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Mark Shea

Catholic Answers Speaker

Mark P. Shea is a popular Catholic writer and speaker. He is the author of Making Senses Out of Scripture: Reading the Bible as the First Christians Did (Basilica), By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition (Our Sunday Visitor) and This Is My Body: An Evangelical Discovers the Real Presence (Christendom Press). An awarding-winning columnist, he has contributed many articles to This Rock as well as other Catholic magazines. He is Senior Content Editor for and co-authors (with Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins) the Catholic Scripture Study available at that site. He lives in Washington state with his wife, Janet, and their four sons.

His talks include the following:

Behold Your Mother: An Evangelical Discovers the Blessed Virgin Mary

Few things are more difficult for an Evangelical than Catholic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Here's the story of how one former Evangelical came to see that Catholic Marian theology is thoroughly biblical, refreshingly sane, and deeply satisfying to the soul.

This Is My Body: An Evangelical Discovers the Real Presence

As a Protestant, Mark Shea thought the Catholic Church had fallen for some sort of medieval hocus-pocus. He found out he was wrong. This talk tells how.

By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition

The authority of Sacred Tradition is the big dividing line between Catholics and Protestants. This is the story of how one former Evangelical, with the unlikely help of the Jesus Seminar, became convinced that Catholic Tradition was the other side of the coin of biblical revelation.

Making Senses out of Scripture: Reading the Bible as the First Christians Did

A fascinating introduction to Scripture as the earliest Christians saw and read it, based on Shea’s popular book.

How I Got This Way: Confessions of a Double-Jump Convert

From suburban slacker to college Evangelical to adult Catholic. The story of Mark Shea’s journey to the Catholic Church.

Infallibility Doesn't Mean Never Having to Say You're Sorry

What's up with the whole infallibility thing? Does anybody believe that stuff anymore? As a matter of fact, yes. This talk explains what infallibility does and does not mean.

Care and Feeding of the Lay Catholic Apostle

Lay Catholics are called to do the vast majority of the work in the New Evangelization. This talk gives vital information about the cultural and theological glitches that confront the lay apostle today.

How to Be a Campus Radical

Anybody can conform to tiresome PC twaddle. It takes real heroism and a zest for life to be a committed Catholic on campus. Here's how!

Incarnational Evangelism

When people were dying, God did not send them a manual. He sent them Emmanuel. Here's how to bear witness to the faith with more than just words.


Contact our seminar coordinator at 1-619-387-7200 to book Mark for your parish or conference.


Costs include an honorarium for the first talk of $800 plus travel expenses. The honorarium for up to four (4) talks is $1200.

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