or not, there is no comparison between the two women. Meredith was strikingly beautiful, whereas Amanda Knox could be described as cute at best with a chunky and rather unfeminine build. I do understand that some other men prefer a woman that looks boyish. To each his own.

Anonymous said...


You are bonkers. Of all the defense case that has its points and counter-points, the one thing that I don't think any reasonable or objective person believes is that *anyone* got in through that window. No-one could do it in the reconstruction and the glass from the window was on top of the disturbed clothes. It doesn't take Columbo to work out it was a staged break-in and it didn't fool the police or even the flatmates who lived in the flat.

Believe what you like about what happened that night, but the window-entry is farcicle.

Anonymous said...

Anyone wonder if the authorities are protecting the same person that Rudy is?

Maybe the cops aren’t so keystone, it could be from some invisible pressure!

Seamen on the pillow and they didn’t test it, “REALLY”. I don’t know what to say or think.?????

Anonymous said...

anon said:
it's sad, no matter what new evidence presents itself, the Obsessed-Guilt mongers deny it before reviewing it, and I realize it's just old fashioned EGO at this sad...they don't want the truth anymore, they want to WIN!...the EGO wants to WIN!


No, people want the TRUTH and people want JUSTICE for MEREDITH!
And just as the various judges, jury et al found knox guilty via the facts presented in the courtroom, we recognize her involvement and guilt. We're not out to lynch an innocent we just want the butchers to pay dearly for the life they brutally took. Simple, really. So, go ahead and call names if it helps your wounded ego. We could not care less.

Rich said...

I think a few issues need to be resolved. Mainly the dothe DNA samples on the bra clasp and the semen or whatever the substance is. As far as a white handled knife, this is the first i've heard of this. One further question i have is can a lie detector test be administered on the convict to see if he is lying?

Anonymous said...

How stomach-churning that the haters are now discussing the shapeliness and sexiness of the poor misused murder victim, complete with a physical analysis? UGH.Too much information. You can certainly see where their fixation on the case comes from. The Kerchers must vomit when they read what these sickos write.

Anonymous said...

We know from reading the witch hunt sites that Italian judges are infallible, so we know that climbing into the window was a cinch, unless you were a tubby Italian cop or a tubby hater, and then it would be unimaginable. As Judge Micheli said:

“To enter by that window does not call for a Spiderman. The person needs to be physically agile as Guede surely was and as
are thieves that rob from apartments at night. Nor was it necessary
to climb up with rock in hand, since it was possible to throw
it from that sort of parapet (and not from below, as the prosecutor
claimed, with the risk of its falling on the head of the thrower).”

Anonymous said...

This is pure fiction and wishful thinking from the usual sources. Actually Mignini is STILL under investigation .. also, Umbria is part of Italy, not a separate fiefdom. Mignini is in big trouble and he knows it, man.

But also the ANM (Associazione Nazionale Magistrati) - main political organ of judiciary members - issued a solidarity statement in favour of Mignini, signed by al its plenum and most judes in Umbria.

Anonymous said...

There is zero proof the the beak in was staged. But that doesn't mean rudy went thru the window. Isn't it possible rudy intercepts MK while she is about to enter her apartment after trying to break in. Or also very likely MK leaves the door unlocked while she goes downstairs to check on the cat. Or she goes downstairs to water the pot plants and finds Rudy. And then rudy says "hey I'll keep quiet about the pot plants if you let me play around a little. Growing pot is a crime you know."

Anonymous said...

"Sorry. Relevant or not, there is no comparison between the two women."

For goodness sake, please stop this nonsense. Looks should not be part of this discussion. If you continue, I will insist on seeing a photo of anyone who keeps on about it.

Anonymous said...

"...It doesn't take Columbo to work out it was a staged break-in and it didn't fool the police or even the flatmates who lived in the flat."

I don't know that everyone believes that it was impossible for someone to enter through the window, but even if that is the case, why assume a staged break-in? Aren't there other possible reasons for the broken window? The room may or may not have been rifled through before the glass was broken, and regardless, this does not rule out other possible reasons. It could be simply the work of a common vandal, or someone trying to see if their victim has survived to the point of being able to turn on a light, or someone too cowardly to assist the assailant letting them know it's time to leave. I could go on, but these are only guesses, which are no better or worse than the staged break-in scenario.

Anonymous said...

The one insisting on comparing the looks of Amanda and Meredith sounds like the same one insisting Sophie was at fault for not walking Meredith home. Idiotic either way.

Besides there's no comparison!

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Relevant or not, there is no comparison between the two women

A college roommate once uttered this unarguably great axiom: 'One of the big problems with the world is that most people don't know where their a$$holes are'.

Anonymous said...

Viterbo 07/03/2010

"As usual in this beloved country of ours, there are many false people, devoted to lying. "

Rudy Guede

If the crime wasn't so vicious and sadistic, Rudy would make one laugh.

This is a man whose DNA was found inside Meredith and responded he had a date with her.

This is a human whose bloody shoeprints surrounded the deceased body of Meredith, but he says he was saving her.

Rudy says, he and an unknown Italian man murderer fought, and chairs were thrown but the police didn't find any chairs upset.

Rudy says he couldn't see the man's face because it was dark and he was focused on the knife in the left hand of this murderer, exiting Merediths room!

Rudy says the murderer had a hat, looked like Raffaele, and can describe his logo on the coat.

Rudy said he couldn't see anyone looking out Filomenas window, as it was dark.

Rudy says he did see Amanada in the driveway.

Rudy told the lawyer whose laptop was stolen and found in Rudys possession, he did not steal the laptop. It was stolen by an unknown man, he can't name.
He was remorseful and concerned;
he wanted this lawyer to know he didn't steal it and that Rudy is an honest upstanding man with remorse and concern.

Rudy told his birth father Amanda and Raffaele were not there that night.

Rudy told the prison friends Amanda and Raffaele were not there that night.

Rudy told Mignini and the courts Amanda and Raffaele murdered , not Rudy.

So what can the courts do with Rudy? Do we believe him? Do we not believe him? Do we partially believe him? Do we pick and choose which part of Rudy we believe?

Viterbo 07/03/2010

"As usual in this beloved country of ours, there are many false people, devoted to lying. "

Rudy Guede

Anonymous said...

The one insisting on comparing the looks of Amanda and Meredith


this is the mignini-mites.
they do anything they can to prevent discussing the bedroom the murder took place in.

they use very simple human actions:
foul language, insults, subject swapping as in "looks and selected pictures" "court room attire", "bleach receipts" "misdemeanor tickets" "blob prints" "theories of hate" "interrogations without recordings" "childish insults" "sex as evil" "satanic ritual-witch hunting"

Anonymous said...

Rudy told his birth father Amanda and Raffaele were not there that night.

Rudy told the prison friends Amanda and Raffaele were not there that night

Has told more lies than Amanda Knox.
Which is saying a lot.
Funny how your two favorite people in the world now, are two murderers.
You have more bad things to say about a woman who tested DNa than you do about two of the most sadistic murderers of our times.

Anonymous said...

A very interesting video about Alessi's confession:

What he is saying makes sense...

Anonymous said...

This is a human whose bloody shoeprints surrounded the deceased body of Meredith, but he says he was saving her.

someone tries to help her will get bloody shoes. this is no an argument.

If Amanda was so good friends with Meredith, why didn't she briefly visit the public vigil. It does not make sense.

Anonymous said...

Why would Raffaele make a lie to explain Meredith's DNA on his knife?

Why did Amanda say she is worried about the knife? "worried about the night" does not make any sense just like "I was there. I can't lie" doesn't really make sense either unless it means she was there at the murder. You would say "why should/would I lie" if you were talking about being somewhere else.

Why will they lie to say they can't remember?

Anonymous said...

Seamen on the pillow and they didn’t test it, “REALLY”. I don’t know what to say or think.?????

Well, let's see. If there were a semen stain there from Rudy, what does that add to the story? Nothing.

If there were a semen stain there of her boyfriend. Nothing.

If there were a semen stain there from Raffaele, well, that would be interesting.

There is no other accomplice, just the raging, staging turtledoves.

Charlie Wilkes said...

One of Sollecito's lawyers had little trouble climbing through the window.

The glass on top of clothing doesn't show up in any photos.

If it's so obvious that a burglar would pick a different window, wouldn't someone staging a burglary do likewise?

Anonymous said...

Has told more lies than Amanda Knox.
Which is saying a lot.
Funny how your two favorite people in the world now, are two murderers.
You have more bad things to say about a woman who tested DNa than you do about two of the most sadistic murderers of our times.

I make that 3 murderers if you count Alessi.

Anonymous said...

this is the mignini-mites.
they do anything they can to prevent discussing the bedroom the murder took place in.

they use very simple human actions:
foul language, insults, subject swapping as in "looks and selected pictures" "court room attire", "bleach receipts" "misdemeanor tickets" "blob prints" "theories of hate" "interrogations without recordings" "childish insults" "sex as evil" "satanic ritual-witch hunting"

This is the Amanda-lovers, the ones who refuse to see one scintilla of evidence that may incriminate the object of their desire:

They use very naive arguments, the police lied, the prosecutor lied, there is no evidence, the professional judges read some inflammatory news articles and were swayed, Sophie is guilty of negligence, there is no evidence, the Roman Forensics lab is under the control of Mignini, every single bit of DNA is contaminated except all that attributed to Rudy, they didn't lie they were confused, the footprints are in fruit juice not blood, they were found guilty because of the news articles not the year long presentation of testimony and evidence, they were convicted because Amanda is an American, the whole country conspired to railroad her because of her nationality, there was only one killer who physically restrained Meredith whilst both stabbing and sexually assaulting her unless it can be proven it was just Rudy with another man or two, Amanda was brutally beaten even though her own court testimony describes just two little swats to the back of the head, she accused Patrick because the police told her what to write in her extraordinarily detailed account of the evening even though in her court testimony she was asked if the police were the ones to suggest Patrick to her and she said no, and so on, I'm tired of typing

Anonymous said...

"this is the mignini-mites.
they do anything they can to prevent discussing ...."

"This is the Amanda-lovers, the ones who refuse to see one scintilla of evidence that may incriminate..."

LOL! Do the two of you have the same parents, or are you spouses?

Charlie Wilkes said...

Someone wrote:

If Amanda was so good friends with Meredith, why didn't she briefly visit the public vigil. It does not make sense.

But it makes sense that Amanda and Raffaele would hook up with someone they barely knew and commit murder, using a 12-inch kitchen knife that Amanda carried around in her purse for self-defense.

Then they took off their shoes and stepped in the blood, and Amanda hopped backwards into the hallway where she left a single bare footprint with the toes pointing toward Meredith's room.

Raffaele stepped in blood and hopped out into the hallway and left two right footprints in front of Amanda's door.

Then Amanda stood around waiting for the little store to open, so she could buy bleach, so she wouldn't have to use up Raffaele's bleach. And she bleached and she scrubbed, taking care not to disturb Guede's shoe prints or the dust on the floor or anything else, and by the time she was done, there were just those three footprints in the hallway waiting to be discovered with luminol, along with the footprint on the bathmat, which Raffaele left after hopping from the spot in front of Amanda's door into the bathroom, where he finally rested his tired, blood-soaked foot.

They were gonna clean that next, but they were surprised by the arrival of the postal police...

Anonymous said...

One of Sollecito's lawyers had little trouble climbing through the window.

I always wondered about this, did they climb up and touch the shutter, or actually climb thru pushing the windows open?
Everyone showed a picture of someone aprtially climbing to the window, but not going into it.
Micheli didn't think it was a difficult task anyway, as the judges probably hear of many burglar stories all year long.

Anonymous said...

"A very interesting video about Alessi's confession:

What he is saying makes sense..."

It does not make sense. Rudy is not getting out for 16 years. I don't think he would let two innocent people plus himself go to jail if he knew the real killer. He has nothing to fear from someone on the outside for many years to come and if he told this story and could prove it, the real killer would be behind bars for life and Rudy would possibly be released on further appeal. It would be a winning situation for Rudy yet he's willing for himself and two other innocent people to pay the price for some scumbag. No, it doesn't make sense. Alessi is lying to cash in on some of the notoriety of this case.

Anonymous said...

she was asked if the police were the ones to suggest Patrick to her and she said no, and so on, I'm tired of typing


you confirmed my statement with your lengthy list, Mignini-mites will go on and on about anything....

as long as its not related to the actual location of the murder, which is Merediths bedroom.

Anonymous said...

Then they took off their shoes and stepped in the blood, and Amanda hopped backwards into the hallway where she left a single bare footprint with the toes pointing toward Meredith's room.


this is an interesting point.

when one steps in blood they leave a trail that disappears the further away they with Rudys shoeprints.

but the other foot-blobs, that are very distorted in my opinion, never enter the bedroom, and never leave the bedroom. It makes no sense? Hopping? Hopping backwards? but even then they would have left a footprint in the bedroom which isn't the case.

but luminol is used for blood, and this is common too.

the experts disagreed. I wonder what Massei thinks of the fact only Rudys leaves the bedroom to the hallway.

once again, only Rudy...

Anonymous said...

Well, let's see. If there were a semen stain there from Rudy, what does that add to the story? Nothing.

If there were a semen stain there of her boyfriend. Nothing.

If there were a semen stain there from Raffaele, well, that would be interesting.

There is no other accomplice, just the raging, staging turtledoves.

And from your very odd point of view, even asking the question of "what if it is someone else" is not even worth asking? What if it really does turn out to be someone else, who is not one of the known people? I guess you'd dismiss that as completely irrelevent, because apparently you know everything about what happened already.

Given Stefanoni's general habit of confirmation bias, it's not surprising she omitted testing the stain. Why bother, if you know whose already guilty. Why confuse the jury with irrelevent data?.

Maybe she did test it but dismissed/hid the results because they didn't point to RG or RS? (who were *known* to be the murderers). I frankly wouldn't be surprised given the crookedness displayed in this investigation. Maybe it's another type of face saving.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Do the two of you have the same parents, or are you spouses?


But thats what Judges are for right? decide between the two.

so Massei finds a guilty verdict, knowing it will be appealed and disgree's with about everything Mignini said about "hate", instead Rudy is the main culprit.

that doesn't sem much better than the proMigniniclub or the Friends of Amanda...

why would he decide they are good kids and blame it on drugs?
why did he prepare the courts for an Appeal of "accidental on drugs"

such a far world away from Matteini's verditc of Patrick the Pervert Murderer and Raffaels 3" knife, Amanda able to witchcraft the enitre courtroom.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Wilkes said...

One of Sollecito's lawyers had little trouble climbing through the window.

No, he couldn't climb in, but he did stretch up to touch the window sill for a photograph.

Anonymous said...

The glass on top of clothing doesn't show up in any photos.

But it was seen and attested to by the witnesses including the police.

Anonymous said...

And from your very odd point of view, even asking the question of "what if it is someone else" is not even worth asking? What if it really does turn out to be someone else, who is not one of the known people? I guess you'd dismiss that as completely irrelevent, because apparently you know everything about what happened already.

It would be more interesting to know why the defense didn't challenge this evidence during the trial. Bringing it up after the evidence phase of the trial is bollocks. Likewise Stefanoni's "missing "data".

Anonymous said...

Defense could have had it tested themselves.

Anonymous said...

If Amanda was so good friends with Meredith, why didn't she briefly visit the public vigil. It does not make sense.

But it makes sense that Amanda and Raffaele would hook up with someone they barely knew and commit murder, using a 12-inch kitchen knife that Amanda carried around in her purse for self-defense.

That is no answer. Yes, it boggles the mind she would carry a large knife in her bag "for protection".

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Nice to see a photo of Meredith. Such a breathtakingly beautiful young woman. What a complete and utter tragedy.

Thanks for posting the photo of the victim. Too often in the circus that the family of Ms. Knox has created, Meredith Kercher gets brushed aside, or more and more commonly, not even mentioned.

Who was the beauty? Who is the plain Jane? This photo makes it strikingly clear.

March 10, 2010 9:25 AM"

Well said.

Astonishing how plain Jane ended up being described as "angel face".

Btw, after so much studying, does Amanda finally masters any of the languages she has learned? I doubt it!

Anonymous said...

"If Amanda was so good friends with Meredith, why didn't she briefly visit the public vigil. It does not make sense."

Not everyone, myself included, feels comfortable displaying grief in public or seeing the spectacle of others displaying their grief. I attended a 'national day of mourning' mass following the World Trade Center incident and was appalled by the competitive grieving that went on. Not one of those in attendance had lost a relative and yet their "grief" was more intense than anyone elses'?

My two cents' worth.

Anonymous said...

"Well said...Astonishing how..."

Those living in glass houses should not throw stones.

Please post a photo of yourself and relevant copies of your degree(s) in language arts.

Anonymous said...

Actually Mignini is STILL under investigation .. also, Umbria is part of Italy, not a separate fiefdom. Mignini is in big trouble and he knows it, man.

The ANM and CSM are also Italian institutions, not local or separate kingdoms. And they protect Mignini.
The truth is that Mignini and Giuttari have lost in court, but they have won politically. It was the Procura of Florence that was decapitated, not Perugia. Mignini and his bosses are still in their place, the Florentine chiefprosecutor is not.
This is not fiction.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Seamen on the pillow and they didn’t test it, “REALLY”. I don’t know what to say or think.?????

Well, let's see. If there were a semen stain there from Rudy, what does that add to the story? Nothing.

If there were a semen stain there of her boyfriend. Nothing.

If there were a semen stain there from Raffaele, well, that would be interesting.

There is no other accomplice, just the raging, staging turtledoves.

March 11, 2010 2:30 PM

if,if,if, if it were tested we would know.

Anonymous said...

All I know is:

The Perugian police ruined how many perfectly fine hard drives that could have helped Amanda?

The police can't submit the tapes of Amanda's interrogation which would prove everything, because of?????? (my answer: it would have proved Amanda was abused and coerced.)

The list of prosecution witnesses seem to be comprised of people that can be described as drug pushers, homeless people, people who remember facts months later they didn't know when the crime first was discovered, etc.

Bleach receipts were never produced.

Mignini has done it all before.

It's a big mess. I am hoping five years from now we will be looking back at this and slap our heads and say "what the heavens happened in Perugia in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010."

Anonymous said...

Same old, same old:

"The Perugian police ruined how many perfectly fine hard drives that could have helped Amanda?"

Coulda, woulda, shoulda ... even if there would have been photos from Amanda and Meredith, it wouldn't have helped Amanda in her situation. There is to much evidence that implicates her.

"The police can't submit the tapes of Amanda's interrogation which would prove everything, because of?????? (my answer: it would have proved Amanda was abused and coerced.)"

The real question is why is Amanda's family insists she was "brutally beaten" while Amanda says she wasn't? Again an example of how Edda Mellas likes to listen to her own voice.

"The list of prosecution witnesses seem to be comprised of people that can be described as drug pushers, homeless people, people who remember facts months later they didn't know when the crime first was discovered, etc."

If the guy is homeless, so what? If he would be blind, I would understand your objections, but homeless? Drug dealers shouldn't worry you as much as people like Amanda, you know, people that take the drugs others sell and then freak out and kill somebody.

"Bleach receipts were never produced."

What would you need those for? Bleach smells very strongly even time after you used it. You don't need the receipt to tell that at the cottage and at Raffaele's apartment bleach was used.

The culprits are in prison, they should stay where they are.

Anonymous said...

"The Perugian police ruined how many perfectly fine hard drives that could have helped Amanda?"

'Coulda, woulda, shoulda ... even if there would have been photos from Amanda and Meredith, it wouldn't have helped Amanda in her situation.' "

You cannot be that simple. The hard drives could have provided additional information about activity on the computers during the time in question, which could be important. (Unless you don't want to hear anything that could potentially upset your view of the world, of course.)

"Bleach receipts were never produced.

'What would you need those for?' "

Again, it is not possible that you are that dense. The receipts would validate the store owner's testimony, which was contradicted by his employee. And what store owner doesn't keep sales records?

Anonymous said...

Courts can be a scary place, when words are spoken and the person delivering the words can convince.

This is the scary part, how convincing the human is can sway jurors votes.

Often the truth might come forom someone who can't convince, or maybe lies can be convincing becauise they come from someone in office, and honest "sounding".

Reading Massei articles, they state they beliecved some witnesses and didn't believe others. Most likely their vote is vbased off their delivery of the words, and maybe their clothes and visual.

When you have a murder in a bedroom and no evidence of some people in the room, and an abundance of another in the room, usually this would be an obvious outcome.

but not so in this courtroom.

Anonymous said...

great piece Frank.

I just read it again. The case is about to begin.

This is making more sense, the Amanda Raffaele thing just never fit.
Too much fantasy and hate was required....and even the evidence can be removed against them without any embarrassment for the forensics...DNA and LCN contamination is a technical issue, not a human fault.
Bra Clasp was a mistake maybe, the shoeprints and blobs only that.
DNA in the bathroom of a tenant, now would seem to make sense.

Will people believe convicts and jail-birds?

but why is ther eonly Rudys shoe prints dna DNA everywhere? No one else?
Why would Rudy protect another convict and send innocents to jail if he is such a good person to get 50% reduction...and maybe more later.

Maybe Rudy will be released and make millions of dollars for his book deal? the one that has the complete story.