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Campaign Finance Reform

In my opinion, taking large donations from corporations and special interest groups is a lazy man's way to run for office.  While a Congressional candidate can build a war chest with special interest in PAC money, they become beholden to 'go along with the plan'. 

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The blood of young American soldiers should never be the price for a politician's mistake.   American soldiers and sailors are trained to be fighters and combat operators of the highest order.  Our military should only have two levels of engagement, completely off and completely on.

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Cap and Trade Legislation

What happens to the economy of Southwest Virginia when coal plays a less important role in power generation? What happens to the thousands of workers who are displaced?

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Mortgage Lending Reform

The mainstream media would have you believe that the primary reason for the wave of foreclosures was greedy homeowners buying more house than they could afford. Do not buy this argument!

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The Economy

The United States Government has spent billions and billions of taxpayer dollars trying to stabilize the current economy. Have you ever questioned what factors destabilized the economy in the first place?

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Gas and Alternative Energy

The primary cause of high fuel prices in the recent past was speculation on Wall Street. What you witnessed, and paid for at the pump, was an artificial spike in price created by Wall Street middlemen.

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US Foreign Policy

America's founding fathers warned us of foreign entanglements. We were instructed to not takes sides and tend to our own affairs. Have we followed their hard earned advice?

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Tax Reform

The current IRS Tax Code contains approximately 7 times more words than the Bible. That level of complexity makes it nearly impossible for individuals and businesses to easily pay taxes.   ...The individual has little chance of  successfully navigating the IRS code.

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