Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Amy Sedaris is a Domestic Goddess...

Amy Sedaris of Strangers With Candy fame has a new book entitled I Like You, Hospitality Under the Influence.

Figure 1: Amy Sedaris's New Book.

The book is a riot and it's got a great cupcake recipe inside. All in all, if Dr. Isis were to begin doing book reviews, she would give this book 5 out of 5 genuflections.

However, Amy Sedaris sealed her status as a true domestic goddess when she appeared on Chelsea Handler's show Chelsea Lately on E! recently. There are no tips Dr. Isis could ever give you that could compare to the wealth of knowledge presented in 10 minutes by Amy Sedaris. I am providing you with a clip for your personal edification because I am a kind and benevolent domestic and laboratory goddess.

However, because I am a kind and benevolent domestic and laboratory goddess, I am going to provide you fair warning. The clip is mildly (ok, largely) obscene. If you are a trainee, it's not safe for watching in the lab within earshot of the ole PI. Tuck it away for later. If you're the PI, send your trainees out of your office, pretend like you need to make a very important phone call, and close the office door while you watch it.

But, most importantly, be sure you have a box of thumb tacks ready to go.

Video 1: Amy Sedaris on Chelsea Lately


Anonymous said...

I'll be laughing at starfish and crabs all day long.

BM said...

the final seconds are an outrage!

Isis the Scientist said...

BM, I fear I have no idea what you are getting out. I found the video highly educational.

Becca said...

Tacks?! TACKS?!

...tom... said...






Anonymous said...

If this elderly reader of your blog didn't know for sure Dr. Isis will NEVER regard her in the light of Amy's entertaining the elderly remarks, she'd be crying. A lot. As it is, when entertaining me I'd like wine, rich tasty eats and maybe Chippendale dancers for dessert.