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World of Warcraft: Seven Reasons Cataclysm Could Suck

In today's The List column,'s Bill Murphy shares with us seven (tongue planted firmly in cheek) reasons that Cataclysm, the third expansion to Blizzard's massive World of Warcraft, could actually suck.

Column By William Murphy on October 20, 2010

Let me first state that I still play WoW now and again.  Gone are the days where I was a perpetual subscriber, but I still check in often enough.  It’s still got a place in my heart, that’s for sure.  That said, in the time-honored tradition of playing the contrarian I figured now would be as good a time as any to do some pondering.  I’m going to bold this: bear in mind that this is all in good fun and facetiousness. Even if some of the items on this list come true, I wrote this all as a joke at the Big Game’s expense.  In all likelihood this expansion is going to sell millions of copies and keep Blizzard on top of the subscription scene for another few years, but let’s pretend… even if just for a little bit, that it won’t and this is why.  Here we go… feel free to add your own reasons (real or kidding) below.   And because it deserves reiteration: this is pretty much (though not entirely) in good fun. 

Goblins Are Too Cool

Seriously.  Do I really need to add much more?  We’re talking about a race of creatures that are little, green, snarky, and love explosives.  Every single one of their animations is a prime example of Blizzard’s emote genius.  Not to mention the simple fact that their mount pretty much demolishes every single other race’s ride.  What do I predict?  An Azeroth filled with Goblin Death Knights.  They are the new Gnomes; get used to it people.



For Ages Four and Up

This one comes courtesy of Garrett Fuller.  Recently he sat down to play WoW with his four year old son, thinking that he’d have to show him the ropes and maybe do the steering around the game for the wee little tot.  But apparently, in its ongoing efforts to make sure WoW is user-friendly, Blizzard has made their game the MMO equivalent of a Playskool toy.  It’s not necessarily a bad thing, I mean it does seem to be a part of their massive global success.  But at what point does playing a game become too simplistic?  I vote for once a big red button instantly kills all enemies on the server (which may or may not be included in the next expansion).

Five More Levels and then?  Nothing.  Still.

Oh man, I’m so excited about the new lands we’ll get to explore in Cataclysm.  And the new skills, the new talents, all the new upward expansion for my character.  But then I’ll hit 85, and it’ll be a matter of either rolling a new character, or hopping on that treadmill again.  I feel a little silly even mentioning this one, as this problem is pretty much an all-genre issue.  But it bears mentioning here.  Many folks love the end-game more than the leveling adventure and progression, and vice versa.  But in all seriousness, the only thing I’m not excited about when it comes to Cataclysm is the fact that I will eventually hit the cap again and then likely get bored.  I can’t help it if I wish there was more, and I’m just hoping Blizzard will one day be the ones to figure out what “more” is.

Furry Invasion

As if the introduction of the incredibly cool Goblins weren’t enough, Blizzard has seen fit to let the Furries into Azeroth.  The Worgen will be dancing atop every mailbox from Ironforge to Shattrath and beyond and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it.  In PvP, corpses will be getting purred and dog-humped like someone let a stud into a pack of Westminster Kennel Club bitches.  I can say bitches because here I’m talking about dogs, I promise.  I don’t even want to get started on the cosplay atrocities that will come from this.

The New Old World

This one’s actually not meant to be a joke… I’ve thus far avoided the Cataclysm beta and info.  I want to be surprised when I boot it up.  But I’m dreadfully worried that the old Azeroth will be so destroyed that all my nostalgia for the old world will be ruined.  I know Blizzard’s doing an honorable thing and trying to revamp an aging game, and really I’ve spent so much time in Elwynn as it is now that I probably don’t ever need to quest there again.  But what if I wanted to?  What if the New Old World sucks?  What if the magic that those zones have is lost?  I guess we’ll find out in a couple of months anyway.

Barrens Chat in Full Force Again

Speaking of the New Old World, the Barrens are being torn a new one.  That means on day one of the expansion, you can expect the zone to be as lively as ever with new characters.  This also means that Chuck Norris and all his friends will be coming back to General Chat.  Hooray.  At least there’s always /ignore to rescue me, since I have a very hard time not paying attention to people typing in all-caps and “rofl-coptering” themselves silly.

Hunters Roll on Everything Still

I play a hunter primarily.  And even I hate my class.  Reforging, which is actually already in the game as of this most recent patch, is going to ensure that the Huntards of the world continue rolling on every piece of gear with the excuse of “Hey, I can just reforge it to fit my needs.  Kthxbye!”  Just when I thought this attitude of the needy Beast Masters was lessening, Blizzard goes ahead and hands a way for them reason their selfish actions right back the other way.  Thanks, guys.  It’s clear to everyone now that you love Hunters.  We get it.

More The List Features:

The List - The Best Uses for a Cash Shop Column added on Tuesday November 02
The List - Five Thoughts on Tribes Universe Column added on Tuesday October 26

More Columns:

Bill Murphy - We Don't HAVE to Agree Column added on Thursday November 04
DC Universe Online - The Green Lantern Brouhaha Column added on Thursday November 04
Mortal Online - Survivor Guy: Mortal Online Edition Column added on Thursday November 04

More Features:

Bill Murphy - We Don't HAVE to Agree Column added on Thursday November 04
Earthrise - Exclusive Screens #1 Media added on Thursday November 04
Mortal Online - Survivor Guy: Mortal Online Edition Column added on Thursday November 04
VirusDancer writes:

Four of the items on the list could have been given as examples of issues with players - those issues are not really specific to the game itself.

In regard to the other three, one is a genre issue and even stated as such.

That leaves us with two of them...which tie into two of the common debates with WoW:

  • It was better.
  • Playskool.
For both of these, you could provide the same examples to both sides of the discussions and they will say the complete opposite that the other is saying.
New Post Quote
10/20/10 11:26:03 AM
Sebali writes:

"issues with players" is the main reason alot of people have stopped playing WoW. now theyre just making it easier for those "players" to cause "issues"

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10/20/10 11:33:56 AM
Ozmodan writes:

Actually while the leveling process has been simplified, the raiding process is heading back to the more complex.  Current raid strategy is to pull everything and aoe like mad.  Cataclysm is going to change that back to the days when you had to use crowd control.  Going to be a big change for many who never did any raiding at the 60 level.

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10/20/10 11:41:13 AM
colddog04 writes:

Is your four year old looking for a raiding guild?


We need a healer.

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10/20/10 11:42:01 AM
Morninglord writes:

I Still believe and have read many times, WoW in itself is a great game, it's the community that brings it down.

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10/20/10 11:45:35 AM
VirusDancer writes:
Originally posted by Sebali

"issues with players" is the main reason alot of people have stopped playing WoW. now theyre just making it easier for those "players" to cause "issues"

Swarms of Goblins emoting, Worgen mailbox dancing, idiots spamming idiotic things in general, and players rolling on gear that might be a better upgrade for another player is a reason to quit WoW?

Would have thought it would have been the other three:

  • End Game consists of repetitive grind or a case of alt-itis.
  • Nostalgia or fact, the game used to be better.
  • So easy a caveman's grandchildren could play it.
Those are the reasons I generally see people stating they are quitting, have quit, or are just complaining about.
As for "now theyre just making it easier"... how have they made it easier?  The reforging thing?  The whole Huntard thing was off-base, as you are going to have various classes rolling on items that they can reforge which will give them an upgrade.  That is a good thing and not something to be lumped in with how it was portrayed.
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10/20/10 11:45:58 AM
rodingo writes:
Originally posted by colddog04

Is your four year old looking for a raiding guild?


We need a healer.


Lol, that is classic

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10/20/10 11:52:57 AM
astrob0y writes:
Originally posted by colddog04

Is your four year old looking for a raiding guild?


We need a healer.

haha. full of win in that one. 


and no. barrens chat is not a thing that will suck. hopefully it will back with full force (and that you will get a achi for it as well).

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10/20/10 11:54:40 AM
TweFoju writes:

the Hunter part never gets old



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10/20/10 11:56:30 AM
Winterfalke writes:

I don't agree with most of this. There will be a lot of goblins and worgens but thats going to be diluted out over time.

I agree with Wow bein user frindly but lets try to let a 4 year old go on a raid (imagine 10/20 4 year old kids playing in a raid ;) ) In both PvP you can make a difference with skill and experience no matter how hard you faceroll.

About the chat.. well thats jut going to happen. I am on a RP server exactly because of this, there tends to me less shit-chat. But who cares about the first few levels. As mentioned there are methods to avoid reading things you don't want to read.

The most importent thing I wanted to mention here is about whats being sayd about the hunter. I don't realy get why the hunter is mentioned here because its something that would fit to all classes and It would actualy be true for caster classes which roll on items with willpower which is increasing manareg for healers and hitrating for most of the others but for the Damagedealers its not as efficent because you loose other stats. Aniway you can only reforge one stat and 40% and playing a hunter myself I can not imagine rolling on an mail item which has inteligence or willpower on it, even if I reforge the item would still be crap. And taking any armor which is not mailarmor would make me lose 5% agility because you get a 5% agility passive bonus now when all your items are mail. Most other classes have a similar passive buff. 

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10/20/10 11:58:50 AM
Aison2 writes:

A reason raiding will suck:

T11 looks ugly for 70% of the classes. Rogue looks like santa after a visit in Arabian Nights

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10/20/10 11:59:01 AM
mklinic writes:

Was it hard to keep the list to 7? j/k

The list is a fun read, but many of the items are present today. I mean trade chat is the equivalent of Barrens chat back in the day, hunters tend to roll inappropriately, and, if I am reading right, the 4 year-old was playing the current version of WoW. So, are these really reasons the xpac would suck or are these reasons for disliking the current game?

Other then that, yeah I can see mobs of angry Goblin Engineer DKs or Rogues in the future....with pink hair.

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10/20/10 12:04:41 PM
Milliecake writes:

Five levels then back to grinding daily heroics with AOE spam due to overgearing before the second tier even hits.


Ten player raids because no one except the very rare guilds do the harder 25 player.


More shiny stuff in the cash shop for those with bigger wallets than game time.


Oh wait, these were meant to be silly reasons?? Doh.

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10/20/10 12:12:06 PM
EricDanie writes:

They needed to add a remodel system or something like GW2 transmutation (well, except for the pay to use part since WoW already has a monthly subscription).

You take the item with the cool stats and merge it with an item with the cool appearance, effectively making a fully cool equipment, instead of being bound to a standard look at every new equipment upgrade that you may not like and yet you will use it because it is a higher item level.

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10/20/10 12:30:55 PM
Emotions writes:

and I’m just hoping Blizzard will one day be the ones to figure out what “more” is.


I already know what "more" is ... and maybe someday ill show it to you :)

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10/20/10 12:31:09 PM
Winterfalke writes:
Originally posted by Emotions

and I’m just hoping Blizzard will one day be the ones to figure out what “more” is.


I already know what "more" is ... and maybe someday ill show it to you :)

Now I hope you don't show us some photos someday which show a naked 13 year old
just kidding ^^ this nasty joke just came to my mind and I had to let it out :P
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10/20/10 12:34:09 PM
CujoSWAoA writes:

My four year old nephew sat at my Brother's computer 3 years ago and he'd go around smashing mobs all over the place. Albeit he was playing my  brother's level 80, he still knew how the combat system worked and how to kill things.  He'd pull out the mount, ride it around, he'd hop onto the Auto-Transport things and catch rides to other areas of the map... He'd even join parties and follow them around smashing the shit out of things with them.

I'm not saying he could do everything, but the core elements, my 4 year old nephew had down, yeah.

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10/20/10 1:10:56 PM
Sarajiel writes:

Really a nice read, but the list seems a bit odd since it didn't really touch the fears and worries people mentioned on several official forums already.

Cultural shock in the heroic 5-man dungeons at level 85. Going from mindless AoE-zerging to thoughtful CC, interrupts, careful pulling, mana-breaks etc. will probably alienate parts of the current "ogogog!1!!11!11one1one" playerbase.
Many of the old low-poly character models look quite dated already (e.g. humans and dwarves). Watching them in Stormwind with all the new and fancy stuff might turn many people turn away or annoy them after some time.
Bugs! The current patch 4.0.1 feels more like a paid beta than a game. I'm not talking about the unbalanced classes, but just about all those small and not so small bugs that take away the fun of playing at the moment (e.g. d/c after zoning into an instanced dungeon or dungeons aren't found at all). No matter how popular WoW is and how forgiving Blizzard's fans are in general, I really doubt they will attract many new or old players, if the game is unplayable at launch.
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10/20/10 1:28:23 PM
Arachynne writes:
Originally posted by colddog04

Is your four year old looking for a raiding guild?


We need a healer.


ROFLMAO!!  ^^this!

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10/20/10 1:56:22 PM
anieli writes:

We want Chuck back! Now even the alliance can have the cool thing that is the barrens general chat :D

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10/20/10 2:02:44 PM
kalinis writes:

Id say some of these reasons are what will make cataclysm so cool. I for one love goblins. Wait till u do there starting area. its a blast. Gf has beta.  Worgen are awesome. what players do with them is well there problem not mine.

The new world will be so much more fun.They have changed some zones levels on horde one of my fav areas to level was thousand needles on ally i found out i couldnt quest there. What a bummer. No wi can quest thousand needles as an ally woot.

Barrens chat never went aaay it just migrated to trade chat.  U went from chuck norris jokes to anal this anal that.  Or your momma jokes.

Cataclyms will make leveling an alt even more fun. I have run winterspring and felwood, tanaris and stranglethorn so many times im starting to get bored of those areas. Ive doen dustwallow alot and ive done ungor alot also.

I for one cant wait for the new zones im holding off making me a lock until 4.0.03 hits and i can experiance all the new zones myself.

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10/20/10 2:33:56 PM
Kadia writes:

They really need to give the old races a facellift or else azeroth will be 90% worgen,blood elves and goblins.

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10/20/10 3:03:52 PM
Amarandes writes:

I can tell you with confidence that you will not be disappointed with the level 1-60 zones.

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10/20/10 3:17:36 PM
kikinchaz writes:

Well this was an article clearly designed solely for hits, pretty shameful guys!

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10/20/10 3:32:24 PM
SaintViktor writes:

8. It isn't the Lich King. He was an iconic character that Blizzard turned into a raid, How sad.

I don't know. I'm a simple guy, I like simple things but there does come a point in time when too simple becomes too easy and too boring.

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10/20/10 3:48:45 PM
Auzy writes:
Originally posted by Kadia

They really need to give the old races a facellift or else azeroth will be 90% worgen,blood elves and goblins.


Orcs look boxy....

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10/20/10 3:55:07 PM
colddog04 writes:

There's only one MMORPG that I've ever played that wasn't simple. That is EVE. It took me a bit to learn the ropes and whatnot. Their market system is nearly as intricate as a real world market system.


Other than that one game, all of these games are easy as hell. At least in the beginning. Then you start to PvP and you are able to see the that a lot of these games actually do have a lot of depth to them.


But leveling? That's easy in every game.

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10/20/10 3:55:55 PM
Philby writes:

Talk about throwing cookies under a bridge.

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10/20/10 4:05:05 PM
Snaylor47 writes:
Originally posted by Kadia

They really need to give the old races a facellift or else azeroth will be 90% worgen,blood elves and goblins.

I doubt Worgens will be as highly played as people think. 


I think it will go.


2.Blood Elf

3.Night Elf



As far as classes are concerned Worgens can be druids. Thats about it.. All the tweens that play the BE will continue to do so.

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10/20/10 4:10:32 PM
Talemire writes:

Lol I'm sorry, but I just can't take that article seriously no matter how hard I try. /shredder

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10/20/10 4:13:47 PM
Fluxii writes:
Originally posted by colddog04

Is your four year old looking for a raiding guild?


We need a healer.


Heheh, and that about sums w0w up.  LOL

New Post Quote
10/20/10 4:19:38 PM
Kyleran writes:
Originally posted by Talemire

Lol I'm sorry, but I just can't take that article seriously no matter how hard I try. /shredder

Reading comprehension for the win?

" I’m going to bold this: bear in mind that this is all in good fun and facetiousness. Even if some of the items on this list come true, I wrote this all as a joke at the Big Game’s expense."

But at least you weren't alone, a suprising number of responders seem to be taking the article seriously.

New Post Quote
10/20/10 4:33:13 PM
VirusDancer writes:
Originally posted by Kyleran
Originally posted by Talemire

Lol I'm sorry, but I just can't take that article seriously no matter how hard I try. /shredder

Reading comprehension for the win?

" I’m going to bold this: bear in mind that this is all in good fun and facetiousness. Even if some of the items on this list come true, I wrote this all as a joke at the Big Game’s expense."

But at least you weren't alone, a suprising number of responders seem to be taking the article seriously.

It is hard to deny the truth of it... though it does come off along the lines of making fun of the kids that ride the short bus.

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10/20/10 4:36:08 PM
Bravnik writes:

Quit playing WOW after WOTLK came out when my guild cleared all of the new content within two weeks of hitting 80. Sorry, much to easy now. As the article says, when a 4 year old can actually play the game it has gotten WAY to casual friendly.

Such a shame. I use to love the end game.....not now. I think I will puke if I hear the word Dailies or Faction again!

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10/20/10 4:42:16 PM
ActionMMORPG writes:
Originally posted by colddog04

Is your four year old looking for a raiding guild?


We need a healer.


ROFLMAO.... great post !


I remember one time our guild had a "guest" tank for a dungeon run.  Right in the middle we got this over chat...


"I gotta go.  Dad is home and I'm not supposed to be on the computer."


We all had thought he was an adult.  Funny for me, my youngest is a senior in college.

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10/20/10 4:43:26 PM
zaylin writes:
Originally posted by Morninglord

I Still believe and have read many times, WoW in itself is a great game, it's the community that brings it down.

Yep. I enjoy wow,play off and on now-a-dayz. But what (IMO) people hate the most about WoW is the fanboy zealots that cant stop compairing every game to WoW,or if its not WoW it sucks,or they stole that from WoW,or hey WoW etc etc.

and about the whole Rampat Goblins and Worgen every where, well the same thing happened with BC Draenai and Blood Elf.

IDK if im gonna buy cataclysm right off the bat,cause if you think about it all you are getting for $40 bucks is: New Class/Race combos-New Races and 5 more levels,with some new areas.

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10/20/10 4:55:09 PM
erictlewis writes:

Only 5 levels to grind out lol,sounds like they hired some of the lotro dev's.

Epic fail.

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10/20/10 4:56:58 PM
tmr819 writes:

Don't know whether Catalcysm is going to suck or not but, as for me:

Worgen playable race .... zzzz.... Not interested

Goblin playable race .... zzzz.... Not interested

New post-level 80 zones ..... zzzz .... Not interested

New Azeroth .... zzzz ..... Not interested.

I spent a lot of happy hours playing WoW, but I struggled to get through the Outland content and never ever finished WotLK before unsubscribing. I may go back to WoW/Cataclysm sometime next year, after the hooplah (and the price) goes down, but I doubt it.

WoW is simply running out of steam because, despite the latest tweaks and the new coat o' paint, it's still the same-old same-old snorefest.

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10/20/10 5:00:56 PM
Philby writes:
Originally posted by zaylin
Originally posted by Morninglord

I Still believe and have read many times, WoW in itself is a great game, it's the community that brings it down.

Yep. I enjoy wow,play off and on now-a-dayz. But what (IMO) people hate the most about WoW is the fanboy zealots that cant stop compairing every game to WoW,or if its not WoW it sucks,or they stole that from WoW,or hey WoW etc etc.

and about the whole Rampat Goblins and Worgen every where, well the same thing happened with BC Draenai and Blood Elf.

IDK if im gonna buy cataclysm right off the bat,cause if you think about it all you are getting for $40 bucks is: New Class/Race combos-New Races and 5 more levels,with some new areas.

I agree that it doesnt seem like a lot for the money. I think Blizz is counting on the Goblin and Worgen races compelling people to roll alts. Their "hype" is that 1-60 will be like new content as the starting zones have changed. I myself look forward to rolling a Goblin but  those not interested in an alt  may feel a bit short changed.

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10/20/10 5:04:39 PM
VirusDancer writes:
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by zaylin
Originally posted by Morninglord

I Still believe and have read many times, WoW in itself is a great game, it's the community that brings it down.

Yep. I enjoy wow,play off and on now-a-dayz. But what (IMO) people hate the most about WoW is the fanboy zealots that cant stop compairing every game to WoW,or if its not WoW it sucks,or they stole that from WoW,or hey WoW etc etc.

and about the whole Rampat Goblins and Worgen every where, well the same thing happened with BC Draenai and Blood Elf.

IDK if im gonna buy cataclysm right off the bat,cause if you think about it all you are getting for $40 bucks is: New Class/Race combos-New Races and 5 more levels,with some new areas.

I agree that it doesnt seem like a lot for the money. I think Blizz is counting on the Goblin and Worgen races compelling people to roll alts. Their "hype" is that 1-60 will be like new content as the starting zones have changed. I myself look forward to rolling a Goblin but  those not interested in an alt  may feel a bit short changed.

This somewhat goes along with the term some have coined in calling it Cataclysm Lite in comparison to earlier announcements of what it would include.  I have wondered why Blizzard has not taken the approach that Paragon did with Going Rogue and the Incarnate system.  It was cut from the release of GR, but the initial part of the system is going to be included in the next Issue.  In order to access it though, you will have to have purchased GR.

Blizzard could still work on those parts they cut and include them as a patch/content mini-expac for those that have purchased Cata at some point over the next 3-9 months or so in bits.

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10/20/10 5:12:07 PM
Wrender writes:

Yeah it's the Playskool aspect of this game that really pisses me off and makes me NOT want to play Cata (im in Beta) Got a lvl 40 paladin and have yet to die not one single time!

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10/20/10 5:17:31 PM
markyturnip writes:

This article was neither interesting, nor provocative, nor funny.

Is this really the best MMORPG can do? You guys still have a long way to go if you aspire to be content creators as well as a forum.


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10/20/10 7:46:51 PM
Kyleran writes:
Originally posted by markyturnip

This article was neither interesting, nor provocative, nor funny.

Is this really the best MMORPG can do? You guys still have a long way to go if you aspire to be content creators as well as a forum.


 And what level is your Dwarf Hunter in WOW?

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10/20/10 7:55:43 PM
Koaneye writes:

There were already furries in WoW.  Taurens = furres.  The fandom has been in WoW since inception.  We just have more options now.  Muhahah.

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10/20/10 7:58:31 PM
kikobi writes:
Originally posted by Koaneye

There were already furries in WoW.  Taurens = furres.  The fandom has been in WoW since inception.  We just have more options now.  Muhahah.

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10/20/10 8:12:23 PM
markyturnip writes:
Originally posted by Kyleran
Originally posted by markyturnip

This article was neither interesting, nor provocative, nor funny.

Is this really the best MMORPG can do? You guys still have a long way to go if you aspire to be content creators as well as a forum.


 And what level is your Dwarf Hunter in WOW?


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10/20/10 9:20:07 PM
Nyllx writes:

Let's get down to the issue everyone knows they have in their minds...

Will their be couriers for the Worgens to chase?

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10/20/10 10:47:18 PM
BTRCS86 writes:

I doubt Hunters will roll on anything but mail gear, nor will it be allowed in big time guilds (where it actually matters who gets what), mostly because a single leather piece, although giving a little more of a stat than a mail piece of the same level (not likely), still wouldn't equate to losing the agility gained through mail specialization. Not sure if something similar to this has been posted yet, if so, apologies.

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10/20/10 10:52:48 PM
Oenone writes:

I love no how idiots like this try to shoot down the biggest mmo out there and it still gets new members all the time, lmao...

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10/21/10 2:44:39 AM
Kaneth writes:
Originally posted by Wrender

Yeah it's the Playskool aspect of this game that really pisses me off and makes me NOT want to play Cata (im in Beta) Got a lvl 40 paladin and have yet to die not one single time!

You're really questioning why you haven't died in 40 levels as a paladin? Maybe level as a holy priest.

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10/21/10 2:53:45 AM
sloeber writes:
Originally posted by Morninglord

I Still believe and have read many times, WoW in itself is a great game, it's the community that brings it down.


 SO true.....its the exact reason i quit playing wow (i still think its one of the best games around but i realy am sick of the people in the game dissin other players)......sad but true.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 3:10:48 AM
Arnstrong writes:
Originally posted by Kaneth
Originally posted by Wrender

Yeah it's the Playskool aspect of this game that really pisses me off and makes me NOT want to play Cata (im in Beta) Got a lvl 40 paladin and have yet to die not one single time!

You're really questioning why you haven't died in 40 levels as a paladin? Maybe level as a holy priest.


Grz for doing content 2 levels under your avatar and not entering Battlegrounds.

Anyway, the tongue-in-cheek "article" is on par with the rest of quality: sucky.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 3:18:16 AM
sulthar writes:
Originally posted by Morninglord

I Still believe and have read many times, WoW in itself is a great game, it's the community that brings it down.

 You havent seen FF14 community for sure ... they beat everything ... their niche game is so superior, yet unplayable.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 3:25:47 AM
Scot writes:

“Blizzard has made their game the MMO equivalent of a Playskool toy.”

This is where you guys who think games are not being dumbed down need to close your eyes and whistle. A four year old can play WoW. Let me say that again…a four year old.
They might as well sell Catacylsm as online creche software.
New Post Quote
10/21/10 5:17:27 AM
Arnstrong writes:
Originally posted by Scot

“Blizzard has made their game the MMO equivalent of a Playskool toy.”

This is where you guys who think games are not being dumbed down need to close your eyes and whistle. A four year old can play WoW. Let me say that again…a four year old.
They might as well sell Catacylsm as online creche software.

 The above reaction is why I calledout a few posts above:

"Anyway, the tongue-in-cheek "article" is on par with the rest of quality: sucky."


Your 4 year old won't down the IIC 25 heroic Lich King and will never ever go to Wrathful Gladiator.


The latter competitive PvP title probably not even in his life time (1 chance in 200.000 players). For the mats: that's a 0.0005% chance the individual can get it ... on skill.


so the "tongue in cheeck" succeeds in what it is supposed to do: let us piss on WOW and Blizzard ; our main selling point and target audiance.

Grz for a "fun" article.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 5:25:25 AM
Rydeson writes:

good article in general.. I can see all those points coming to life..

As for me, I'm not even considering coming back..  You touched on one topic that is a major issue with me and others.. The treadmill grind of dungeons and raiding..  The OPEN world is DEAD max level.. The game becomes a lobby instanced MMOG.. Everything that is wrong with WoW is being addressed and corrected by GW2 dynamic event system.. I hope that Arenanet doesn't mess things up..  Good Luck

New Post Quote
10/21/10 5:45:27 AM
Swanea writes:
Originally posted by Koaneye

There were already furries in WoW.  Taurens = furres.  The fandom has been in WoW since inception.  We just have more options now.  Muhahah.

lol What a first post...

New Post Quote
10/21/10 6:20:22 AM
Frostbite05 writes:
Originally posted by Ozmodan

Actually while the leveling process has been simplified, the raiding process is heading back to the more complex.  Current raid strategy is to pull everything and aoe like mad.  Cataclysm is going to change that back to the days when you had to use crowd control.  Going to be a big change for many who never did any raiding at the 60 level.

Yea but thats just trash mobs bosses now are waaayyyyyy more complex then they were back in the day.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 6:54:22 AM
RudyRaccoon writes:

I don't consider Worgen to be Furries, since when did Werewolves been considered to be Furries? Never, true Anthros are pure Anthros, plus these Worgen look awful.

I think it's the new old world that's going to be the main reason why WoW will suck even though WoW sucks already, I think it's about time WoW was put down, the game has had it's day and we should instead move on to better games.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 7:10:45 AM
Illyssia writes:

The major problem with WoW is lack of content and the push to be in a treadmill raid guild forever going after the next tier set. As for Cataclysm if you are adventurous you would head to a new server and go 1-85, assuming Blizzard do roll out a couple for that experience, as that will give you the most actual gameplay. Really, though, I think many will head over to SW:TOR next year when it hits, it probably offers a game experience that WoW players can get into without too much pain.


New Post Quote
10/21/10 7:44:27 AM
Ozmodan writes:
Originally posted by Frostbite05
Originally posted by Ozmodan

Actually while the leveling process has been simplified, the raiding process is heading back to the more complex.  Current raid strategy is to pull everything and aoe like mad.  Cataclysm is going to change that back to the days when you had to use crowd control.  Going to be a big change for many who never did any raiding at the 60 level.

Yea but thats just trash mobs bosses now are waaayyyyyy more complex then they were back in the day.

I rather doubt that.  You only have to coordinate 25 people these days, try doing it with 40!  You have no clue how difficult the 40 mans were!

New Post Quote
10/21/10 7:56:53 AM
Sirmaki writes:

LOL @ the idjits who either A: Can't read or B: don't know what facetiousness is....

New Post Quote
10/21/10 8:07:59 AM
mindw0rk writes:

Good idea for the list and could be fun article, if you didnt randomly choose stupid points that make no sense.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 8:19:50 AM
donkeys writes:

..............troll much?

New Post Quote
10/21/10 8:37:43 AM
nedox writes:

No matter how much people try to come up with ways that CATA will suck, it will still be a great game. If you dnt like it, quit it. it is very simply, you dont have to opose your opinion on other people who will like it.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 8:42:14 AM
neodavie writes:
Originally posted by nedox

No matter how much people try to come up with ways that CATA will suck, it will still be a great game. If you dnt like it, quit it. it is very simply, you dont have to opose your opinion on other people who will like it.

 This is how I feel with like 95% of the posts on here. I like to play MMO's, I've played WoW, APB, WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, MUD's, EVE, EQ,FFXIV and oh man I know I'm mising a few, and I can honestly say each game brings something interesting to the table for me. If people want to say Cata will suck, fine but at least back it up with a valid opinion other than "Omgz grindfest gearscore casualfest," because that means nothing.


I will be checking out Cata, because I've checked out almost every MMO that's come down the pike recently. I don't know if I'll stick with it until endgame, but we'll see how it does.


EDIT: Also I realize the point of this article was to have some fun. I'm more just responding to the commenter I quoted.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 8:52:47 AM
Joarnaj writes:

I am a little surprised to see people trashing on the idea that kids are really good at wow. First off, teach a 12 year old a console video game and teach me, a 39 year old, a console video game and see who kicks who's butt. I'm betting on the 12 year old. At this point, a lot of adults are probably thinking, "yeah but the game should be mentally more complex than that." Really? Take a 12 year old who's iq = mine and teach us both a programming language - or any language for that matter. Who grasps the complexities quicker and has more success? Again - the 12 year old wins every time. Heck, even for non-computer related games the kids often have the advantage. Ever played Laser Tag with a bunch of adolescents? I used to help run adult and youth mixed leagues and the youth killed - until they inched closer to adulthood. That's when they started getting hit by the natural nerf-hammer.

We adults like to pretend that we can outsmart, outwit, and outplay kids at mmo's even though that doesn't hold true for most other non-mmo activities and certainly doesn't hold true for other activities that involve a computer and some software. I have never been naive to the fact that a large part of my mmo experience, WoW or otherwise, has been shared with youth - and that often those are the best players. For leadership and raid organization I'll take the adult but if I'm looking for unbelievable dps my money's on the 12 year old.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:26:11 AM
Tralak writes:

why the Corps are wasting time hiring some stupid adult as programmers? DAMN just put my 12 years KID to Program the softwares and we will make insane amounts of money with his superior knowlegde.   


Im sure the can make a rocket a put a foot on mars! 12 years kid for president!!!

New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:35:24 AM
Kyleran writes:
Originally posted by nedox

No matter how much people try to come up with ways that CATA will suck, it will still be a great game. If you dnt like it, quit it. it is very simply, you dont have to opose your opinion on other people who will like it.

And no matter how much people should actually read the posts/threads they respond to they still won't and we'll continue to have a few laughs.

This expansion's going to be great fun for many folks, of course there are minuses with the pluses, that's true of everything in life, and of course, some folks won't care for it at all.



New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:35:48 AM
Silver_Leaf writes:

well the main problem with WoW is that people cannot find quest hubs, link to the next quest and so on. I seem to be having a particularly hard time without the proper walkthroughs. What I want is a linear straight path to 80 so I dont end up missing a quest hub and screwing up my quest journal like last time where I had to go back a few levels to do quests so i can do higher level quests. That's the thing that makes me most excited about cataclysm. The urge of going back to WoW is stronger than ever now, as my getting lost problem is supposedly going to be solved.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:39:16 AM
Joarnaj writes:
Originally posted by Tralak

why the Corps are wasting time hiring some stupid adult as programmers? DAMN just put my 12 years KID to Program the softwares and we will make insane amounts of money with his superior knowlegde.   


Im sure the can make a rocket a put a foot on mars! 12 years kid for president!!!


Evidently people are starting to agree with you.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:43:30 AM
Silver_Leaf writes:

I would recruit a kid into my group anyday. THey are more dedicated (usually), have more time on their hands, and are more likely to pwn.

Now my main problem with WoW is FINDING the next quest and being where I'm supposed to be. I'm hoping cataclysm fixes that.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:45:32 AM
Joarnaj writes:
Originally posted by Silver_Leaf

I would recruit a kid into my group anyday. THey are more dedicated (usually), have more time on their hands, and are more likely to pwn.

Now my main problem with WoW is FINDING the next quest and being where I'm supposed to be. I'm hoping cataclysm fixes that.


It has gotten challenging due to the fact that you now outlevel zones before you finish the quest chains. WoW is actually very good about leading you to the next hub once you finish an area, it's just that experience gains are now so extreme that there is no reason to finish each area. I tend to think that Cat will fix that, but only time will tell.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:51:40 AM
Afrodo writes:

End Game is a myth..there is no such thing..If you call running raids over and over for rep or gear endgame , when does it end?..NEVER!

I think a revamped WoW is exactly what the game needs..dont know if its going in the right direction with it , but not all the ideas are bad. Just the lack of ideas. 2 new races is lame in my opinion. Sure the goblins seem kool , and there mount looks awsome. The game could have used a couple of new classes instead if you ask me.

The fact of the matter is...It was whole lot easier to come up with races then classes which goes to show the lack of energy and ideas blizzard put into Cat. For example..(oh i love the worgen race! so im gonna go make a Worgen druid!) When you have already got an 80 druid.Still same old shyt..just new character model to look at.

I do think the revamped areas look really nice though. Like Org for example looks great in my opinion. Some of the class changes may give a feel of somthing difrrrent for a bit but will wear off in a couple of days once you get the hang of it. Then back to same ol WoW.

No matter what mmorpg you will always have your childish players , ninja looters , naked dancers (except WAR) , and your over the top chatters. These are no legit reasons to hate the game and like another.

Blizzard created a solid Mmorpg with out a doubt. Maybe its time is up! Maybe not!

I will probably buy Cat. do to the fact that WoW has a special place in my heart. So i will always play it . Even if its casual play.

The hardcore playing is over though for me. At least on this game.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:53:21 AM
Tralak writes:

i would agree with both of u if these kids focused on doing positive things. Not to generalize but the vast majority cant take nothing complex they are only poor souls begging for attention on internet.( chuck norris jokes, trashing talk)

they play wow because its supereasy and colorful like a carnival. they like that, not a bad thing;


healthy cool kids are outside playing and chasing after girls.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:59:13 AM
BizkitNL writes:
Originally posted by Tralak

i would agree with both of u if these kids focused on doing positive things. Not to generalize but the vast majority cant take nothing complex they are only poor souls begging for attention on internet.( chuck norris jokes, trashing talk)

they play wow because its supereasy and colorful like a carnival. they like that, not a bad thing;

 You assume that the people trash talking in chat are the majority? Think again.

And frankly, seeing as how you describe the average WoW player, I'm starting to think you're one of them. But hey, that's not a bad thing!

New Post Quote
10/21/10 10:02:34 AM
pre_mar writes:
Originally posted by neodavie
Originally posted by nedox

No matter how much people try to come up with ways that CATA will suck, it will still be a great game. If you dnt like it, quit it. it is very simply, you dont have to opose your opinion on other people who will like it.

 This is how I feel with like 95% of the posts on here. I like to play MMO's, I've played WoW, APB, WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, MUD's, EVE, EQ,FFXIV and oh man I know I'm mising a few, and I can honestly say each game brings something interesting to the table for me. If people want to say Cata will suck, fine but at least back it up with a valid opinion other than "Omgz grindfest gearscore casualfest," because that means nothing.


I will be checking out Cata, because I've checked out almost every MMO that's come down the pike recently. I don't know if I'll stick with it until endgame, but we'll see how it does.


EDIT: Also I realize the point of this article was to have some fun. I'm more just responding to the commenter I quoted.

Played all this and more .... but after all this years (and my age of 5 decades) Wow is Mercedes/BMW like others are at best Golf. Wow is simply so FUN, so incredibly complete,  that no one game so far could compare for me. And was looking a lot. Despite I love wow as I love pizza, I can not imagine to eat pizza for whole life 5 times per day ... so my searching for other games has nothing to do with Wow being bad or anything. I enjoyed on top with Aoc, Champions, ... but at the end left before got with any single alt to max level. While in Wow was very fun leveling all classes (10) to max from Alliance and now building Horde and still feels fun again.

And no, I do not like everything they did. But had to adapt. With other games at the end I simply left. With wow I'm always back.

So far Blizzard did incredible job, I'm ammazed by game still many time. And every new expansion is another epic event. Barely can wait to put hands on.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 10:12:11 AM
sungodra writes:

Furries? So what they are in every game, go talk about GW2 charr's they are like the same thing.


Oh wait, We must not question that game, it would be the equivalent of questioning God.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 10:20:12 AM
Gikku writes:

Well there are so many reason they could suck. In the game with the new specs and changes alone is going to make many stop playing the toon they want to cause it isn't what it should be etc.

I think one of the big reason is the required specs for the computer as many aren't going to be able to have this done.

Then the changes with the 25/10 is going to put a big dent in players.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 10:21:51 AM
shadyjames writes:

the only thing i find really funny about this whole thread is...

how many lines the wow supporters seem to need to reply


how up in arms they are over something the original poster said was for fun and not to be taken to seriously.

Just enjoy the humor folks, not everthing is a debate or argument. Wow is a fine game, some are tired of it, and left others think it is better then sliced bread. Just learn to laugh for the sake of laughing

my 2 cents or coppers if you prefer

New Post Quote
10/21/10 10:26:36 AM
colddog04 writes:
Originally posted by shadyjames

the only thing i find really funny about this whole thread is...

how many lines the wow supporters seem to need to reply


how up in arms they are over something the original poster said was for fun and not to be taken to seriously.

Just enjoy the humor folks, not everthing is a debate or argument. Wow is a fine game, some are tired of it, and left others think it is better then sliced bread. Just learn to laugh for the sake of laughing

my 2 cents or coppers if you prefer

I disagree.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 10:29:50 AM
shadyjames writes:
Originally posted by colddog04
Originally posted by shadyjames

the only thing i find really funny about this whole thread is...

how many lines the wow supporters seem to need to reply


how up in arms they are over something the original poster said was for fun and not to be taken to seriously.

Just enjoy the humor folks, not everthing is a debate or argument. Wow is a fine game, some are tired of it, and left others think it is better then sliced bread. Just learn to laugh for the sake of laughing

my 2 cents or coppers if you prefer

I disagree.


New Post Quote
10/21/10 10:31:07 AM
Eliandal writes:

  Great list :D


  Thanks for the chuckles! (although I DO want that button!)

New Post Quote
10/21/10 10:34:44 AM
knightaudit writes:

I am not sure about the focus of the article but these sound more like why it would not suck, not why it could. I think the article is funny but not what I would call informative.


New Post Quote
10/21/10 11:04:30 AM
Wraithone writes:

Since one of my five 80's is a hunter, I'm LONG past sick and tired of this "Huntard" nonsense.  There are thoughtless, rude and ignorant *people* in ALL classes.  Hunter is no better and no worse than any other class from my experience.   From DK's who forget to switch to frost presence while trying to tank(face palm) to 'locks and mages nuking everything in sight, before the tank has aggro(and then whining about dying... ^^).  To healers who think they are a dps class... Every class has clueless people in it.  But from what I hear, the new expansion is going to be closer to the old school style of aggro control(which made CC quite important).

As for the end game problem at 85, its likely to be the same as its always been. Blizzard doesn't want to put the effort into a system that scales with level, so they hard cap it, and rely on raiding and PvP to hold end game attention for as long as possible.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 11:49:34 AM
Aericyn writes:

Have to agree with you on the nostalgia of the "old world".

Been wanting to login just to get some screenshots of some places before the cataclysm.

I did read they are not changing the 1-12 and 10-20 landscape much, but after that all bets off. Hmm think it was joystiq?

New Post Quote
10/21/10 11:56:39 AM
blueturtle13 writes:

I dont think easy is a reason to slam the game. Sorry but nowhere does it say an MMO has to be hard to be good. Like the poster stated earlier almost ALL MMO's are easy. Being hard is not the point. FPS are generally easy. The AI is usually what makes a shooter more hard than another. Judging a game on a kids ability to play it is kinda silly. I mean Mario is jumping but man if super mario isnt hard lol

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:12:08 PM
Garvon3 writes:

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas as they come. 

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:16:44 PM
Philby writes:
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:19:24 PM
Garvon3 writes:
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:26:27 PM
Philby writes:
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:30:32 PM
Garvon3 writes:
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

 It's funny how you guys only ever have numbers as a defense. You know Beiber is the nations best selling musician right now? Guess his music is the greatest out there. 

The reason WoW is successful is this a) its insanely simple b) it has the largest marketing budget in MMO history, and c) its aimed at people who don't play MMOs. 

Almost all of its features were done better by another game first. If WoW was executed flawlessly, its raids wouldn't be an elitist club of gear grinding. It wouldn't need instances because population would be spread out properly. It wouldn't need PvE and PvP gear if it was balanced correctly. It wouldn't have such a bad reputation if it was perfect. 


[Mod Edit]

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:33:36 PM
Philby writes:
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

 It's funny how you guys only ever have numbers as a defense. You know Beiber is the nations best selling musician right now? Guess his music is the greatest out there. 

The reason WoW is successful is this a) its insanely simple b) it has the largest marketing budget in MMO history, and c) its aimed at people who don't play MMOs. 

Almost all of its features were done better by another game first. If WoW was executed flawlessly, its raids wouldn't be an elitist club of gear grinding. It wouldn't need instances because population would be spread out properly. It wouldn't need PvE and PvP gear if it was balanced correctly. It wouldn't have such a bad reputation if it was perfect. 

[Mod Edit]

Which came first the marketing budget or the success?  How much of the "simple" endgame content have you completed? And please, stop with the "my 10 year old game is better" crap. If it were true it those ancient  games would be carving up the 12 million players that WOW has. Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins?  The haters really need some new material becuase 6 years of repetition only shows desperation to make a point that is impossible to make.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:41:32 PM
blueturtle13 writes:

a) Every MMO is simple except a minor few

b) Thats the key right there (Watching football (american) and there was a WOW commercial. Crazy.

c) Most of the people who play WOW have done so for years. They ARE MMO players.

WOW has a very easy entry into MMO's. Alot of people may have come to MMO's because of WOW but I bet alot of people have moved to other MMO's by now? Or at least tried others looking for their new homes. A lot of people hated the Beatles in their time as well but they influenced ALOT of peers. good and bad.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:46:19 PM
Garvon3 writes:
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

Your fanboy is showing... It's funny how you guys only ever have numbers as a defense. You know Beiber is the nations best selling musician right now? Guess his music is the greatest out there. 

The reason WoW is successful is this a) its insanely simple b) it has the largest marketing budget in MMO history, and c) its aimed at people who don't play MMOs. 

Almost all of its features were done better by another game first. If WoW was executed flawlessly, its raids wouldn't be an elitist club of gear grinding. It wouldn't need instances because population would be spread out properly. It wouldn't need PvE and PvP gear if it was balanced correctly. It wouldn't have such a bad reputation if it was perfect. 

Which came first the marketing budget or the success?  Marketing budget, Blizzard is a company wealthy from the numerous other games, and before WoW's release that was ALL gaming news EVERYWHERE. How much of the "simple" endgame content have you completed? Enough to know that they're all linear instances that require exactly x group makeup with exactly x gear. No thinking, no skill, just a formula, because the instances are one trick ponies, not dynamic scalable AI like old raid bosses.  And please, stop with the "my 10 year old game is better" crap. If it were true it those ancient  games would be carving up the 12 million players that WOW has. Nope, because older games take more thought and have risk vs reward. There are a lot more simple people in the world than there are people who want to just follow the magical dotted line to the quest objective for 85 straight levels. Not to mention, said old games lost their old fans by changing their games too much. You seem the typical example of someone who has no idea what old games were like, or you'd understand why they aren't around now.  Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins? Not blizzard.  The haters really need some new material becuase 6 years of repetition only shows desperation to make a point that is impossible to make. I've made my point, you've failed to recant it at EVERY turn haha.

You're not helping your case. 

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:49:32 PM
Philby writes:
[Mod Edit]

Flies eat shit to satisfy a need, hunger. 12 Million people play WOW to satisfy the need, or desire, for a good MMO. Do you not think the flies would go elsewhere for a better option? There is no, better option for an MMO than WOW which is why 12 Million stay, and play.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:50:14 PM
Garvon3 writes:
Originally posted by blueturtle13

a) Every MMO is simple except a minor few

Old MMOs were far from simple. 

b) Thats the key right there (Watching football (american) and there was a WOW commercial. Crazy.

c) Most of the people who play WOW have done so for years. They ARE MMO players.

If they were MMO players, they would have been playing from 1997 and onward. They're not so much MMO players as they are weird arcade/Diablo/mutlplayer RPG players. There's a big difference. 

WOW has a very easy entry into MMO's. Alot of people may have come to MMO's because of WOW but I bet alot of people have moved to other MMO's by now? What does it matter? Almost all other MMOs are WoW clones, so they're moving from simple single player focused RPGs to ...a carbon copy.  Or at least tried others looking for their new homes. A lot of people hated the Beatles in their time as well but they influenced ALOT of peers. good and bad WoW has just been compared to the Beatles. I no longer want to live in this world.(PS, the Beatles did NEW things, which is why they were hated by conservatives, WoW does NOTHING new) .

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:52:41 PM
Philby writes:
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

Your fanboy is showing... It's funny how you guys only ever have numbers as a defense. You know Beiber is the nations best selling musician right now? Guess his music is the greatest out there. 

The reason WoW is successful is this a) its insanely simple b) it has the largest marketing budget in MMO history, and c) its aimed at people who don't play MMOs. 

Almost all of its features were done better by another game first. If WoW was executed flawlessly, its raids wouldn't be an elitist club of gear grinding. It wouldn't need instances because population would be spread out properly. It wouldn't need PvE and PvP gear if it was balanced correctly. It wouldn't have such a bad reputation if it was perfect. 

Which came first the marketing budget or the success?  Marketing budget, Blizzard is a company wealthy from the numerous other games, and before WoW's release that was ALL gaming news EVERYWHERE. How much of the "simple" endgame content have you completed? Enough to know that they're all linear instances that require exactly x group makeup with exactly x gear. No thinking, no skill, just a formula, because the instances are one trick ponies, not dynamic scalable AI like old raid bosses.  And please, stop with the "my 10 year old game is better" crap. If it were true it those ancient  games would be carving up the 12 million players that WOW has. Nope, because older games take more thought and have risk vs reward. There are a lot more simple people in the world than there are people who want to just follow the magical dotted line to the quest objective for 85 straight levels. Not to mention, said old games lost their old fans by changing their games too much. You seem the typical example of someone who has no idea what old games were like, or you'd understand why they aren't around now.  Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins? Not blizzard.  The haters really need some new material becuase 6 years of repetition only shows desperation to make a point that is impossible to make. I've made my point, you've failed to recant it at EVERY turn haha.

You're not helping your case. 

I have no case to make. You have to make the case why the most succesful MMO of all time sucks. 12 million players play it because its the best MMO available its not really hard to understand once you get past hating the game.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:53:29 PM
vajrav writes:

Popularity != quality

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:56:18 PM
Garvon3 writes:
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

Your fanboy is showing... It's funny how you guys only ever have numbers as a defense. You know Beiber is the nations best selling musician right now? Guess his music is the greatest out there. 

The reason WoW is successful is this a) its insanely simple b) it has the largest marketing budget in MMO history, and c) its aimed at people who don't play MMOs. 

Almost all of its features were done better by another game first. If WoW was executed flawlessly, its raids wouldn't be an elitist club of gear grinding. It wouldn't need instances because population would be spread out properly. It wouldn't need PvE and PvP gear if it was balanced correctly. It wouldn't have such a bad reputation if it was perfect. 

Which came first the marketing budget or the success?  Marketing budget, Blizzard is a company wealthy from the numerous other games, and before WoW's release that was ALL gaming news EVERYWHERE. How much of the "simple" endgame content have you completed? Enough to know that they're all linear instances that require exactly x group makeup with exactly x gear. No thinking, no skill, just a formula, because the instances are one trick ponies, not dynamic scalable AI like old raid bosses.  And please, stop with the "my 10 year old game is better" crap. If it were true it those ancient  games would be carving up the 12 million players that WOW has. Nope, because older games take more thought and have risk vs reward. There are a lot more simple people in the world than there are people who want to just follow the magical dotted line to the quest objective for 85 straight levels. Not to mention, said old games lost their old fans by changing their games too much. You seem the typical example of someone who has no idea what old games were like, or you'd understand why they aren't around now.  Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins? Not blizzard.  The haters really need some new material becuase 6 years of repetition only shows desperation to make a point that is impossible to make. I've made my point, you've failed to recant it at EVERY turn haha.

You're not helping your case. 

I have no case to make. You have to make the case why the most succesful MMO of all time sucks. 12 million players play it because its the best MMO available its not really hard to understand once you get past hating the game.

And with that, you lost all credibility lol 

I've made my case, I've shot down all your points, and never once did I ever say WoW sucked or that I hated it. I said it wasn't perfectly designed or implemented. I should have known better than to argue with someone claiming WoW was perfect in every way, oooh man what a waste of time. 

New Post Quote
10/21/10 12:57:54 PM
blueturtle13 writes:
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by blueturtle13

a) Every MMO is simple except a minor few

Old MMOs were far from simple. 

b) Thats the key right there (Watching football (american) and there was a WOW commercial. Crazy.

c) Most of the people who play WOW have done so for years. They ARE MMO players.

If they were MMO players, they would have been playing from 1997 and onward. They're not so much MMO players as they are weird arcade/Diablo/mutlplayer RPG players. There's a big difference. 

WOW has a very easy entry into MMO's. Alot of people may have come to MMO's because of WOW but I bet alot of people have moved to other MMO's by now? What does it matter? Almost all other MMOs are WoW clones, so they're moving from simple single player focused RPGs to ...a carbon copy.  Or at least tried others looking for their new homes. A lot of people hated the Beatles in their time as well but they influenced ALOT of peers. good and bad WoW has just been compared to the Beatles. I no longer want to live in this world.(PS, the Beatles did NEW things, which is why they were hated by conservatives, WoW does NOTHING new) .


 Not everyone who plays MMO's are in their 30's like we are ;) they arent players because they didnt play in 97? I played since 91 does that mean you arent a player of them then? Silly comment.

Yes I compared WOW to the Beatles ( sorry I think them over-rated) The Beatles did not innovate either. They borrowed musical elements from others. When they first started they were really just a boyband. (I want to hold your hand? Love love me do? really?) Their supposed  'new things' were done later when they had money and they were not new things just things they liked from others music.

Also High end raiding in WOW is not that much different than from old school mmo raids. The entry to them has been made easier but there is still hard instance and Raids.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:04:10 PM
DerWotan writes:

Basically it will be like this


  1. Activsion
  2. Community
  3. Ghostcrawler
  4. Activision
  5. Community
  6. Ghostcrawler
  7. Activision
Don't know if its actually true that the endgame (80+) will be harder again, but for sure they dumbed down the core mechanics so this will appeal to more trash talkers and people that don't a dime about community.
New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:04:56 PM
Tralak writes:
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

Your fanboy is showing... It's funny how you guys only ever have numbers as a defense. You know Beiber is the nations best selling musician right now? Guess his music is the greatest out there. 

The reason WoW is successful is this a) its insanely simple b) it has the largest marketing budget in MMO history, and c) its aimed at people who don't play MMOs. 

Almost all of its features were done better by another game first. If WoW was executed flawlessly, its raids wouldn't be an elitist club of gear grinding. It wouldn't need instances because population would be spread out properly. It wouldn't need PvE and PvP gear if it was balanced correctly. It wouldn't have such a bad reputation if it was perfect. 

Which came first the marketing budget or the success?  Marketing budget, Blizzard is a company wealthy from the numerous other games, and before WoW's release that was ALL gaming news EVERYWHERE. How much of the "simple" endgame content have you completed? Enough to know that they're all linear instances that require exactly x group makeup with exactly x gear. No thinking, no skill, just a formula, because the instances are one trick ponies, not dynamic scalable AI like old raid bosses.  And please, stop with the "my 10 year old game is better" crap. If it were true it those ancient  games would be carving up the 12 million players that WOW has. Nope, because older games take more thought and have risk vs reward. There are a lot more simple people in the world than there are people who want to just follow the magical dotted line to the quest objective for 85 straight levels. Not to mention, said old games lost their old fans by changing their games too much. You seem the typical example of someone who has no idea what old games were like, or you'd understand why they aren't around now.  Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins? Not blizzard.  The haters really need some new material becuase 6 years of repetition only shows desperation to make a point that is impossible to make. I've made my point, you've failed to recant it at EVERY turn haha.

You're not helping your case. 

I have no case to make. You have to make the case why the most succesful MMO of all time sucks. 12 million players play it because its the best MMO available its not really hard to understand once you get past hating the game.

And with that, you lost all credibility lol 

I've made my case, I've shot down all your points, and never once did I ever say WoW sucked or that I hated it. I said it wasn't perfectly designed or implemented. I should have known better than to argue with someone claiming WoW was perfect in every way, oooh man what a waste of time. 

Its all a matter of taste!! that simple!! some ppl like blondes other ppl like brunetts... what is better? there is no better.. its all taste

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:05:05 PM
blueturtle13 writes:

good point Tralak

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:06:41 PM
Philby writes:
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

Your fanboy is showing... It's funny how you guys only ever have numbers as a defense. You know Beiber is the nations best selling musician right now? Guess his music is the greatest out there. 

The reason WoW is successful is this a) its insanely simple b) it has the largest marketing budget in MMO history, and c) its aimed at people who don't play MMOs. 

Almost all of its features were done better by another game first. If WoW was executed flawlessly, its raids wouldn't be an elitist club of gear grinding. It wouldn't need instances because population would be spread out properly. It wouldn't need PvE and PvP gear if it was balanced correctly. It wouldn't have such a bad reputation if it was perfect. 

Which came first the marketing budget or the success?  Marketing budget, Blizzard is a company wealthy from the numerous other games, and before WoW's release that was ALL gaming news EVERYWHERE. How much of the "simple" endgame content have you completed? Enough to know that they're all linear instances that require exactly x group makeup with exactly x gear. No thinking, no skill, just a formula, because the instances are one trick ponies, not dynamic scalable AI like old raid bosses.  And please, stop with the "my 10 year old game is better" crap. If it were true it those ancient  games would be carving up the 12 million players that WOW has. Nope, because older games take more thought and have risk vs reward. There are a lot more simple people in the world than there are people who want to just follow the magical dotted line to the quest objective for 85 straight levels. Not to mention, said old games lost their old fans by changing their games too much. You seem the typical example of someone who has no idea what old games were like, or you'd understand why they aren't around now.  Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins? Not blizzard.  The haters really need some new material becuase 6 years of repetition only shows desperation to make a point that is impossible to make. I've made my point, you've failed to recant it at EVERY turn haha.

You're not helping your case. 

I have no case to make. You have to make the case why the most succesful MMO of all time sucks. 12 million players play it because its the best MMO available its not really hard to understand once you get past hating the game.

And with that, you lost all credibility lol 

I've made my case, I've shot down all your points, and never once did I ever say WoW sucked or that I hated it. I said it wasn't perfectly designed or implemented. I should have known better than to argue with someone claiming WoW was perfect in every way, oooh man what a waste of time. 

Post # 89  of this thread. You said "wow has always sucked".    So I guess if it has always sucked that would mean is sucks now?  Im not sure as you guys that hate the success of the game have some strange ideas sometimes.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:13:08 PM
Garvon3 writes:
Originally posted by blueturtle13
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by blueturtle13

a) Every MMO is simple except a minor few

Old MMOs were far from simple. 

b) Thats the key right there (Watching football (american) and there was a WOW commercial. Crazy.

c) Most of the people who play WOW have done so for years. They ARE MMO players.

If they were MMO players, they would have been playing from 1997 and onward. They're not so much MMO players as they are weird arcade/Diablo/mutlplayer RPG players. There's a big difference. 

WOW has a very easy entry into MMO's. Alot of people may have come to MMO's because of WOW but I bet alot of people have moved to other MMO's by now? What does it matter? Almost all other MMOs are WoW clones, so they're moving from simple single player focused RPGs to ...a carbon copy.  Or at least tried others looking for their new homes. A lot of people hated the Beatles in their time as well but they influenced ALOT of peers. good and bad WoW has just been compared to the Beatles. I no longer want to live in this world.(PS, the Beatles did NEW things, which is why they were hated by conservatives, WoW does NOTHING new) .


 Not everyone who plays MMO's are in their 30's like we are ;) they arent players because they didnt play in 97? I played since 91 does that mean you arent a player of them then? Silly comment.

Yes I compared WOW to the Beatles ( sorry I think them over-rated) The Beatles did not innovate either. They borrowed musical elements from others. When they first started they were really just a boyband. (I want to hold your hand? Love love me do? really?) Their supposed  'new things' were done later when they had money and they were not new things just things they liked from others music.

Also High end raiding in WOW is not that much different than from old school mmo raids. The entry to them has been made easier but there is still hard instance and Raids.

Oh to be sure there's some overlap. Some of the people playing MMOs now would have LOVED old MMORPGs, that's for sure. This is evident when new generation WoW players take to games like Darkfall and are blown away. I'm only 20, I was fortunate to play MMORPGs at a young age. But for the most part, those 12 million players WoW has, the majority are types that would have NEVER in a million years touched old MMOs, in all their complexity, harshness and complicated mechanics. They probably would have loved the social aspect though. Don't worry, I'm not a huge Beatles fan either, I'm much more partial to Queen in terms of "best band ever", but the Beatles have their own place musically. 

The difference between oldschool raids and new ones is, in WoW, there's ONE solution to every raid, and you need an EXACT class/gear makeup in order to do it. You have the instance limited to x people and that's that. In DAoC, you could bring 100 people to a raid and it'd be just as hard, if not harder than with 30 people. 

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:13:34 PM
Dyner writes:
Originally posted by Ozmodan

Actually while the leveling process has been simplified, the raiding process is heading back to the more complex.  Current raid strategy is to pull everything and aoe like mad.  Cataclysm is going to change that back to the days when you had to use crowd control.  Going to be a big change for many who never did any raiding at the 60 level.


 Um...yeah...I'll believe it when I see it. If you all recall the devs specifically stated that WRATH was going to be a return to what made World of Warcraft popular in the first place. Maybe it was the fault of the veterns, but we believed that meant the game would be getting slightly harder and more rewarded. Instead it was the total opposite, gear doesn't mean anything now...sittin in full t10 here on my shaman and guess what; HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE ICC 1st WING DOWN ON 10-man; my main had down up to LK (10man) though.


Sigh, I miss the days of seeing raiders in Org / SW with thunderfury and wondering where they got it...and after finding out its pieces-parts drop in MC wanting to go there and get one for myself. Ah, the days when gearing meant something...the days of...The Rogue.


....we ain't got now li-hiii-ves

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:15:12 PM
Garvon3 writes:
Originally posted by Tralak
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

Your fanboy is showing... It's funny how you guys only ever have numbers as a defense. You know Beiber is the nations best selling musician right now? Guess his music is the greatest out there. 

The reason WoW is successful is this a) its insanely simple b) it has the largest marketing budget in MMO history, and c) its aimed at people who don't play MMOs. 

Almost all of its features were done better by another game first. If WoW was executed flawlessly, its raids wouldn't be an elitist club of gear grinding. It wouldn't need instances because population would be spread out properly. It wouldn't need PvE and PvP gear if it was balanced correctly. It wouldn't have such a bad reputation if it was perfect. 

Which came first the marketing budget or the success?  Marketing budget, Blizzard is a company wealthy from the numerous other games, and before WoW's release that was ALL gaming news EVERYWHERE. How much of the "simple" endgame content have you completed? Enough to know that they're all linear instances that require exactly x group makeup with exactly x gear. No thinking, no skill, just a formula, because the instances are one trick ponies, not dynamic scalable AI like old raid bosses.  And please, stop with the "my 10 year old game is better" crap. If it were true it those ancient  games would be carving up the 12 million players that WOW has. Nope, because older games take more thought and have risk vs reward. There are a lot more simple people in the world than there are people who want to just follow the magical dotted line to the quest objective for 85 straight levels. Not to mention, said old games lost their old fans by changing their games too much. You seem the typical example of someone who has no idea what old games were like, or you'd understand why they aren't around now.  Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins? Not blizzard.  The haters really need some new material becuase 6 years of repetition only shows desperation to make a point that is impossible to make. I've made my point, you've failed to recant it at EVERY turn haha.

You're not helping your case. 

I have no case to make. You have to make the case why the most succesful MMO of all time sucks. 12 million players play it because its the best MMO available its not really hard to understand once you get past hating the game.

And with that, you lost all credibility lol 

I've made my case, I've shot down all your points, and never once did I ever say WoW sucked or that I hated it. I said it wasn't perfectly designed or implemented. I should have known better than to argue with someone claiming WoW was perfect in every way, oooh man what a waste of time. 

Its all a matter of taste!! that simple!! some ppl like blondes other ppl like brunetts... what is better? there is no better.. its all taste

If that was true than there wouldn't be any review websites, or movie reviews, or book reviews, or music reviews. To all these forms of art and skill there's a degree of objectivity you need to have. Some person could make music by slapping a piece of meat against the wall, and maybe some crazy person out there would love that music, but a reviewer wouldn't be inclined to call it great. There are standards. 

WoW, when looked at objectively, hasn't done much other than sink the MMO market. 

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:15:54 PM
Philby writes:
Originally posted by vajrav

Popularity != quality

I dont think thats the case. I believe its more that quality generates popularity.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:16:46 PM
blueturtle13 writes:
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by blueturtle13
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by blueturtle13

a) Every MMO is simple except a minor few

Old MMOs were far from simple. 

b) Thats the key right there (Watching football (american) and there was a WOW commercial. Crazy.

c) Most of the people who play WOW have done so for years. They ARE MMO players.

If they were MMO players, they would have been playing from 1997 and onward. They're not so much MMO players as they are weird arcade/Diablo/mutlplayer RPG players. There's a big difference. 

WOW has a very easy entry into MMO's. Alot of people may have come to MMO's because of WOW but I bet alot of people have moved to other MMO's by now? What does it matter? Almost all other MMOs are WoW clones, so they're moving from simple single player focused RPGs to ...a carbon copy.  Or at least tried others looking for their new homes. A lot of people hated the Beatles in their time as well but they influenced ALOT of peers. good and bad WoW has just been compared to the Beatles. I no longer want to live in this world.(PS, the Beatles did NEW things, which is why they were hated by conservatives, WoW does NOTHING new) .


 Not everyone who plays MMO's are in their 30's like we are ;) they arent players because they didnt play in 97? I played since 91 does that mean you arent a player of them then? Silly comment.

Yes I compared WOW to the Beatles ( sorry I think them over-rated) The Beatles did not innovate either. They borrowed musical elements from others. When they first started they were really just a boyband. (I want to hold your hand? Love love me do? really?) Their supposed  'new things' were done later when they had money and they were not new things just things they liked from others music.

Also High end raiding in WOW is not that much different than from old school mmo raids. The entry to them has been made easier but there is still hard instance and Raids.

Oh to be sure there's some overlap. Some of the people playing MMOs now would have LOVED old MMORPGs, that's for sure. This is evident when new generation WoW players take to games like Darkfall and are blown away. I'm only 20, I was fortunate to play MMORPGs at a young age. But for the most part, those 12 million players WoW has, the majority are types that would have NEVER in a million years touched old MMOs, in all their complexity, harshness and complicated mechanics. They probably would have loved the social aspect though. Don't worry, I'm not a huge Beatles fan either, I'm much more partial to Queen in terms of "best band ever", but the Beatles have their own place musically. 

The difference between oldschool raids and new ones is, in WoW, there's ONE solution to every raid, and you need an EXACT class/gear makeup in order to do it. You have the instance limited to x people and that's that. In DAoC, you could bring 100 people to a raid and it'd be just as hard, if not harder than with 30 people. 

 True DAOC has harder raiding but WOW has challenge to it. ICC on Heroic is tough I dont care what anyone else says. Maybe Im just not uber enough. Saurfang? ugh.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:21:25 PM
Gajari writes:

None of these will effect me in the least. I may be one of the few people who absolutely love barrens chat because it was an active chat channel, and people who didn't mind it were having a good time. I laughed my ass off quite a lot there.

I don't mind Goblins and Worgens, or the world being changed, because I'm bored as hell of all the stuff in the game at the moment. Old word is boring and just not up to snuff at this point in the games life. 

But damn those Hunters! Damn them to hell!

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:24:42 PM
vajrav writes:
I'm much more partial to Queen in terms of "best band ever", but the Beatles have their own place musically.

Especially because Freddie Mercury claimed that the Beatles were one of his major influences.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:29:26 PM
LauZaIM writes:

It should be pretty obvious what gear is for Hunter's or not since Hunter gear won't have Int on it. You can't reforge Int so yeah..another baseless swipe at the Hunter class.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:29:29 PM
blueturtle13 writes:
Originally posted by vajrav
I'm much more partial to Queen in terms of "best band ever", but the Beatles have their own place musically.

Especially because Freddie Mercury claimed that the Beatles were one of his major influences.

 Name a british musician that doesnt claim them as an influence lol

I think people should really credit George Martin not the boys that did whatever he said ;)

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:33:08 PM
Tralak writes:
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Tralak
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

Your fanboy is showing... It's funny how you guys only ever have numbers as a defense. You know Beiber is the nations best selling musician right now? Guess his music is the greatest out there. 

The reason WoW is successful is this a) its insanely simple b) it has the largest marketing budget in MMO history, and c) its aimed at people who don't play MMOs. 

Almost all of its features were done better by another game first. If WoW was executed flawlessly, its raids wouldn't be an elitist club of gear grinding. It wouldn't need instances because population would be spread out properly. It wouldn't need PvE and PvP gear if it was balanced correctly. It wouldn't have such a bad reputation if it was perfect. 

Which came first the marketing budget or the success?  Marketing budget, Blizzard is a company wealthy from the numerous other games, and before WoW's release that was ALL gaming news EVERYWHERE. How much of the "simple" endgame content have you completed? Enough to know that they're all linear instances that require exactly x group makeup with exactly x gear. No thinking, no skill, just a formula, because the instances are one trick ponies, not dynamic scalable AI like old raid bosses.  And please, stop with the "my 10 year old game is better" crap. If it were true it those ancient  games would be carving up the 12 million players that WOW has. Nope, because older games take more thought and have risk vs reward. There are a lot more simple people in the world than there are people who want to just follow the magical dotted line to the quest objective for 85 straight levels. Not to mention, said old games lost their old fans by changing their games too much. You seem the typical example of someone who has no idea what old games were like, or you'd understand why they aren't around now.  Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins? Not blizzard.  The haters really need some new material becuase 6 years of repetition only shows desperation to make a point that is impossible to make. I've made my point, you've failed to recant it at EVERY turn haha.

You're not helping your case. 

I have no case to make. You have to make the case why the most succesful MMO of all time sucks. 12 million players play it because its the best MMO available its not really hard to understand once you get past hating the game.

And with that, you lost all credibility lol 

I've made my case, I've shot down all your points, and never once did I ever say WoW sucked or that I hated it. I said it wasn't perfectly designed or implemented. I should have known better than to argue with someone claiming WoW was perfect in every way, oooh man what a waste of time. 

Its all a matter of taste!! that simple!! some ppl like blondes other ppl like brunetts... what is better? there is no better.. its all taste

If that was true than there wouldn't be any review websites, or movie reviews, or book reviews, or music reviews. To all these forms of art and skill there's a degree of objectivity you need to have. Some person could make music by slapping a piece of meat against the wall, and maybe some crazy person out there would love that music, but a reviewer wouldn't be inclined to call it great. There are standards. 

WoW, when looked at objectively, hasn't done much other than sink the MMO market. 

when some artist or whatever release something they do for themselves and/or their target public. In the case of  Wow, for "all ppl of the family"  from  grandmother to their Parrot , so they have a huge audience (12 milllion subs). they dont care for critics, even if the reviewers rate the game "1.0" or "3.0" nothing will change because the target audience are getting what they want . On other side there the sofisticated players that need some more "complex"  to be entertained and since Wow release ... you know the rest... are orphans and blaming Wow for that.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:37:04 PM
blueturtle13 writes:

Good point.  Blizzard wants WOW to appeal to a large age group and to a large group of different kinds of gamers. It does. They did that. To make it too hardcore or too whatever would be pushing away the kind of player they have worked so hard to attract. There are other games for other kinds of players.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:41:08 PM
Mari2k writes:

Sorry but the points that the author wrote are nonsence , I cant take him serious. The only point I can think of is that guys like him are playing this game.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 1:54:49 PM
Rydeson writes:

     I see many are still fixated that numbers = quality..   McDonald's has more locations, and bigger profilts then any other in the wold, does that make them the best?   How often does the best motion picture of the year sell more box sales then any other?  NOT OFTEN..  If that was the case the people behind Avatar must be pissed as hell.. Lets not forget the box office smash of the 70's that shattered all records.. ( STAR WARS ).. If you adjust for cost of inflation, that would be almost $2.8 billion, which is just slightly better then Avatar.. and it only earned 1 nomination from the Academy..  This all just to prove a point that big numbers don't mean a thing..

     Everyone has an opinion, and sometimes that opinion changes during the course of events..   As I have said before.. I would grade  WoW a B+ for those playing the game from level 1 to max level.. I don't give it an A grade because of simplied crafting, and no perks like player housing..  WoW as an end game MMO = D-, maybe C+ if you like PvP.. I don't see the fun in grinding a handful dungeons for a few weeks, then turn around and be limited to 1 raid zone, once a week..

New Post Quote
10/21/10 2:26:08 PM
abyss610 writes:
Originally posted by Snaylor47
Originally posted by Kadia

They really need to give the old races a facellift or else azeroth will be 90% worgen,blood elves and goblins.

I doubt Worgens will be as highly played as people think. 


I think it will go.


2.Blood Elf

3.Night Elf



As far as classes are concerned Worgens can be druids. Thats about it.. All the tweens that play the BE will continue to do so.

 have you seen the Worgen Hunter starter pet? its a Dane or Mastif(not 100% yet wich) wich you can't get anywhere else in game i'm thinking alot of people will want that. tho not sure what the human hunter starter pet is haven't seen that yet. and besides Worgen can be human also. tho i always hated the human males they look like crap, specially if they don't have a mustache and you see that hared lip!

New Post Quote
10/21/10 2:32:43 PM
jaxsundane writes:

My WOW days are so far gone I don't see the day I ever set foot there again but I must say this expansion is rather impressive from what I've read.  nice read too.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 2:46:04 PM
Voltlives writes:
Originally posted by Morninglord

I Still believe and have read many times, WoW in itself is a great game, it's the community that brings it down.


Completely agree.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 2:49:11 PM
happyfarts writes:

as to players playing with new races, i disagree

there'll be a mix of ppl who want to rush to the new cap, and check out the new shit

sure! everyone'll make a new race char ... but the hype will wear off eventually as it did for tbc.

and i didnt see the goblin mounts, but i confidently say they cannot think up a cooler mount than the orcish black war wolf ;)

New Post Quote
10/21/10 4:29:47 PM
wildtalent writes:

since a few of you have already gone there anyway...

wow does nothing perfect.....but it does do everything (cept housing) very well.  this is the reason for its success, that and its huge marketing budget.  

this is the same reason that everytime I leave to play another game, I always come back to wow.  other games might excell in some areas but eventually I find something to not like enough, that I quit and come back to wow. 

but I'm also not a fanboy.  I would love to see something else come along and knock wow off its pedestal. 


but for that to happen...


the new game will need...

.a beloved existing IP.

a huge marketing budget.

simple gameplay

decent graphics

but most importantly...

it can't have even one crippling flaw.  not one.  if any aspect of gameplay is broken at launch...WoW remains top dog.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 4:45:24 PM
jackmcleod writes:
A lot of people don't play this game because they aren't "the best" and when they aren't "the best" then the game sucks. These people have played many mmos. They have sucked in every one of them. The few they might have been "good (in their own mind)" died out because they were just plain boring like WAR & AOC. Most people do not want a game where you have to reserve 30 minutes of time to get to an instance. Most people don't want to play 10yo games that still require a subscription, gets no update, and are just plain boring anyways to be honest (like daoc, ao, eq to name a few). WoW is different in the sense that they do everything they can to retain their customers. Even if it means dumbing down the game for the 9millions retarded subscribers they have. Thats why there are heroic, and normal modes in raids now. That's why there are 10man raids. The challenge of their game was never intended to be "find another 24, (or 39 in the old days altho 29 did the job just well too) non-worthless-retards to play with" it was intended to be, we have a script, you have a character, now beat it. Anyone who posts here and hasn't downed H LK and says wow sucks, its for 4 yos, etc. most likely fit the category of "I suck too much for the game, but wait, im the l33test person alive, so it must be the game, yeah, the game sucks. 'Hey all, WOW SUCKS!'" Sucks to be them, but they can't just reroll, perhaps they should call it quits and put their lives in the "Game over" mode.
New Post Quote
10/21/10 4:47:22 PM
SwobyJ writes:

Meh, I don't even care. I'll be too busy playing Rift.

In Cata beta - It's 'fun', but not enjoyable. I don't feel I'm doing anything worthwhile, and uh, an MMO should be built on the illusion that we're doing something that's worth it. It's fun, funny (LOL Blizz you're such jokesters!), and good enough to get into but..

..I want something more. I think Rift will have that. Others can enjoy the bottleneck that Gilneas will be on launch day :)

New Post Quote
10/21/10 4:47:39 PM
jackmcleod writes:

I think the next game coming with an actual fresh idea, not just a new way to present old crap to people, will be GW2. Only time will tell if they actually deliver though.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 4:50:46 PM
bestiacorpus writes:

Max level boredom is caused by the player alone.  5 year hardcore raider (ex-raider, RL responsibilities took over).  Waiting in cities is not how WoW is meant to be played.

Here's a short list to make your WoW more exciting:

1.  Join/Start a competitive hardcore raiding (PvE/PvP) guild.  Top 50 world, top 5 server!  Easy game? Prove it!

2.  Alts! Don't get stuck playing 1 class.  Re-live the journey.  Learn the other classes so you don't get shat on in PvP!  Options Options Options!

3.  Crafting/Gathering.  More money, more PvE/PvP encounters, and more funny moments!  Gather-steal hahaha!

4.  Help newbs.  From low level assists to Heroic Dungeon Tanking/Healing/DPSing for freshies gearing up for the big time.  Nothing will make you feel loved like a Thank You! whisper from a new player.

5.  Explore with your land mount.  The sceneries are more exciting down there (PLUS more PvE/PvP encounters again!).  Screenshots Screenshots Screenshots!

6.  RolePlay!  Comedy gold. Nuff said.

7.  Hunt down the other factions members from lowbies to Rated Arena Masters.  Bring out the macro manual! It's time to get educated!

8.  World PvP in RP gear.  World PvP in RP settings.  Block the road!  Camp the Boats! 

9.  Auctioneer.  Control the economy. 

10.  Participate in Chat comedy.  /Ignore is for the weak.

11.  Gank until you start a war.  Hell! It's high time for the next Tarren Mill - SouthShore War!


WoW = boring?  I say, You're Doin' It Wrong!

New Post Quote
10/21/10 5:30:15 PM
OkhamsRazor writes:

Honestly whats the point in these list articles other than to stir debate . If this were a thread in the WoW forums we would be crying TROLL .

I like real news myself not speculation .

New Post Quote
10/21/10 5:42:42 PM
NightGod473 writes:
Originally posted by Ozmodan

Originally posted by Frostbite05
Originally posted by Ozmodan

Actually while the leveling process has been simplified, the raiding process is heading back to the more complex.  Current raid strategy is to pull everything and aoe like mad.  Cataclysm is going to change that back to the days when you had to use crowd control.  Going to be a big change for many who never did any raiding at the 60 level.

Yea but thats just trash mobs bosses now are waaayyyyyy more complex then they were back in the day.

I rather doubt that.  You only have to coordinate 25 people these days, try doing it with 40!  You have no clue how difficult the 40 mans were!


Try the 72 man raids back in the olden days of Everquest. Or the ~100 man raids back with no channels and no raid tools for forming groups and no voice chat. Get off my Lawn! Crazy kids!!!


New Post Quote
10/21/10 6:54:07 PM
MavadoKenyen writes:

You got a problem with us furries? Well I don't take too kindly to your hate mongering in this article. Ending post now before I abuse a posting rule.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 7:11:16 PM
FreddyNoNose writes:
Originally posted by Dyner
Originally posted by Ozmodan

Actually while the leveling process has been simplified, the raiding process is heading back to the more complex.  Current raid strategy is to pull everything and aoe like mad.  Cataclysm is going to change that back to the days when you had to use crowd control.  Going to be a big change for many who never did any raiding at the 60 level.


 Um...yeah...I'll believe it when I see it. If you all recall the devs specifically stated that WRATH was going to be a return to what made World of Warcraft popular in the first place. Maybe it was the fault of the veterns, but we believed that meant the game would be getting slightly harder and more rewarded. Instead it was the total opposite, gear doesn't mean anything now...sittin in full t10 here on my shaman and guess what; HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE ICC 1st WING DOWN ON 10-man; my main had down up to LK (10man) though.


Sigh, I miss the days of seeing raiders in Org / SW with thunderfury and wondering where they got it...and after finding out its pieces-parts drop in MC wanting to go there and get one for myself. Ah, the days when gearing meant something...the days of...The Rogue.


....we ain't got now li-hiii-ves

 Same here, I will believe it when I see it.  I liked vanilla wow and tbc but while wrath looked cool the aoeing wasn't fun.

I remember my first thunderfury experience,  in AV getting killed by one wondering wtf was that!

New Post Quote
10/21/10 7:23:28 PM
kb4blu writes:
Originally posted by Morninglord

I Still believe and have read many times, WoW in itself is a great game, it's the community that brings it down.


 Best description yet

New Post Quote
10/21/10 8:30:58 PM
Dalexith78 writes:

Yes running out of steam. They just announced they are up to 12 million concurent subs. So yea losing steam. I also find it hard to believe that 3 years ago the dudes nephew or whatever was running around on an 80 when WOTLK has been out for 2 years so yea your a liar. Thanks for playing.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:19:49 PM
Dalexith78 writes:

The new raid videos on mmo-champion would like a word with u.

New Post Quote
10/21/10 9:22:03 PM
Ziboo writes:

Definitely a topic to get the discussion going!

I don't agree with much of it.  The whole Worgen/Goblin will have a bunch like the DK's, and eventually they'll taper off.  Some will level, most won't. 

Barrens Chat - it has it's own specialness.  I actually find it fairly humorous.  Better than trade chat!

Age easy?  Yea.  IDK should the game be only 18-26 demographci?  WoW is played by a variety of ages.  It's not Hello Kitty and there are more R rated games for people that want just mature.  Personally I don't think WoW is appropriate for under 12, but if someone wants to play around with their kids, whatever.  I'd prefer to play 21+, but I've seen some damn immature adluts in PuGs and trade chat!

Hitting the CAP?  Well which game doesn't that happen in?  Every MMO has a max level or max enjoyment.  Why they have expansions!

I've avoided Beta and world change info as I do want to see it all as first hand as possible.




New Post Quote
10/21/10 11:01:37 PM
Ziboo writes:
Originally posted by colddog04

Is your four year old looking for a raiding guild?


We need a healer.

Love it!!!!

New Post Quote
10/21/10 11:02:11 PM
gekkothegrey writes:

Nothing in this story is correct other then the hunters roll on everything. I agree with that but its not just a hunter thing they need to have gear that is clearly for a specific class so it cuts down on fighting over gear. The rest of this story was the worst I have ever seen on mmorpg. The biggest issue I take with it was how it says wow is simple. Wow is very easy to pick up and play which is a good thing, its also easy to cap, but if your wanting end game raiding gear wow is anything but easy. In world of warcrafts raiding is not just sit still and attack the boss like most mmo's the whole raid has to work together and do things the right way or its a wipe. I am not saying wow is perfect its not, but attack it on what is bad like "the community" or "no player housing" and do not just make things up that you do not know what your talking about because anyone that says wow is a simple game I assure you does not have end game raiding gear, and if they say they do its simple they are lying.

New Post Quote
10/22/10 12:19:54 AM
metal0x writes:

I was waiting for the ogre class to be playable, but no. Looks like blizz forgot about them again for horde side.

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10/22/10 2:12:21 AM
zugurudumba writes:

I'm a WoW hater, but this article is so, so bad.

New Post Quote
10/22/10 2:35:07 AM
Klizzi writes:

I honestly read the title and thought, " hmm , this could be an interesting read, I wonder what the reasons are?" - Not even a quarter through I couldn't read it anymore, so I skimmed the remaining blue font and much to my expectation, it was equally terrible.

You sir, have managed to baffle me. It doesn't happen often, but never had I expected a "staff writer" to write up such an incomprehensibly terrible post. I could spend 15 minutes proving every one of your aforementioned "reasons", but why bother. This is obviously either a troll post or just..... I don't know. I hope you're trolling. 

New Post Quote
10/22/10 2:52:12 AM
Scot writes:

They may need to set up a new chat channel for the sort of new players Cataclysm will attract: 

/lfpsg Lf pre school grp, am heals, 4yr+
It does not matter that a 4yr old won’t be doing the raids, any MMO should require a sophistication greater than the IQ of a four year old at level 1. What sort of dumb arse do they expect their players to be?
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10/22/10 3:24:13 AM
graggok writes:

There is something to be said when the reivewer makes a post that would most likely be deleted  by forum moderators to prevent flame wars..... That being said.....Don't lick the icing off your cupcake and decided you don't want it anymore.   You picked 5 random features from the game and tried to poorly poorly bash on it.  Which tells me you put zero to no effort into your research had you actually done the research you would know....                                                          1. Goblins Are Too Cool: Seriously is that the best you can come up with?  Thats like saying I play horde so Elves suck.                                                                                                                                2. For Ages Four and Up: It may very well be that your 4 year old is playing WoW, but I would look at this as a good thing seeing thier cognitve skills being able to absord and process a flood of informations that most adults and teenagers can't comprehend.                              3.Five More Levels and then?  Nothing.  Still.  If you don't like to level a character with xp I suggest you get out your super nintendo and play some mario brothers                              4.Furry Invasion  again this complaint is similiar to the Goblin comment.  Wheres your meat and potatoes.                                                                                                                                                 5.The New Old World: Do you not like new content or just hate mmos in general                            6.Barrens Chat in Full Force Again:  But if you actually played recent you would know that you can only send TWO messages every THREE minutes in a   publicchannel.                                     7.Hunters Roll on Everything Still: Wow you just haven't played the game at all have must actually play the game to give and accurate report on a game, not just your miss-givings you have done a grave injustice to MMO players by giving them a biased opinion of someone who hasn't even play cataclysm.   You should be ashamed of yourself.  You have a responsiblity shwn you post an article to give fair and accurate information. All you did is complain about feature of the game you saw on the feature list on the wow homepage.  PLAY THE GAME!   Then by all means if you still don't like it bash it then you article will actually make sense when it makes a claim instead of just bashin on the general idea.

New Post Quote
10/22/10 4:48:14 AM
graggok writes:

wrap around ftl

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10/22/10 4:48:57 AM
drazzah writes:

I honestly dont agree with any of this, this shows no proof on how the game could suck. Just how it could suck FOR YOU.


I play a hunter and we do NOT roll on everything. We can only use Mail armor. Yes we can use leather but why would you when i if you wear all Mail you get 5% agi bonus? Plus some mail gear has INT and SPIRIT which has no use on hunters. 


This is a bad article and should of been written better

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10/22/10 5:19:56 AM
Gikku writes:
Originally posted by Wraithone

Since one of my five 80's is a hunter, I'm LONG past sick and tired of this "Huntard" nonsense.  There are thoughtless, rude and ignorant *people* in ALL classes.  Hunter is no better and no worse than any other class from my experience.   From DK's who forget to switch to frost presence while trying to tank(face palm) to 'locks and mages nuking everything in sight, before the tank has aggro(and then whining about dying... ^^).  To healers who think they are a dps class... Every class has clueless people in it.  But from what I hear, the new expansion is going to be closer to the old school style of aggro control(which made CC quite important).

As for the end game problem at 85, its likely to be the same as its always been. Blizzard doesn't want to put the effort into a system that scales with level, so they hard cap it, and rely on raiding and PvP to hold end game attention for as long as possible.

I agree with you about people in all classes. But I have to ask how long it has been since you have been in the game?

As of this last patch DK's tank spec is Blood, Hunters don't have mana,  AOE has been nerfed for all but DK's and some healers will be DPS some to help them due to changes.  Things like Spirit, Haste and now Mastery are something to take a look at. Oh and like someone said old school for now Everyone is having to relearn their class and how to be efficient again. Tanks are having to work at aggro again no more easy peesy.

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10/22/10 11:07:11 AM
MisterSr writes:

Barrens chat won't be back, the barrens is now I believe a level 30 zone. I'm guessing you can expect the old barrens chat to vanish from existence. 

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10/22/10 1:13:46 PM
CHAKALA writes:

When WoW came out it was fun. After TBC it got awful!

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10/22/10 1:18:54 PM
Crazy00Eyes writes:

First, a bit about me.  I've played WoW for 6 years on and off since 2004, started in the beta, usually quitting for a few months near the end of every expansion.  I've played all classes, with a Warlock main and I've leveled a couple alts to 80, but I prefer to focus on one character.  Here's my list of why Cataclysm will suck for me and why I won't play it:

Outdated Graphics

My largest issue, the graphics in the game are still ~2004.  Sure, they can and have added new models and textures, and now a new water mechanic (which my computer can't display even though it's rather overqualified for the job).  But the game engine can only be modified so much before you have to start over from scratch to see some major improvements.  I was never a huge fan of the cartoony models, and now I'm extremely tired of the way this game looks; especially the character models.

No New Classes

No new classes to level up, this is really lame if you've played them all.  New races might be cool if you want to level a class you haven't played before, but if you've played them all it's still going to be a borefest.  The only reason to play a new race for me would be to check out the starting zones.

Oversimplification of Class Mechanics

This started in WotLK and is really ramping up in Cata.  Talent Trees, stats, etc. all being dumbed down to easy-to-gauge formats, making class knowledge less important when making talent and gear/stat choices.  It will be more difficult to distinguish between strong and weak players at a glance.

The Old World Revisited

If you aren't leveling a new toon, this really is a lot of wasted effort on behalf of Blizzard trying to cater to newer players.  Instead they could have focused on more endgame content to keep veteran players from being bored and quitting.

Only 5 New Levels/No new talent tier

This one isn't really a big deal, since it's going to take more time to level and some talents have been changed or added to lower tiers.  However, I predict it will still be faster leveling than 70-80 since there are fewer new zones as well.



I feel WoW and MMOs in general are overdeveloped to keep a healthy subscriber pool to make money.  For example, Blizzard has never made more than one expansion for any of their other games.  In a nutshell, I don't think I can ever come back to this game.  Starcraft 2, however, really has me hooked so I will probably be playing it in the years to come, in addition to Diablo 3.

Also, I am extremely eager for the announcement of Blizzard's new MMO supposedly set in a new game world.  I was hoping to hear about it at Blizzcon this year but it seems we will have to wait yet another year before we even know what it's called.

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10/22/10 4:03:14 PM
Latella writes:

Time to resurrect my "Looking for more, no hunters or paladins" macro <3

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10/22/10 6:09:12 PM
pelerinul writes:
Originally posted by Joarnaj

I am a little surprised to see people trashing on the idea that kids are really good at wow. First off, teach a 12 year old a console video game and teach me, a 39 year old, a console video game and see who kicks who's butt. I'm betting on the 12 year old. At this point, a lot of adults are probably thinking, "yeah but the game should be mentally more complex than that." Really? Take a 12 year old who's iq = mine and teach us both a programming language - or any language for that matter. Who grasps the complexities quicker and has more success? Again - the 12 year old wins every time. Heck, even for non-computer related games the kids often have the advantage. Ever played Laser Tag with a bunch of adolescents? I used to help run adult and youth mixed leagues and the youth killed - until they inched closer to adulthood. That's when they started getting hit by the natural nerf-hammer.

We adults like to pretend that we can outsmart, outwit, and outplay kids at mmo's even though that doesn't hold true for most other non-mmo activities and certainly doesn't hold true for other activities that involve a computer and some software. I have never been naive to the fact that a large part of my mmo experience, WoW or otherwise, has been shared with youth - and that often those are the best players. For leadership and raid organization I'll take the adult but if I'm looking for unbelievable dps my money's on the 12 year old.


 I quit WOW for the same reasons mantioned in this article.. they dumbed down the game making it esy so that idiot kids can play... You can now days do instances youre lvl with 3 ppl at instance lvl when in the old days it was really hard with five. I really loved WOW but with this dual spec crap and other things it made me quit it... heck i say they make it triple spec, max lvl for every1 from the start and we can all go to sleep.. i don;t care what they come up with i am not going back unless they make it as it was.... they lost steam becose they where greedy... MMOs are not for 3 y.o. they are based to the dungeon and dragons concept and that is a game for mature ppl. Kids can play FPS and race cars they don't have the patience to spend hours going thorugh the storyline... that was Blizz fatal mistake in my opinion.. and they are losing players fast.. cose the devoted players are quiting.. most of them... and the kids will play a month or two untill they get bored if they dont get borred in the first week. I personaly expected more foresight from Blizz.


[Mod Edit]

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10/22/10 7:29:12 PM
DLangley writes:

Its all fine and well to have an opinion, be it positive or negative; but lets refrain from attacking other users or the author of the article. Thanks.

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10/22/10 7:37:29 PM
dennisfeng writes:

I personally  look forward to the Barrens Chat. Its really a good resting place  after all those grinding. I just cant get enough of those "silly topics".

However, I will miss the landscaple of the old world, it holds sooo many memeries for me. i would like Blizzard could keep the entire old world in Caven of Times, just for the old timers like me to revisit those places.

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10/22/10 8:30:16 PM
Philby writes:
Originally posted by Scot

They may need to set up a new chat channel for the sort of new players Cataclysm will attract: 

/lfpsg Lf pre school grp, am heals, 4yr+
It does not matter that a 4yr old won’t be doing the raids, any MMO should require a sophistication greater than the IQ of a four year old at level 1. What sort of dumb arse do they expect their players to be?

Maybe Blizz would hire you to be a mod?

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10/22/10 9:26:44 PM
Benzo writes:
Originally posted by Sarajiel

Really a nice read, but the list seems a bit odd since it didn't really touch the fears and worries people mentioned on several official forums already.

Cultural shock in the heroic 5-man dungeons at level 85. Going from mindless AoE-zerging to thoughtful CC, interrupts, careful pulling, mana-breaks etc. will probably alienate parts of the current "ogogog!1!!11!11one1one" playerbase.
Many of the old low-poly character models look quite dated already (e.g. humans and dwarves). Watching them in Stormwind with all the new and fancy stuff might turn many people turn away or annoy them after some time.
Bugs! The current patch 4.0.1 feels more like a paid beta than a game. I'm not talking about the unbalanced classes, but just about all those small and not so small bugs that take away the fun of playing at the moment (e.g. d/c after zoning into an instanced dungeon or dungeons aren't found at all). No matter how popular WoW is and how forgiving Blizzard's fans are in general, I really doubt they will attract many new or old players, if the game is unplayable at launch.

Ya know.. for a second there, I thought you were talking about EverQuest. They just need to impliment a "Hail" button and it'd be pretty damn close!


Oh, except for one fact that WoW's being dumbed down even further than it already is... Least in EQ, you actually had to [look and type] for the next part of a quest dialogue. *hint hint EQ players*

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10/23/10 12:42:23 AM
Benzo writes:
Originally posted by bestiacorpus

Max level boredom is caused by the player alone.  5 year hardcore raider (ex-raider, RL responsibilities took over).  Waiting in cities is not how WoW is meant to be played.

Here's a short list to make your WoW more exciting:

1.  Join/Start a competitive hardcore raiding (PvE/PvP) guild.  Top 50 world, top 5 server!  Easy game? Prove it!

2.  Alts! Don't get stuck playing 1 class.  Re-live the journey.  Learn the other classes so you don't get shat on in PvP!  Options Options Options!

3.  Crafting/Gathering.  More money, more PvE/PvP encounters, and more funny moments!  Gather-steal hahaha!

4.  Help newbs.  From low level assists to Heroic Dungeon Tanking/Healing/DPSing for freshies gearing up for the big time.  Nothing will make you feel loved like a Thank You! whisper from a new player.

5.  Explore with your land mount.  The sceneries are more exciting down there (PLUS more PvE/PvP encounters again!).  Screenshots Screenshots Screenshots!

6.  RolePlay!  Comedy gold. Nuff said.

7.  Hunt down the other factions members from lowbies to Rated Arena Masters.  Bring out the macro manual! It's time to get educated!

8.  World PvP in RP gear.  World PvP in RP settings.  Block the road!  Camp the Boats! 

9.  Auctioneer.  Control the economy. 

10.  Participate in Chat comedy.  /Ignore is for the weak.

11.  Gank until you start a war.  Hell! It's high time for the next Tarren Mill - SouthShore War!


WoW = boring?  I say, You're Doin' It Wrong!


Interesting post. However, Downfalls to these:


1. Not possible. You have to rely on other people and the odds of that happening are slim to none, and slim just left town.


2. WoW's been out for quite a while now. I'm pretty sure this 'option', as you put it, has already been attempted, regardless of what expansion you're on.


3. Sounds more like mindless grinding and being a nusiance to other players (though i'm sure a small percentage of people out there enjoy being pricks and annoy others to no end). Farming Ore is fun? Skinning leather for hours on end? How about we just cut through the farming and get to the end result.


4. This one actually makes some sense, but not a whole lot. "soandso tells you, 'run me through DM!". Yeah, powerlevel or gear up this scrub so they miss out on the opportunity to LEARN their class. Never fails that you get into a random heroic (or worse, a guildie) that, even after 80 levels, still has no F'ing clue how to do their job, dps, heal, or tank in a simple group. Happens ALL the damn time and I vote no.


5. Yay, I'm "the Explorer". I explored all of Azeroth and all I got was this crummy title and some achievement points.  I want the 3 hours of life I just wasted, doing this crap, back .


6. Roleplay? You kidding me? 80% of the people who play WoW don't even understand what that really means nor gives a shit! "Good day m'lady. How fare thee? May I escort you to Goldshire?" Ever seen the video of the fat kid in a kilt throwing rocks at a guy dressed up in a Knights of Ni costume? Uh......... yeah.......


"Nuff said". ......moving on!


7. I really don't see what macros have to do with anything here.. *boggle*


8. PvP in RP gear? LOL. "Do my eyes deceive me, Lass, or is that an Orc there? Flee! Run for your lives!" Meanwhile you were just 1 shotted from an Orc Hunter 36 yards away and now he's camping your corpse. WTG. *thumbs up* Enjoy being a ghost for an hour and a half...


9. Auctioneer? Pointless. All of the best gear in the game drops from raids so what's the point in having 214,748 Gold 36 Silver and 46 Copper? If you're going to sink that amount of time in the game to reach that cap, why not put it to better use and raid instead to benefit your character(s)? Now, I know some top tier items come from crafting, but you don't need to be an auctioneer to justify those items. Just what I want to do, sit in the AH of Stormwind or Ironforge, buying and selling garbage on an RPG. Now, if you were a gold farmer (yes, you know the people), then I could understand that. Pray you don't get banned. -_-...


10. /ignore is for the weak. Yeah, ok. Ignore is what keeps 50% of the WoW population from being banned due to the foul language crybabies that /report someone from trade chat (or raid chat) because they dont have their bad word filter on OR their kids are playing and yet they aren't smart enough to go into the options and turn this feature on. I have 5 80's over 2 accounts. Last thing I want to have is one of those accounts banned because of some punk kid mouthing off to me (because he thinks he's better dps, healer, etc...) and I have to put him in his place.... which then warrants my account being suspended/banned. /ignore is definitely needed and really comes in handy for those "Chuck Norris" and "Anal" comments everyone gets tired of reading.


11. Doesn't exist anymore on 90% of the PvE servers. This isn't vanilla WoW. Prior to x-realm battlegrounds/arena, each faction knew the other as well as their own, regardless if they spoke jibberish in /say. Now since x-realm exists, all of that has declined to non-existant. I've played since vanilla beta and am also one of the retards who achieved Grand Marshal (on my hunter of all characters =P). PvP was life back then for those who chose that path (and PvE for others). Now, its garbage. PvE outweighs PvP in almost all aspects. Survivability has turned into a DPS race. I miss the old days of 36 hour AV's and fishing naked in AB at the blacksmith.


WoW = boring. And yes, its purely a matter of opinion. 100% of us are doing it right. We're doing it just the way we want to and in the end, that's what matters.

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10/23/10 1:45:58 AM
SonikFlash writes:
Originally posted by Aison2

A reason raiding will suck:

T11 looks ugly for 70% of the classes. Rogue looks like santa after a visit in Arabian Nights

pally t11 rocks stfu :P

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10/23/10 3:27:36 AM
nefermor writes:

We are buying it but I worry .   I worry that the new old world will be a smaller version of the original.  They seem to be focusing a lot on status also and and Im afraid it will become even more of a funnel into E-Sport. 

Then there are heir loom items , they are adding more and its weird cause why are they talking like they want to make the starter gardens more user friendly for newbies and then throw the newbies in with total HL geard grinders.   Its like a huge puzzel piece forced into the totally wrong spot.   At the moment drops pre 75 are pretty much just DE fodder already because of HL gear.

Finally ... the Worgen female model.   Which is pretty much just one model with different fur, ear and hair choices.   Same eyes , same snout.  Thats right .... so far they only finished one and it looks like they might try to pawn it off as the whole set.  I dont get that ether cause 4 months ago the complete set was leaked on Youtube and they were pretty awsome minus the unfinished hair.   Oh well ...

I dont know I just keep scratching my head and asking my self what are they smoking up there?   but then agian like many people when the new games launch in the spring ...I'm gone for the last time.  




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10/23/10 5:23:59 AM
Weretigar writes:

there was no lvl 80 3 years ago /???? or lvl 70 for that matter.

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10/23/10 6:11:27 AM
Uraziel writes:
Originally posted by Kyleran
Originally posted by nedox

No matter how much people try to come up with ways that CATA will suck, it will still be a great game. If you dnt like it, quit it. it is very simply, you dont have to opose your opinion on other people who will like it.

And no matter how much people should actually read the posts/threads they respond to they still won't and we'll continue to have a few laughs.

This expansion's going to be great fun for many folks, of course there are minuses with the pluses, that's true of everything in life, and of course, some folks won't care for it at all.



[Mod Edit]

Let's focus on the core of the article yes. It's supposed to be funny, witty and clever at taking a stab at "the big one", but what the writer neglects, is the "being actually funny" part. For something to be funny, the intonation and manner of writing have to be of such a quality that the reader can identify himself with the situation and "feel" the joke. All jokes on the expense of WoW have been made, they've been made half a decade ago and they're still being made. Making fun of aspects of the game that are not Cataclysm related and quite frankly written so badly, that they wouldn't even be funny 6 years ago, makes this article a piece of toiletpaper. That is, if you'd actually print this stuff.

I too feel that WoW should've had a less fixed "end-game" level. In Ragnarok (the original) you could be lvl ~84 and join the big guys, while you could still level up to 99 (and later with a remort function/advanced class from 1-99 and 1-99), to improve your abilities. Fact of the matter is, WoW doesn't and it hasn't for the last 5+ years. So please, stop trying to be funny and be funny (tip: be original..)

And I'm sorry, starting with a disclaimer to let everyone know that this is actually FUNNY HAH HAH HAH HAH, doesn't mean that the audience is going to laugh, without someone holding up a sign "laugh now". Very American to be polite enough to laugh, but let's face it, badly written, not funny when supposed to, old facts and fiction...Hunter joke got old people..

No, my hunter is not my main.

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10/23/10 11:04:23 AM
jpaqjr writes:

you all remember first intalling world of warcraft, and actually NOT knowing what is around every corner....wanting to explore because you DIDNT know what was out there. not knowing every single quesline and zone was fun. If cataclysms new old world can bring that feeling, which im not sure if it can, it will be worth playing.

also, it seems to me people in wow arnet even interested in having fun anymore. they just sit in cities like they are lobies and wait for their invite to the guild raid. people just come, do their weekly raid, daily quests and dungeons if they want. i remember sitting in neutral zones with a few friends waiting for a chance for some open world pvp. now its icc icc icc, gearscore gearscore gearscore. people dont do things just cuz anymore. its taking the fun aspect out of the game.

all in all. if blizzard can break the terrible habbits of thier players than wow would be 10x better. but recently they have failed to do this. i know that some will disagree with me but thats what i think

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10/23/10 8:52:05 PM
just1opinion writes:

Even though I know the OP was "tongue in cheek," there is ONE point that I disagree with:


Hunters will no longer roll on everything....FINALLY. Why, you ask? Because before....there really was NO stat a hunter didn't get SOME amount of benefit from. NOW, however, hunters no longer use INT (or spirit...spirit does nothing for a hunter at all, and neither does int now)....and INT cannot be reforged. SO....that should at least stop them from rolling on druid resto and healer gear (yes, some huntards wear leather) and on the mail gear that is better suited to shamans.


It will also keep them away from WEAPONS with INT on them.  And hunters used to be greedy mofos with weapons....ANY weapons.

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10/23/10 9:00:19 PM
stayontarget writes:

Cataclysm in a nutshell for me is like an old lady going to the hospital for a cortisone shot.  Yea it might releave the acks & pains for a little while but you know their going to come back in 3 weeks.

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10/23/10 9:04:44 PM
Kbob writes:

Just another guy that cant handle the fact that WoW is still the best thing on the market.

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10/24/10 3:28:06 AM
Scot writes:

I would defiantly like to be a Mod in WoW. I would start of by having character creation ask you this question.

What is your Intelligence Quotient:
a) 01 – 09
b) 10+
If you answer ‘a’ the game tells you are too young to play.
If you answer ‘b’ you have are 4+ years of age and can play.
We have players here who are so attached to their MMO that they see no negative side to anything new the MMO brings in. This is made more absurd when changes, such as dumbing down are occuring across the MMO genre. But that won't happen in WoW...right.
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10/24/10 4:24:22 AM
Loke666 writes:

That happened last time too but those players quit again after 2 months play. The real question is if Wow can get them to continue this time.

I am not so sure, I think most of those will level up to max and then play a bit of the revamped areas and then quit again after 3-4 months. But it all depends why they quit.

But I don't think Wow will regain the number of western subs it once got no matter how many good expansions they releases, the game is getting older and Blizzard have moved Kaplan and many of the other good people to the next MMO instead. In Chine it can grow a lot, many people say that 2 out of 3 Wow players live in China but even if it is a lot less the potential is huge. I think Wow can easily get 20 million player there.

I don't think any haters will get either happy or sad about the future of Wow, it will continue like it have the last 3 years in the west until the game is about 10 years old when the plunge comes. But Blizzard should be having their next MMO out by then so the Blizz fans will still play one of their games.

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10/24/10 4:35:01 AM
dadante writes:

when gw 2 comes out  wow population gonna decrease alot  same whit aion  and  cause  wow is more  old maybe come the time taht the game will be free  = whit aion  thos old  same  mmo mechanism gonna get bored    and im not saying this cause ihate wow or aion  no tho i play both games icanttalk whitouth experiment  games  and diferent kind of mmo  but basically  almost all is the same thing as for GW2 thing gonna chance and   is  what iwas loking for a game even gw 1  impresed me whit his originality even tho they have the tank and healer class  , btw  now is time for a new mmo generation  and thats what gw 2 gonna bring   , lets say is game of the year alredy  dont matter the year (2010-211) it gonna be a big  game


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10/24/10 5:37:17 AM
taylor2144 writes:

Im going to be straight out... an this is my opinion so obviously everyones different BUT.. to me, those Reasons are terrible.

-Of course everyones going the new races, who wants to roll soemthing you have been able to do for So many years

-I think however that some people will actually just lvl a New Race/Class combo  i.e. Human hunter.... which bliz have done to attempt reduced Worgen/goblins

-FINALLY alliance get a scary looking character (now im horde/alli so dont go all "horde ftw" bulshit on me.... Its a fucking game)

-I have seen a lot of cataclysm info and let me tell you, whilst they have changed LOTS, blizz are trying to keep old school parts of the game in there

-No longer will we get only continous quests of "Kill 20 boars", now "pick up 10 hides".... there will be variety and entertainment

-Last thing.... Wow hasnt been for a long time... and will NEVER be vanilla.... so i know its hard too, but we should let go, cause vanilla is gone and a new Era of total AWESOMNESS is on the way!

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10/24/10 7:38:03 AM
starchildx64 writes:

Fun article, I like your points of view :)

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10/24/10 8:38:57 AM
Ozmodan writes:

There are some good reasons the Cataclysm version is going to be less of a game.

1. They eliminated weapon skills, one of the few good points in the game imo, it now just automatically skills up with level.

2. The talent redesign is extreme oversimplification.   Basically you can't freelance your character design, you choose your build and have little choice over what skills you have.  Bad decision in my view, especially with many new games approaching.

3. Still many of the older instances have not been redesigned to fit into the current game.  

The game was too simple as it was, now it is even more ridiculously simple.  They are going to have some very bored players when SWTOR, GW2, TERA, Rift, etc come out.  Not a good thing for Blizzard.

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10/24/10 11:26:44 AM
Uzleb writes:

Typo in the title.  It should be

Seven Reasons Cataclysm WILL Suck.


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10/24/10 12:16:45 PM
swing848 writes:

Do you mean they did away with requirements external to what was supplied with WoW?  A few examples follow, I know there were more available:

WoWus [Update Finder]
Titan Panel, to include:
Auctioneer Suite
And, don't forget

Now, I know that being in a good guild even a dork can run around pretending to do something.  However, if a person needs to do something solo, he or she needed a lot of help figuring out a lot of things.  Not everyone was willing to turn every rock for 100 years in an effort to finish a string of quests for the first time solo.

So, again, I take it that WoW comes with all the above mentioned add-ons and helps, and more because I did not list everything available, and in a manner that a 4 year old can easily navigate. 

Is that so?


And, will there be a relatively small map where 1,000+ farmers can get ALL high level materials easily?  Fast item pops included?  After all, there are lots of people on the servers and they have to compete with each other AND the bot farmers.

New Post Quote
10/24/10 12:32:33 PM
Effus writes:
Originally posted by Philby

Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3
Originally posted by Philby
Originally posted by Garvon3

Saying "Oh no, WoW is so easy a 4 year old can do it" is a bit late don't you think? WoW has been the simplest MMO on the market since its launch. This is no different. And complaining about increasing the level cap? Its the laziest expansion tactic in the book, and its the only one WoW can ever come up with, nothing new here. These are reasons why WoW has always sucked and will continue to suck. They don't know how to do proper game design. They just snatch other company ideas and improve and execute them flawlessly  as they come. 

Fixed it for ya.

Right, because WoW's battleground's are better than Dark Age of Camelot battlegrounds right? Their crafting system is the best on the market? Housing, unparreleled! RvR? Best in the business. PvE content? Oh man, those huge 100 man raids that WoW has, so much better than Vanguard or Camelot or EverQuest! Oh wait... WoW only half asses said ideas and adds it to their "collection"? Raids in WoW are pretty small and linear. It's crafting is nothing special. It's PvP is terrible. It has no housing. Class customization is almost non existant. What exactly did it execute flawlessly? Quest grinding? 

The entire game is executed flawlessly. That is the reason for its success and why 12 million people disagree with your emotional statement that WOW sucks.

 It's funny how you guys only ever have numbers as a defense. You know Beiber is the nations best selling musician right now? Guess his music is the greatest out there. 

The reason WoW is successful is this a) its insanely simple b) it has the largest marketing budget in MMO history, and c) its aimed at people who don't play MMOs. 

Almost all of its features were done better by another game first. If WoW was executed flawlessly, its raids wouldn't be an elitist club of gear grinding. It wouldn't need instances because population would be spread out properly. It wouldn't need PvE and PvP gear if it was balanced correctly. It wouldn't have such a bad reputation if it was perfect. 

[Mod Edit]

Which came first the marketing budget or the success?  How much of the "simple" endgame content have you completed? And please, stop with the "my 10 year old game is better" crap. If it were true it those ancient  games would be carving up the 12 million players that WOW has. Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins?  The haters really need some new material becuase 6 years of repetition only shows desperation to make a point that is impossible to make.


Hahaha, Blizzard invented all those races? Go climb back under rock and read something about "Warhammer".


WoW was supposed to World of Warhammer but since Games Workshop didnt give em the license they just stole all of their lore...

New Post Quote
10/24/10 3:02:19 PM
colddog04 writes:
Originally posted by Effus
Originally posted by Philby

Which came first the marketing budget or the success?  How much of the "simple" endgame content have you completed? And please, stop with the "my 10 year old game is better" crap. If it were true it those ancient  games would be carving up the 12 million players that WOW has. Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins?  The haters really need some new material becuase 6 years of repetition only shows desperation to make a point that is impossible to make.


Hahaha, Blizzard invented all those races? Go climb back under rock and read something about "Warhammer".


WoW was supposed to World of Warhammer but since Games Workshop didnt give em the license they just stole all of their lore...

Tolkien didn't invent those races, but he did popularize them. Dwarves, goblins, orc etc likely come from various mythologies and stories. Tolkien threw his own version together and we now have some base standard for what all these races are. They even seem to follow similar cultural norms throughout most fantasy. So many people are biting off Tolkien. Warhammer used many of their ideas from Tolkien. DnD used a lot of Tolkien's ideas before that. WoW also used Tolkien ideas. Almost everyone that does typical high fantasy is robbing from one dude that rules them all.

New Post Quote
10/24/10 3:09:05 PM
Ozmodan writes:

"Hahaha, Blizzard invented all those races? Go climb back under rock and read something about "Warhammer".

WoW was supposed to World of Warhammer but since Games Workshop didnt give em the license they just stole all of their lore...

Warhammer fanboys really crack me up, Games-Workshop never invented anything, they borrowed from many.  Just because Wow's MMO is so successful and the Mythic travesty is such a laughing stock, they have to announce their ignorance.

New Post Quote
10/24/10 3:28:07 PM
bdew writes:

In next episode: 7 reasons why DOES suck.

New Post Quote
10/24/10 5:54:29 PM
VirusDancer writes:
Originally posted by Ozmodan

"Hahaha, Blizzard invented all those races? Go climb back under rock and read something about "Warhammer".

WoW was supposed to World of Warhammer but since Games Workshop didnt give em the license they just stole all of their lore...

Warhammer fanboys really crack me up, Games-Workshop never invented anything, they borrowed from many.  Just because Wow's MMO is so successful and the Mythic travesty is such a laughing stock, they have to announce their ignorance.

The success of WoW and failure of WAR does not change that Blizzard was originally working on a RTS based on Warhammer - but they did not get the license.  Though it is incorrect to state that Blizzard went with the Lore from Warhammer, they pretty much did rip off the general concepts.  This is shown with Starcraft as well.

It is a fine line, that they may have been able to scoot by on the letter of the law - but the spirit of it is quite clear.

New Post Quote
10/24/10 6:00:58 PM
Ramboness writes:

Everyone is mad.

New Post Quote
10/24/10 9:15:17 PM
Loke666 writes:
Originally posted by Philby

Who invented, elves, dwaves and goblins? 

Ooh, good question:

Elves & Dwarfs: Norse mythology.

Goblins: Celtic mythology.

Orcs: Tolkien

Worgens: Palladium RPG (called Wolfens there, looking exactly the same but somewhat founder of Roman stuff there).

I can go on for a long while if you mentioning the races you wonder about.

But the one Blizzard and everyone else is copying right now is mostly Ed Greenwoods "Forgotten realms" and some stuff from Tolkien.

Few MMO companies uses their own races, Arenanet does to mention one even if they had dwarfs and Centaurs (Greek mythology) in the first GW.

Wow have very little unique content if anything at all but it is very well coded, that is the real reason it is so popular. Most MMO companies have average or bad programmers, Blizzard, ANET and Bioware actually have competent people for coding.

New Post Quote
10/24/10 9:29:08 PM
Scot writes:

Tolkien practically ‘invented’ Orcs, Elves, Goblins, Hobbits, Dwarves, Trolls and Ents. So that walking tree you find in nearly every fantasy MMO is his too. They are quite distinct from the legends he got his inspiration from. His Elves are taller and more human; his Dwarves are less magical and so on. His Dragons are perhaps the creature most similar to pre existing myths and legends. Wolf races have existed in many novels, RPG’s and MMO’s. 

Lore wise you would find it hard to find anything original in WoW. But that was part of its game design genius, stick with what you know works well. Many now say the Wow format is over copied and has become boring, but at the time this template of tried and trusted races with easy mode game play and a few cherries like the skill trees was very fresh.
From the point of view of lore consistancy WoW does a good job, until you get to the Worgen race. Think about it, what the Alliance stands for and so on, sheer nonsense to bring them in as an Alliance race. I am sure they have cooked up some half baked reason for it though. If anything says to you marketing before lore then it is the wolf race. Someone decided a wolf race would be cool and everything in lore that screamed against it was put to one side.
New Post Quote
10/25/10 3:12:00 AM
crunk001 writes:

few words: this site is very sceptical with many things like new developments, talking about class changes and so on which i really like and is kinda unique here. but who on earth wrote this article? i'm not a Wow-Fanboy (random excuse that random people dont get me wrong) nor a Wow-hater - but this text was too superficial and stereotyped for me to earn my full attention.

New Post Quote
10/25/10 4:34:01 AM
Arnstrong writes:

It is proven numurous times in all kinds of studies that the average age of WOW players is around 28 years.

28.3 years to be exact.

There is also the Nielson study that proved in 2009 Wow was the cored game played by women between the age of 25-54.

In the United States alone over ... 400.000 women played Wow on line in 2009.

The above data makes the original article (4 year olds) and the above poster look ... silly.


One wonders what drives some to insult people that play WOW constantly.


New Post Quote
10/25/10 5:02:42 AM
MMartian writes:
Originally posted by Ozmodan

Actually while the leveling process has been simplified, the raiding process is heading back to the more complex.  Current raid strategy is to pull everything and aoe like mad.  Cataclysm is going to change that back to the days when you had to use crowd control.  Going to be a big change for many who never did any raiding at the 60 level.


Actually I would say that the leveling process in the old world is requireing less time wasting running around. A experienced player, or a player that picked up an efficient leveling guild worked through the quests in a way that reduced needless running around. Blizzard has just listened to the players and are taking advantage of this reworking of the old world to implement this.

I know I will love the changes to Raiding. I had the most fun Raiding at level 60. The AoE everything to get to the boss fight was fun the first couple of times that the tank and healer were geared enough to do that, but after that it became dull.

As with any expansion or new game ther is a chance for a major failure. Blizzard has enough experience and flexability in their product to correct any serious problems in a timely manner.

New Post Quote
10/25/10 2:49:41 PM
Draekx writes:
Originally posted by Kbob

Just another guy that cant handle the fact that WoW is still the best thing on the market.


Just another guy who can't handle the fact that WoW is not, and never was, the best thing on the market..

New Post Quote
10/25/10 7:13:22 PM
wardog250 writes:

I agree with a lot of the posters on here.  WoW itself is a very fun game to play; but, the community is horrible!  There has been many threads on the forums about whether Blizzard should moderate their open world chat channels to filter out a lot of the trash talk that goes on; but, that wouldn't only eliminate part of the problem; which is the large number of pricks that fill the servers all day and night looking for an oppertunity to grief a victim of their personal issues.

New Post Quote
10/27/10 1:17:04 AM
FreddyNoNose writes:
Originally posted by Scot

Tolkien practically ‘invented’ Orcs, Elves, Goblins, Hobbits, Dwarves, Trolls and Ents. So that walking tree you find in nearly every fantasy MMO is his too. They are quite distinct from the legends he got his inspiration from. His Elves are taller and more human; his Dwarves are less magical and so on. His Dragons are perhaps the creature most similar to pre existing myths and legends. Wolf races have existed in many novels, RPG’s and MMO’s. 

Lore wise you would find it hard to find anything original in WoW. But that was part of its game design genius, stick with what you know works well. Many now say the Wow format is over copied and has become boring, but at the time this template of tried and trusted races with easy mode game play and a few cherries like the skill trees was very fresh.
From the point of view of lore consistancy WoW does a good job, until you get to the Worgen race. Think about it, what the Alliance stands for and so on, sheer nonsense to bring them in as an Alliance race. I am sure they have cooked up some half baked reason for it though. If anything says to you marketing before lore then it is the wolf race. Someone decided a wolf race would be cool and everything in lore that screamed against it was put to one side.

 JRRT gets too much credit and has "borrowed" from many sources:

Taken from:

Richard Wagner and J. R. R. Tolkien
J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings appears to borrow some elements from Der Ring des Nibelungen; however, Tolkien himself denied that he had been inspired by Wagner's work, saying that "Both rings were round, and there the resemblance ceases."[21] Some similarities arise because Tolkien and Wagner both drew upon the same source material for inspiration, including the Völsungasaga and the Poetic Edda. However, several researchers posit that both authors draw upon many of the same sources but Tolkien was indebted to some of the original developments, insights and artistic uses made of those in Wagner, such as that the ring gives its owner mastery of the world, the ring's inherently evil nature, its consequent corrupting influence upon the minds and wills of its possessors, and the necessity for its destruction so that the world can be redeemed[22][23] Tolkien's Ring seem to merge the features of two magical items of Wagner's Ring: Alberich's Ring, that make its owner ruler of the world, and the Tarnhelm, a magical helm that makes who bears it invisible or capable of shapeshifting (the shapeshifting is not present in Tolkien's novel). Both the Rings are cursed and want/will go back to their first owner. Note that it was Wotan who stole Alberich's Ring, who is the grand-father of Siegfried, as it was Isildur who stole Sauron's Ring, who is Aragorn's forefather. There is also a resemblance between Siegfried and Aragorn: they are both orphans (their fathers died fighting an enemy) and they both possess a broken sword that they re-forge (Siegfried's Nothung and Aragorn's Andúril, the first being the sword of Siegfried's father Siegmund and the latter being the sword of Aragorn's ancestor Elendil. Futhermore, they both fall in love with an immortal relative that then becomes mortal: Siegfried falls in love with Brünnhilde (who's become mortal because she disobeyed her father Wotan's orders), his grand-aunt being daughter of Wotan and Erda and being Siegfried the grandson of Wotan and a mortal woman, and Aragorn falls in love with his cousin Arwen (who refuses immortality in order to be bound forever with him), being Aragorn a descendant of Elros, the twin brother of Arwen's father Elrond. Moreover, the father of the heores' beloved ones does not allow them to marry their daughters at the beginning (Siegfried must fight Wotan and Aragorn must become King of Gondor and of all the other mortal men). Both Aragorn and Siegfried seem to have/have an affair with another woman (Éowyn, Gurtrune). Bilbo finds the Ring while heading to the Lonely Mountain (where lives the dragon Smaug), Siegfried takes the Ring (as well as the Tarnhelm) from the hoard of the dragon Fafner. Both Wagner and Tolkien's dragon watch a hoard they stole from the Dwarves: Fafner watches Alberich's gold, while Smaug watches the treasure of Thrór. Gandalf resembles the figure of the Wanderer (Wotan disguised), who wears a grey cloak and great hat and uses his spear as a staff. The Eye of Sauron could be a reference to Wotan's missing eye (which he lost in order to obtain all the world's knowledge (that could be something like Sauron's all-seeing)).


New Post Quote
10/27/10 1:26:58 AM
Loke666 writes:
Originally posted by FreddyNoNose

 JRRT gets too much credit and has "borrowed" from many sources:

Taken from:

Richard Wagner and J. R. R. Tolkien
J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings appears to borrow some elements from Der Ring des Nibelungen; however, Tolkien himself denied that he had been inspired by Wagner's work, saying that "Both rings were round, and there the resemblance ceases."[21] Some similarities arise because Tolkien and Wagner both drew upon the same source material for inspiration, including the Völsungasaga and the Poetic Edda. However, several researchers posit that both authors draw upon many of the same sources but Tolkien was indebted to some of the original developments, insights and artistic uses made of those in Wagner, such as that the ring gives its owner mastery of the world, the ring's inherently evil nature, its consequent corrupting influence upon the minds and wills of its possessors, and the necessity for its destruction so that the world can be redeemed[22][23] Tolkien's Ring seem to merge the features of two magical items of Wagner's Ring: Alberich's Ring, that make its owner ruler of the world, and the Tarnhelm, a magical helm that makes who bears it invisible or capable of shapeshifting (the shapeshifting is not present in Tolkien's novel). Both the Rings are cursed and want/will go back to their first owner. Note that it was Wotan who stole Alberich's Ring, who is the grand-father of Siegfried, as it was Isildur who stole Sauron's Ring, who is Aragorn's forefather. There is also a resemblance between Siegfried and Aragorn: they are both orphans (their fathers died fighting an enemy) and they both possess a broken sword that they re-forge (Siegfried's Nothung and Aragorn's Andúril, the first being the sword of Siegfried's father Siegmund and the latter being the sword of Aragorn's ancestor Elendil. Futhermore, they both fall in love with an immortal relative that then becomes mortal: Siegfried falls in love with Brünnhilde (who's become mortal because she disobeyed her father Wotan's orders), his grand-aunt being daughter of Wotan and Erda and being Siegfried the grandson of Wotan and a mortal woman, and Aragorn falls in love with his cousin Arwen (who refuses immortality in order to be bound forever with him), being Aragorn a descendant of Elros, the twin brother of Arwen's father Elrond. Moreover, the father of the heores' beloved ones does not allow them to marry their daughters at the beginning (Siegfried must fight Wotan and Aragorn must become King of Gondor and of all the other mortal men). Both Aragorn and Siegfried seem to have/have an affair with another woman (Éowyn, Gurtrune). Bilbo finds the Ring while heading to the Lonely Mountain (where lives the dragon Smaug), Siegfried takes the Ring (as well as the Tarnhelm) from the hoard of the dragon Fafner. Both Wagner and Tolkien's dragon watch a hoard they stole from the Dwarves: Fafner watches Alberich's gold, while Smaug watches the treasure of Thrór. Gandalf resembles the figure of the Wanderer (Wotan disguised), who wears a grey cloak and great hat and uses his spear as a staff. The Eye of Sauron could be a reference to Wotan's missing eye (which he lost in order to obtain all the world's knowledge (that could be something like Sauron's all-seeing)).


Tolkien was an expert of Norse mythology. Der Ring des Nibelungen is based on that too (or at least Germanical mythology that is coming from the same source). Siegfrid is based on Sigurd from the Poetic Edda that is at least from the 13th century but most likely older, probably from pagan times in Iceland.

Names like Gandalfir and the name of all the dwarfs in the 'hobbit are name of Dwarven kings in Norse Mythology. Most of the other things like Elves are also from there.

He did however invent the orcs and some other stuff.

Tolkien used old Mythology as base for his book, it has been done both before and after. Howard used Irish mythology to create Conan together with some stuff from Greece, Egypt and other sources. Conan in fact was possibly based on a real person, the "Book of conquests" mentions a hero with that name that killed a Fomori named "Balor the evil eye".

I think it is kinda sad that MMOs are bad to go back to the roots and just copy Forgotten realms instead that is kinda a mix between Tolkien, Howard and Leitner. 

Oh, yes. Is the enter key broken on your keyboard BTW? You write well but it is still really hard to read what you write.

New Post Quote
10/27/10 1:46:28 AM
FreddyNoNose writes:
Originally posted by Loke666
Originally posted by FreddyNoNose

 JRRT gets too much credit and has "borrowed" from many sources:

Taken from:

Richard Wagner and J. R. R. Tolkien
J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings appears to borrow some elements from Der Ring des Nibelungen; however, Tolkien himself denied that he had been inspired by Wagner's work, saying that "Both rings were round, and there the resemblance ceases."[21] Some similarities arise because Tolkien and Wagner both drew upon the same source material for inspiration, including the Völsungasaga and the Poetic Edda. However, several researchers posit that both authors draw upon many of the same sources but Tolkien was indebted to some of the original developments, insights and artistic uses made of those in Wagner, such as that the ring gives its owner mastery of the world, the ring's inherently evil nature, its consequent corrupting influence upon the minds and wills of its possessors, and the necessity for its destruction so that the world can be redeemed[22][23] Tolkien's Ring seem to merge the features of two magical items of Wagner's Ring: Alberich's Ring, that make its owner ruler of the world, and the Tarnhelm, a magical helm that makes who bears it invisible or capable of shapeshifting (the shapeshifting is not present in Tolkien's novel). Both the Rings are cursed and want/will go back to their first owner. Note that it was Wotan who stole Alberich's Ring, who is the grand-father of Siegfried, as it was Isildur who stole Sauron's Ring, who is Aragorn's forefather. There is also a resemblance between Siegfried and Aragorn: they are both orphans (their fathers died fighting an enemy) and they both possess a broken sword that they re-forge (Siegfried's Nothung and Aragorn's Andúril, the first being the sword of Siegfried's father Siegmund and the latter being the sword of Aragorn's ancestor Elendil. Futhermore, they both fall in love with an immortal relative that then becomes mortal: Siegfried falls in love with Brünnhilde (who's become mortal because she disobeyed her father Wotan's orders), his grand-aunt being daughter of Wotan and Erda and being Siegfried the grandson of Wotan and a mortal woman, and Aragorn falls in love with his cousin Arwen (who refuses immortality in order to be bound forever with him), being Aragorn a descendant of Elros, the twin brother of Arwen's father Elrond. Moreover, the father of the heores' beloved ones does not allow them to marry their daughters at the beginning (Siegfried must fight Wotan and Aragorn must become King of Gondor and of all the other mortal men). Both Aragorn and Siegfried seem to have/have an affair with another woman (Éowyn, Gurtrune). Bilbo finds the Ring while heading to the Lonely Mountain (where lives the dragon Smaug), Siegfried takes the Ring (as well as the Tarnhelm) from the hoard of the dragon Fafner. Both Wagner and Tolkien's dragon watch a hoard they stole from the Dwarves: Fafner watches Alberich's gold, while Smaug watches the treasure of Thrór. Gandalf resembles the figure of the Wanderer (Wotan disguised), who wears a grey cloak and great hat and uses his spear as a staff. The Eye of Sauron could be a reference to Wotan's missing eye (which he lost in order to obtain all the world's knowledge (that could be something like Sauron's all-seeing)).


Tolkien was an expert of Norse mythology. Der Ring des Nibelungen is based on that too (or at least Germanical mythology that is coming from the same source). Siegfrid is based on Sigurd from the Poetic Edda that is at least from the 13th century but most likely older, probably from pagan times in Iceland.

Names like Gandalfir and the name of all the dwarfs in the 'hobbit are name of Dwarven kings in Norse Mythology. Most of the other things like Elves are also from there.

He did however invent the orcs and some other stuff.

Tolkien used old Mythology as base for his book, it has been done both before and after. Howard used Irish mythology to create Conan together with some stuff from Greece, Egypt and other sources. Conan in fact was possibly based on a real person, the "Book of conquests" mentions a hero with that name that killed a Fomori named "Balor the evil eye".

I think it is kinda sad that MMOs are bad to go back to the roots and just copy Forgotten realms instead that is kinda a mix between Tolkien, Howard and Leitner. 

Oh, yes. Is the enter key broken on your keyboard BTW? You write well but it is still really hard to read what you write.

 Context:  The person I was replying too was giving JRRT too much credit for things he didn't do.  That is all.

New Post Quote
10/27/10 1:54:20 AM
erikk3189 writes:

WoW has been made into a game for pre-schoolers. Terribly watered down. There's no challenge as the game has been simplified to extremes. From A to Z they've changed everything, even spells tell youy when to click them. Everything has been diluted, And this is without mentioning the large amounts of glitches and bugs running rampant in this game.

New Post Quote
10/27/10 9:09:03 PM
ChudzUK writes:

Its still alot more challenging that other MMOs lol however it also fits n00bies just fine :P 90% of other MMOs out there fit n00bies but not proz.

New Post Quote
10/28/10 1:31:07 AM
lath456 writes:

It's a giant Skinner box, based around raids.  That's all this game is.  That's all this game will ever be.  And that's why it's so successful.  The people who quit are the ones who figure this out, and don't like being a pigeon.

I'm still waiting for a company to come along and make a game where people in small groups (less than 6) can compete with larger raids of 25 & 40.   Of course, such a game would require balance among classes, which WoW will NEVER have.  Blizzard has their favorite classes, always have, always will.

/yawn @ Cataclysm.

New Post Quote
10/28/10 10:51:13 AM
sdeleon515 writes:
Originally posted by Arnstrong

It is proven numurous times in all kinds of studies that the average age of WOW players is around 28 years.

28.3 years to be exact.

There is also the Nielson study that proved in 2009 Wow was the cored game played by women between the age of 25-54.

In the United States alone over ... 400.000 women played Wow on line in 2009.

The above data makes the original article (4 year olds) and the above poster look ... silly.


One wonders what drives some to insult people that play WOW constantly.


Because I am bored and will supply you the following answers:

1) Players may in fact be older than the age of 4, their maturity level may however give the impression they are 4.

1a) As slightly related to above, the player may in fact be 4 though given how easy the game is; so lets not discriminate here..

2) WoW is a good game, but it isn't the "one end, to end all, to be all" when it comes to mmo's. So once WoW-fanboys accept its a good game but not the best, others will actually stop taking cheap pot shots at it. 

3) When ppl coronate WoW the "best game" what did it bring to the table other than the big subscriber base? Best graphics..oh wait nope... New Ideas? Oh wait not that either. A change in how the UI and gameplay mechanics go....wait then never did that. Most older MMO vets who have whored themselves to tons of mmo's do get annoyed when I hear someone say "omg WoW made all of these things before anyone!" when in fact they didn't. I played WoW, I stopped it. 

At the end of the day, its about WoW being a good and popular game. Apple is popular, I just believe its over-hyped as well. I think Eve-online is the best mmo in content, storyline, being an open world and PvPvE engagement and interaction as well as general gameplay; you just can't be a mindless moron and expect to succeed in Eve. In every other mmo I've played, you can just get good stuff by being the #1 a@@ kisser with the least ability in the game or you can be a "chic" and every guys just worships the ground you walk on and gives it to you. And try to prove me wrong that this sh*t doesn't happen at all in any mmo. 

So am I allowed to take sh*ts at WoW? Yes, because I more often than not do not hear legit or factual claims to why ppl say its the "best". Its the most subscribed to mmo w/out a doubt. But as they've said before, more ppl eat McDonalds than at any food-joint in the world so I guess that means it outclasses a steak from any halfway decent restaraunt then huh? 

New Post Quote
10/28/10 12:35:46 PM
Gikku writes:
Originally posted by Scot

Tolkien practically ‘invented’ Orcs, Elves, Goblins, Hobbits, Dwarves, Trolls and Ents. So that walking tree you find in nearly every fantasy MMO is his too. They are quite distinct from the legends he got his inspiration from. His Elves are taller and more human; his Dwarves are less magical and so on. His Dragons are perhaps the creature most similar to pre existing myths and legends. Wolf races have existed in many novels, RPG’s and MMO’s. 

Lore wise you would find it hard to find anything original in WoW. But that was part of its game design genius, stick with what you know works well. Many now say the Wow format is over copied and has become boring, but at the time this template of tried and trusted races with easy mode game play and a few cherries like the skill trees was very fresh.
From the point of view of lore consistancy WoW does a good job, until you get to the Worgen race. Think about it, what the Alliance stands for and so on, sheer nonsense to bring them in as an Alliance race. I am sure they have cooked up some half baked reason for it though. If anything says to you marketing before lore then it is the wolf race. Someone decided a wolf race would be cool and everything in lore that screamed against it was put to one side.

Good point on the Lore. I agree and yes it is humans bitten and become the Worgen. Age old Vampire tales? The Alliance is supposed to stand for good and pure while the Worgen is an evil creature controlling those evil intincts and fighting on the Alliance side to destroy evil. hmm

New Post Quote
10/28/10 5:56:16 PM
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World of Warcraft players looking ahead to next month's release of the Cataclysm expansion will... Read More
World of Warcraft : Blizzcon 2010 - Friday Edition Reported on Oct 29, 2010
The team was on hand for last weekend's Blizzcon 2010 at the Anaheim Convention... Read More
World of Warcraft : Cataclysm Digital Preorders Reported on Oct 28, 2010
Blizzard has announced that it is now accepting digital preorders for the World of Warcraft... Read More
World of Warcraft : Blizzcon 2010 - Thursday Edition Reported on Oct 28, 2010
The team was on hand for last weekend's Blizzcon 2010 at the Anaheim Convention... Read More
World of Warcraft : Deathwing is Coming....For You Reported on Oct 27, 2010
In an official post on the World of Warcraft forums, players are warned that Deathwing... Read More
