
Warning: Fragile! - Out now!

Warning: Fragile!

Warning: Fragile! is a classic adventure game created with AGS and Blender.
It's (or at least is supposed to become) a trilogy which tells the story of captain Bingler, who is the captain of a space ship called One Eyed Eagle. The story kicks off when Bingler is given a task by his employer to deliver a mysterious package to a far off planet called Earth. During the first chapter the goal is to get the ship off the ground as once again the beloved captain has crash landed when returning from his last delivery mission making the ship unable to take off.

More information: Here
Or just download the damn thing (~80 MB): Here
Walkthrough available: Here

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Medieval Epic Roleplaying: Online Scenario (Still in development)

Medieval Epic Roleplaying: Online Scenario

Medieval Epic Roleplaying: Online Scenario started out as a school project where our aim was to develop a working network service. At the end of the course we had a RPG themed game running on a linux server, with functional registration, turn-based fighting, blackjack, shops, forums etc. As we used only technologies like PHP we weren't able to add any real-time elements to the game, so the official release was pushed back till we had the time to develop some extra features using java.

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Santtu Ahola

My photo

I'm a 23-year-old student from Espoo, Finland. The big plan I have for my future career is to get into programming games on a professional level within the next decade. At the moment I'm working towards that goal by studying in Laurea University of Applied Sciences.

I also play bass (*)