Beyond Blue

Video: The Highly Sensitive Person

Tuesday November 9, 2010

Categories: Video Posts

If you have ever wondered why you don't fare well in noisy places, why it takes you so much longer to adjust to change, or why your feelings are so much more intense than your friends, you will appreciate this video. I explain what it means to be a highly sensitive person, as defined by Elaine Aron in her bestselling "The Highly Sensitive Person."

I don't want to spoil the surprise, so I won't say anything more before you watch the video.

To view my YouTube video, click here.

November 10, 2010 7:37 AM

Does anyone one else find SUN 12 hours or more a day(mid summer) sensitive? I find I am anxious like I have to be doing something-it is the opposite of winter when I feel like hibernating and fight the depression; the summer turn the clock, longer daylight makes me HYPER ANXIOUS...just curious!

November 10, 2010 9:40 AM

This definitely describes my experience. I often struggle with irritability and this illuminates why. My irritation with other people often makes me feel like a bad person, but this makes me feel a little better. Thanks!

November 10, 2010 12:06 PM

There have been countless times where I have wished I could throw my
arms around you and thank you for saving my life. Both through your book and your blogs. You have such a gift and so much courage. I am
so excited to learn of this book on the highly senstive person. For so many years I have been known as a drama queen and 'so sensitve'.
I now understand that this is due in part to some characteristics of
BPD. I don't feel quite as much shame for being different. So today
I am hoping to look at being highly sensitive as a blessing from God.
Thank you, Thank you Thank you. I pray that you and your family will be continually blessed.

November 10, 2010 12:14 PM

Is being highly sensitive a sign of psychiatric illness, or, does it stand alone ? I am bipolar and very sensitive to certain stimuli. I can't sleep with ANY noise taking place around me. In fact, I take what will be lifetime meds, in order to sleep. No light coming into my bedroom. I don't get do people sleep in busy airport terminals? On the other hand, I enjoy the energy given off by crowded sidewalks and people jammed into mass transit. I love NYC and Tokyo. This would seem a contradiction to what I previously stated. Oh, right...I'm bipolar.

So, back to my original question. How is it determined that one is simply highly-sensitive apart from any psychiatric diagnosis and the symptoms associated with it (as with bipolar disorder)?

November 10, 2010 4:15 PM

Great video. When I'm anxious my sensitivity vector expands quite a bit. We just lost Daylight Savings and 4 days in I feel a huge anxiety swell over things I could normally cope with. I have to talk them out and deal with them with the gloves on. That was genius.
Now that it is fall/winter I have to use a new strategy to stay sane. I am literally a different person with the change of the seasons. I do feel my bipolar and it is not great. Fight for clarity and peace.

Your articles help so much. Cyber hugs to you and may you fight the good fight as well.

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