Showing newest posts with label bikini luv. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label bikini luv. Show older posts

Friday, April 2, 2010

Famous First Fridays: "Bikini Hawaiian Style" by Jim Aparo

Greetings, Groove-ophiles! Today's edition of Famous First Fridays is extra special since it represents the dynamite debut of the late, great Jim Aparo. Mr. Aparo is best known as one of the premiere Groovy Age artists on Batman, Aquaman, the Spectre, the Phantom Stranger, and the Phantom--but believe it or not he got his start on this Bikini Luv strip from Go-Go #6 (January 1967). Not only is it a treat to see Aparo's earliest work, but his cartooning skills are also a joy to behold. How can you not love his Elvis Presley send-up? Kick back and flip out with "Bikini Hawaiian Style!", baby!

Thank you. Thank you, very much.


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