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Is there any downside to fish oil?

paleo_rob 0 points1 point 8 days ago* [-]


you are healthier if you minimise your need for fish oil. Its all about ratios. You need a ratio of omega6:omega3 of about 2-5:1. Minimise your intake of omega 6's (vegetable oils etc.) and you will only need very little omega 3 for maximum benefits.

there are really no vegetarian 'natural' sources of DHA/EPA to you. you can go for the algaes but they have incredibly low dosages of DHA (i recall numbers in the sub <100mg). Krill oil is an alternative but again its a type of tiny shrimp... so depends on how vegetarian you want to go.

Is there any downside to fish oil?

paleo_rob 0 points1 point 8 days ago[-]

cold water fish have the highest omega 3 values. i.e salmon etc.

Is there any downside to fish oil?

paleo_rob 1 point2 points 8 days ago* [-]

i am sorry but you are very incorrect.

Krill isn't farmed, its harvested, mostly from Antarctica. if you google krill shortage there is already some information out on the shortages that are faced. in fact due to the problems there is a UN treatise I believe on the safe harvesting of krill oil.

also taking out the first line of the food chain is never good, check the current plankton shortages etc. (again google is your friend)

edit: also if your talking about the manufactured algaes, the level of dha in them are incredibly small so essentially useless as a dha supplement.

Is there any downside to fish oil?

paleo_rob 0 points1 point 9 days ago* [-]

That's because i don't believe they contain any DHA/EPA! Its all alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) there are no natural sources hence the cost (besides krill oil but that still an animal and algae sources have little to no dha).

Is there any downside to fish oil?

paleo_rob -1 points0 points 9 days ago[-]

i knew i should have mentioned krill oil! yes you can get DHA from algae, but i have never liked the idea of humans taking the first food source in the underwater food chain.

Also yes humans can make DHA, but it is such an inefficient procedure and competes with the bodies ability to convert it to arachadonic acid.

Is there any downside to fish oil?

paleo_rob 2 points3 points 10 days ago[-]

they say no animal products therefore no DHA/EPA. they also mention flaxseed and hemp oil which means it ALA.

Is there any downside to fish oil?

paleo_rob 2 points3 points 10 days ago[-]

no, it can still go rancid. hence why its often good to bite into a capsule to test the fishoil. also having high levels of any PUFA's, including EFA's can lead to oxidation in the body.

Is there any downside to fish oil?

paleo_rob 2 points3 points 10 days ago[-]

omega 6's and generally already to prevelant in our diet, and supplementation of them is just silly.

the omega 3's required for cognitive function (DHA and to a lesser extend EPA) are NOT found in green products but only animal products.

Is there any downside to fish oil?

paleo_rob 0 points1 point 10 days ago[-]

Fish Oils are PUFA's which means they are very susceptible to oxidation. To much fishoil is just like too much of any PUFA, it can cause massive oxidative stress on the system. If you eat a balanced diet you will only need to supplement with minute amounts of Omega3's to get all there benefits.

Banksy directs the couch gag for the Simpsons. Dark.

paleo_rob 1 point2 points 2 months ago[-]

they use digital coloring the drawings are still all by hand.

Banksy directs the couch gag for the Simpsons. Dark.

paleo_rob 2 points3 points 2 months ago[-]

Ummm last I heard Simpsons are still hand drawn, same as Family Guy, American Dad etc. hence the ridiculously long lead times.

Banksy directs the couch gag for the Simpsons. Dark.

paleo_rob 2 points3 points 2 months ago[-]

you do know that cartoons like this and family guy are still hand drawn?

almond flour

paleo_rob 0 points1 point 2 months ago[-]

hard for me to judge as I am in australia, but here, buying almond flour from stores is generally more expensive.

almond flour

paleo_rob 0 points1 point 2 months ago[-]

I used it a lot when i was transitioning into paleo. Made lot's of almond flour cookies etc. Eventually I stopped, but it is a great substitute for a lot of flour recipes. I also used it as a breadcrumb for chicken snitzels etc.

Instead of buying some, it is super easy to make at home. Just chuck some almonds in a food processor and work it till flowery. (as a side note, if you keep working it, it becomes almond butter!)

Fuck Supplements. From

paleo_rob 0 points1 point 2 months ago[-]

Oh dude, wasn't offended, just giving some info. :)

Also, in regards to lifespan, we did live that long if we wernt killed from other causes (disease, injury, infection etc.)[1]

[1] Longevity Among Hunter-Gatherers: A Cross-Cultural Examination

Fuck Supplements. From

paleo_rob 0 points1 point 2 months ago[-]

Agree with the rest of your post, but with regards to paleo. 'Pure paleo' is definitely not a vegetables and a little bit of meat. It's a lot of fat, some meat and a few vegetables.

Study: 40% of Kids Calories from Fat and Sugar

paleo_rob 0 points1 point 3 months ago[-]

Completely. But if I think about it, with all the work that is done to milk before it gets to me, probably is empty calories.


Do Multi-vitamins or fish oil actually work?

paleo_rob 8 points9 points 3 months ago[-]

Yes they work. But some key points.

1) These are supplements and must be treated as such. They should only to supplement a diet already rich in good vitamin rich foods.

2) Unfortunately brand and quality matter, which means good supplements cost more, and the cheap ones have lots of crap that don't get absorbed. I.e Magnesium is normally found as Magnesium Oxide in cheaper supplements. However Magnesium oxide is essentially not absorbed by your system at all. You need a chelated form (Magnesium Citrate etc.).

3) Fish oil is great. Full stop. Only reason I supplement is because I don't like eating fish. What the omega3 in fishoil does (especially the DHA) is it helps reduce dangerous inflammation in the system caused by a diet filled with omega6 oils. So the correct dose of omega3 is essentially enough to balance the omega6 in your diet.

Some References: 22 Year Study on colorectal cancer in men

Omega 3 Balancing Omega 6

Heart Disease in Inuits

More on Inflammation

Essential Fatty Acids in Health and Chronic Disease

If you want any more info, just shoot us a reply. :)

Do Multi-vitamins or fish oil actually work?

paleo_rob 3 points4 points 3 months ago[-]

brain just exploded.

Keto diet? Is this legit/anyone here do it?

paleo_rob 0 points1 point 3 months ago[-]

Carbohydrates are like kindling of a fire. Fat's are the logs.

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