Showing newest posts with label comicbooks based on tv shows. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label comicbooks based on tv shows. Show older posts

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Funnies: The Beverly Hillbillies in "Pass the Skis, Please"

Well doggies! I'm sure y'all have heard tell of an old TV show called the Beverly Hillbillies (mebbe you've even watched it!). It was a powerful big hit, I hear tell. They still show it in what they call "re-runs". Bet ya'll didn't know that Dell Comics published 21 issues of a comicbook about Jed and his kin from 1963 to 1971 (purt near as long as the TV show was on the air!). Well, they shore did. They's purty good stories, too. Take this'un from the Beverly Hillbillies #17 (February, 1967) called "Pass the Skis, Please". It's by a fella name'a Henry Scarpelli. From the name, he don't sound much like a mountain man, but he does a hum-dinger of a job'a capturin' the feel'a th' show. Sit a spell. Take your shoes off. Y'all come back now, y'hear?


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All other commentary and insanity copyright GroovyAge, Ltd.

As for the rest of ya, the purpose of this blog is to (re)introduce you to the great comics of the 1970s. If you like what you see, do what I do--go to a comics shop, bookstore, e-Bay or whatever and BUY YOUR OWN!